13 Best Dog Breeds For Hot Weather

Beat the heat with the perfect pup! Scorching summers can be tough on our canine companions, but some breeds are built to thrive in warmer climates. From short-coated sunbathers to efficient desert dwellers, discover the 13 best dog breeds that handle high temperatures with ease. Whether you’re looking for a playful pal for beach days or a laid-back lounger for poolside relaxation, this list will help you find the ideal heat-tolerant hound to share your sunny adventures.

It’s amazing how dogs adapt to extreme temperatures, whether it’s cold weather or hot weather. When it comes to living in warmer climates, many have traits that allow them to build up heat tolerance so they can handle hot weather. 

Dogs built for warmer weather tend to have certain characteristics, including a short, smooth coat, and some of the dog breeds well suited for warm weather have no fur at all.

Another trait these pups have is a longer snout, which processes the warm air so it cools before they fully breathe it in. Dogs with larger ears that stand erect are also better suited to warm climates and tend to cool down faster. 

Best Dog Breeds for Hot Weather

If you live in the tropics or in states where hot weather is a given most of the year, you’ll want to explore these breeds. 

1. Airedale Terrier

best dogs for hot weather

WEIGHT 50 to 70 pounds
LIFE SPAN 11 to 14 years
GROUP Terrier

If you’ve never seen an Airedale Terrier, you’re in for a real treat. These pups are excellent family dogs that will stand tall (seriously, they’re the biggest of the terriers) when their home is under threat.

However, with their families, and that includes children, these pups are docile and patient. They’re also extremely confident and intelligent, which makes them easy to train. But be prepared — these pups like to move … a lot.

The Airedale Terrier’s wiry, thin coat makes it easy for the breed to tolerate hot weather. Without an undercoat, it can cool off easily in hot temperatures. Even better, the Airedale Terrier is not much of a shedder, so you can put away the vacuum.

2. Ibizan Hound

dog breeds for hot weather

HEIGHT 22″ to 28″
WEIGHT 45 to 50 pounds
LIFE SPAN 12 to 14 years

The Ibizan Hound, one of the hound dog breeds, is a cutie pie of a dog that almost looks like its legs would be too much for it. Yet, it’s stunningly athletic and graceful. Many believe they descended from Egypt’s Pharaoh Hound, and the breed, thousands of years old, hails from close to Spain in the Balearic islands. 

These pups are sighthounds, which means they often have a high prey drive, so they’re not ideal in households with smaller animals. They’re also very energetic dogs with a lean and athletic build that require regular exercise and mental stimulation. 

The Ibizan Hound has a short coat that can be either wiry or smooth, and it is very thin, meaning the hound can cool down easily due to better heat dissipation, making it suitable for hot weather. They shed a moderate amount.

3. Chihuahua

hot weather dogs

HEIGHT 6″ to 9″
WEIGHT 2 to 6 pounds
LIFE SPAN 12 to 20 years

Chihuahuas are one of the most popular dogs in the United States. They originated in Mexico‘s desert areas, so they’re well-suited to handle hot weather. Chihuahuas are often compared to cats, not because of their size, but because they have similar personalities — sweet, with a stubborn streak.

Make no mistake, though, they bond with their families. 

Chihuahuas aren’t typically high energy, though they are known to get a random case of the zoomies. A daily walk or two and playing inside are enough to quash its energy levels.

When it comes to their coats, they can have short or long fur, but it’s a thin coat. The shedding factor of a Chihuahua is low, which is one of the many reasons people love them. Check out the different types of Chihuahuas!

SEE ALSO:  9 Smartest Dog Breeds With Shortest Lifespan

4. Greyhound

dogs that do well in heat

HEIGHT 27″ to 30″
WEIGHT 60 to 80 pounds
LIFE SPAN 10 to 13 years

Touted as the racing king of the canine world and definitely the fastest, the Greyhound has a thin coat and lean body structure that contributes to its aerodynamics and heat dissipation. It also makes the Greyhound suited for hot weather, where it can easily cool itself down. 

Despite its stature in racing world, the Greyhound doesn’t necessarily need a lot of exercise, they’re actually kind of lazy at home. Greyhounds also don’t shed a ton or require extensive grooming, which makes them easy to care for.

