10 Most Smartest Dog Breeds In The World

Pet Yolo

Dog intelligence isn’t just about tricks; it encompasses instinct, trainability, and problem-solving. From herding livestock to detecting bombs, certain breeds stand out for their exceptional cognitive abilities. Discover the top 10 smartest dog breeds, renowned for their quick learning, remarkable adaptability, and unwavering dedication to their human companions. Prepare to be amazed by their intelligence and the extraordinary things they can achieve with proper training and guidance.

Are you curious about which dog breeds stand out for their exceptional intelligence? Some dogs are not only loving companions but also possess remarkable problem-solving abilities, quick learning skills, and an eagerness to please. These traits make them highly trainable and capable of performing complex tasks.

Whether you’re looking for a loyal family pet, a working dog, or simply an impressive companion, understanding which breeds are the smartest can help you choose the perfect furry friend. Read on to discover the smartest dog breeds and what makes them so special!

Measuring Canine Intelligence 01

Smartest Dog Breeds

1. German Shepherd Dog

dog intelligence list

When it comes to loyalty, few intelligent dog breeds can match a German Shepherd. These intelligent dogs are known for their devotion and protective nature, making them superb therapy dogs. Their intelligence is not to be underestimated – out of 138 breeds, German Shepherds rank in the top three in intelligence tests.

Their natural activeness and ability to think before they act make them ideal for police and military work, including serving as police dogs in search and rescue missions to sniffing out drugs.

To keep them happy and stimulated, they need a mix of mental and physical exercises such as agility training, swimming, and tug-of-war.

2. Papillon

dogs ranked by intelligence

Don’t let their small size fool you. Papillons may be tiny, but they are mighty in intelligence and spirit. These happy, alert, and outgoing dogs have been around for over 700 years, captivating people with their unique butterfly-like ears and playful personalities.

Some key characteristics of Papillons include intelligence, playfulness, eagerness to please, agility, and obedience. Their intelligence and happy personality make them excellent at learning and performing tricks. Their love for their handlers and eagerness to perform tasks make them excel in agility and obedience competitions.

Small in size but big in brains, the Papillon proves that intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes.

3. Shetland Sheepdog

smartest dogs in the world

Hailing from the Shetland Islands of Scotland, the Shetland Sheepdog, or Sheltie, is known for its agility, energy, and keen intelligence. Shelties are small, active, and agile herding dogs, perfect for agility and energetic activities.

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Despite their small stature, Shelties are known for their intellect and even temperament. Shelties are quick learners who easily grasp and execute new commands, making them excel in structured training programs that provide consistent guidance and rewards. This intelligence and responsiveness make Shelties popular in dog sports such as agility, obedience, herding, and rallies.

In addition to their intelligence, Shelties have a deeply ingrained herding instinct, so much so that they may even attempt to herd family members. Their loyalty, gentleness, and affectionate nature make them beloved family pets. However, Shelties can become bored if they don’t have enough mental stimulation, so it’s important to keep them engaged.

4. Rottweiler

dog breed intelligence ranking

The Rottweiler, a breed known for its strength and obedience, has a history dating back to the Roman Empire. Rottweilers are highly regarded for their intelligence, trainability, and eagerness to please, which makes them excellent candidates for roles such as assistance and service dogs, including in police K9 units and search and rescue teams.

Traits of the Smartest Dogs

Their ability to learn quickly and their loyalty makes them not only effective working dogs but also loving and confident guardians at home. Originally bred as working dogs for farmers and butchers, Rottweilers have a strong instinct to guard and protect, which is why they are naturally protective and often wary of strangers. However, they are also deeply affectionate with their family members.

To ensure Rottweilers reach their full potential, they require firm leadership and early socialization. Additionally, regular mental stimulation is crucial to keep them from becoming bored, which can lead to destructive or anxious behavior.

5. Golden Retriever

intelligent dog breeds

Golden Retrievers are unarguably one of the most beloved breeds in the world. Their easy trainability and emotional intelligence are just two of the many reasons why this breed is a favorite among families.

Originally bred as hunting dogs, Golden Retrievers are now often seen as assistance dogs, excelling in tasks that require their keen sense of smell.

Aside from their intelligence, Golden Retrievers are known for their loving and calm temperament. Their empathetic nature allows them to bond with their human family easily, making them not just pets but valued family members.

Their versatile skill set doesn’t stop there. Golden Retrievers also excel in search-and-rescue operations. Their trainability and keen senses make them invaluable in missions to rescue people in need.

From family companions to life-saving heroes, Golden Retrievers truly are loving and intelligent companions.