Greyhounds are extremely personable dogs who love their people. If you own a Greyhound, you can reasonably expect that it will be affectionate and gentle. 

5. Yorkshire Terrier

good outdoor dogs

HEIGHT 8″ to 9″
WEIGHT 5 to 7 pounds
LIFE SPAN 13 to 16 years

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the cutest toy breeds. They’re very dainty and elegant looking, with long fur. But don’t let that fool you into thinking they’re more comfortable in cooler rather than hot climates. A Yorkie’s fur is fine, which means it doesn’t trap heat very well. 

Yorkies are very playful pups that have very large personalities, as most small dogs do. They do require quite a bit of grooming to keep their fur from tangling, but they don’t shed a lot, which will ease your house cleaning burden.

They are small, so you should take care of them around small children, though they are affectionate dogs and will love every member of the family. Get to know more about the different types of Yorkies.

6. Labrador Retriever

heat and dogs

HEIGHT 21.5″ to 24.5″
WEIGHT 55 to 80 pounds
LIFE SPAN 11 to 13 years
GROUP Sporting

Labrador Retrievers are my favorite breed, hands down. They have stunning personalities, they’re easy to care for, and they acclimate well to any climate, with the ability to handle hot weather. In a word, the Labrador Retriever is very adaptable. 

Labs are extremely playful dogs and have high energy needs, though it’s not uncommon to get one or two in a bunch that is lazy and loves to lounge.

Unlike some of the others on this list, Labs shed. A lot. Especially twice a year when they’re changing coats and are insistent on turning your hardwood or tiled floors into carpet. In hot climates, you may see it even more.

7. Xoloitzcuintli

desert dog breed

HEIGHT Toy – 10″ to 14″Miniature – 14″ to 18″Standard – 18″ to 23″
WEIGHT Toy – 10 to 15 poundsMiniature – 15 to 30 pounds Standard – 30 to 55 pounds
LIFE SPAN 14 to 17 years
GROUP Non-Sporting

If you want to see a rare pup, just check out the Xoloitzcuintli dog, or the Xolo for short. There are two varieties: hairless and coated. Both are well-equipped to handle hot climates and tend to thrive in warm weather.

The coated variety has short fur, so it won’t overheat in warm temperatures as long as it has some degree of shade when outside for extended periods of time. 

This Mexican hairless dog is a very smart dog that is also high energy, so it needs lots of mental stimulation and exercise. The lack of hair, or the presence of very little hair, means that it doesn’t have much in the way of grooming needs.

To that effect, this dog breed doesn’t shed either — win-win!

8. Italian Greyhound

desert dog breeds

HEIGHT 13″ to 15″
WEIGHT 7 to 14 pounds
LIFE SPAN 14 to 15 years

While it’s easy to think the Italian Greyhound is just a miniature Greyhound, and you’d be right, though it is a separate breed with a similar body structure. It has short fur and a lean build that makes it more suitable for warm weather climates.

The Italian Greyhound is also high energy; be wary that they can zip off on a chase at the sight of prey. 

Italian Greyhounds are moderate shedders despite their thin, short coats, so you can expect to sweep your floors daily. In terms of personality, they are little darlings who love to be with their people — and they’re small enough to take with you everywhere you go!

9. Chinese Crested

best dog breeds for hot weather

HEIGHT 11″ to 13″
WEIGHT 8 to 12 pounds
LIFE SPAN 13 to 18 years
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The Chinese Crested is another one of the hairless dog breeds that comes in hairless and coated varieties, which means they need warm weather to keep from freezing.

However, while they’re built to handle hot weather, they need protection in the form of sunscreen to keep them from burning and to safeguard against harmful UV rays. 

Chinese Crested dogs have a moderate energy level and need regular walks or playtime to wear them out. They are also very smart dogs who need mental stimulation.

They’re affectionate pups who are great with children and other dogs, and because they have little fur, which is great for warm temperatures, they don’t shed much.