6. Australian Cattle Dog

smartest dog breeds ranked

The Australian Cattle Dog is a breed that’s as sturdy as it is smart. These smart dogs were bred for a specific purpose – to herd cattle in the harsh conditions of Australia. Their intelligence and high energy make them excel in agility competitions and herding tasks.

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Australian Cattle Dogs (ACDs) are independent and energetic dogs with active minds that require plenty of exercise, companionship, and mental stimulation. Their sharp intelligence and problem-solving abilities mean they can easily outsmart their owners if not properly engaged.

To keep their minds active and prevent boredom, it’s important to challenge ACDs with puzzles, games, and tasks that keep them mentally and physically occupied. Regular activity and a sense of purpose are key to maintaining their well-being and preventing behavioral issues.

7. Doberman Pinscher

whats the smartest dog breed

The Doberman Pinscher, a breed that exudes strength and fearlessness, was created by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann in the late 19th century for companionship and protection. Known for their intelligence, loyalty, and powerful physique, Dobermans are not just formidable in appearance but also in intelligence.

Their natural inclination to guard makes them excellent protectors, always ready to put their lives on the line for their loved ones. Training a Doberman Pinscher to be more focused and attentive involves positive reinforcement, consistent commands, and a well-behaved mentor.

From their origins as guard dogs to their current roles in police work and family life, Dobermans have shown that they are not just focused and fearless but also loyal and intelligent.

8. Poodle

smartest dog breed

Poodles are not just about the flashy fur and the extravagant haircuts. This breed is one of the smartest dogs out there, known for problem-solving, fast learning, and loyalty.

Originating from Germany, Poodles were bred for hunting waterfowl, which explains their affinity for water and their excellent swimming abilities.

But their intelligence isn’t just used for fetching ducks. Poodles are also popular in cross-breeding programs. Their hypoallergenic low-shedding coat, good looks, and gentle nature make them a favorite among breeders and allergy sufferers alike.

Poodles have certainly proven that they’re more than just a pretty face!

9. Border Collie

smartest dogs by breed

In the canine world, Border Collies are the ultimate brainiacs. This breed tops the charts when it comes to intelligence, agility, and a knack for herding anything that moves. Their training begins early, and within weeks, they can handle simple tasks.

But what really sets them apart is their natural herding instincts. Their quick learning ability, combined with agility and obedience, make them a force to reckon with in the herding arena. From sheep to children, nothing escapes the watchful eye of a Border Collie.

But a word of caution: these smart dogs aren’t for everyone. Their high energy and intelligence mean they require plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Without it, they can become bored and develop destructive behaviors.

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So, if you’re considering adding a Border Collie to your family, be prepared for plenty of playtime, ongoing obedience training, and maybe even a few herding games in your backyard!

10. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

dog breeds by intelligence

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are known for their intelligence, making them easy to train and quick to learn new skills. Ranked as one of the smartest breeds in Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs, Corgis excel in activities like agility, obedience, tracking, and herding. Their strong desire to please their owners makes them highly responsive to positive reinforcement during training.

However, their intelligence can also lead to stubbornness. With consistent training, though, Corgis can learn a variety of commands and tricks. They benefit greatly from mental stimulation through activities like puzzle toys, hide and seek, indoor fetch, and frisbee.

Corgis are also protective, playful, affectionate, and loyal, making them great companions for families who can invest time in proper training and bonding. However, they may display herding behaviors such as chasing, nipping, or barking, which can be challenging to manage in a home environment.


Understanding dog intelligence is more than just recognizing the smartest dog breeds; it’s about appreciating how each breed’s unique abilities can be harnessed and nurtured. Labrador Retriever dogs, though not on this list, are known for their remarkable problem-solving skills and adaptability, making them one of the most intelligent dog breeds. Whether they are assisting in search and rescue missions or providing emotional support, their intelligence shines through in their ability to learn quickly and respond to training.

As we explore the depths of dog intelligence, it’s important to remember that a smart dog is not just one that can perform tricks or follow commands but also one that thrives when given the mental stimulation and challenges they need. Working with a certified dog behavior consultant can help ensure that your dog’s intelligence is fully realized, fostering a relationship that is both rewarding and enriching. By understanding and nurturing the natural intelligence of these breeds, we can help them reach their full potential as loyal companions and skilled working dogs.

While “smartest” is subjective and depends on the type of intelligence measured, exploring the top 10 breeds offers fascinating insights into canine cognition. Breeds like Border Collies excel in herding and obedience, while Poodles demonstrate impressive trainability and problem-solving skills. Ultimately, intelligence manifests differently across breeds, showcasing the remarkable diversity within the canine world. Regardless of ranking, every dog possesses unique strengths and the capacity for deep companionship, making “smart” a relative term in the face of unconditional love.

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