10. Afghan Hound

dog that is hot

HEIGHT 25″ to 27″
WEIGHT 50 to 60 pounds
LIFE SPAN 12 to 14 years

One look at the Afghan Hound, and you can tell this dog is regal. However, despite its long, flowing fur that certainly earns it a top spot in dog magazines, they are actually built to handle hot climates.

That makes sense since they hail from Afghanistan, a country known for its extreme temperatures.

That long coat adds elegance, but it also ensures you’ll be spending a good deal of time brushing their fur to avoid tangles and mats. The good news is it doesn’t shed much, which is great for hot weather. 

Afghan Hounds love their families and are energetic dogs that need quite a bit of exercise, and you’ll want to throw some mental stimulation in there, too. Otherwise, they can become bored and destructive. 

11. German Shorthaired Pointer

dogs in hot weather

HEIGHT 21″ to 25″
WEIGHT 45 to 70 pounds
LIFE SPAN 10 to 12 years
GROUP Sporting

If you’re looking for a playful sort of sporting dog, you’ll find it in the German Shorthaired Pointer. This pup has short fur and no undercoat, so it cools off rather quickly — and if it’s extremely warm, it’ll handle hot climates by taking a dip in the pool or a nearby lake. It’s a very energetic dog with lots of exercise and mental stimulation needs. 

The German Shorthaired Pointer is an amazing family and pack dog. It’s excellent with children, even small ones, and other dogs. It’s very playful and won’t necessarily be the best guard dog because it regards everyone as a friend, but it does have a protective nature.

This pup is also a moderate shedder, so keep that vacuum handy, but that’s about all the grooming you’ll need to do. 

12. Dachshund

warm weather dogs

HEIGHT 8″ to 9″
WEIGHT 16 to 32 pounds
LIFE SPAN 12 to 16 years

The Dachshund, aka the wiener dog, is one of the cutest little guys to run around. And what’s even better is that their personalities are just as charming as they are. Both the long- and short-haired varieties love to be warm, which makes them ideal for warmer temperatures. 

These little guys are vivacious and love to romp around and make their owners laugh. They are very affectionate, loyal dogs who will gladly cuddle up with you.

They get along well with other dogs and children, too, as long as they are taught how to handle smaller dogs. Dachshunds are low to moderate shedders and have moderate energy needs. 

13. Australian Cattle Dog

best dogs for warm weather

HEIGHT 17″ to 20″
WEIGHT 35 to 50 pounds
LIFE SPAN 13 to 15 years
GROUP Herding

If you have a farm or a big backyard, an Australian cattle Dog might be the one for you. These pups are high-energy, though, so be warned. They’re working dogs that need a job, or they will become very destructive.

Australian Cattle Dogs come from Australia, which is known for its hot days, and are used to being outside in all climates, so they can handle warmer temperatures and even excessive hot weather. Consider agility training if you don’t have a working farm or ranch. 

Australian Cattle Dogs are moderate shedders, but regular brushing can help with this. They are good family pets after they’ve been exercised and get along very well with other animals. As natural herders, though, they may try to herd you, your children, or even other dogs.

Tips to Keep Your Dogs Safe in Hot Weather 

Keeping your dogs safe in hot weather should be paramount. They are animals and accustomed to being outdoors, but they are not infallible, and prolonged exposure can lead to serious health issues and even death. 

SEE ALSO:  7 Small Dog Breeds With Short Hair For Easy Care

Exercise and Activity

Some dogs are high energy and want to run around even when it feels like hades outside. During these days, it’s a good idea to keep them inside as much as possible. If they are outside, try to limit activity and make sure there’s plenty of water within reach. 

Health Concerns in Hot Weather

There are multiple health concerns and heat-related issues you should watch for when your dog is outside, even if it’s well-acclimated to warm climates.

Heatstroke, for example, can affect any dog, and it can be fatal. Symptoms to look out for include changes in your dog’s behavior, such as drooling, lethargy, and excessive panting. 

Overheating in hot weather is also a real concern, so make sure there’s always a patch of shade available and that they always have access to water. 

Also, make sure you don’t keep them out too long on daily walks on hot days, as the hot pavement can burn their paw pads.

Creating Comfortable Environments

With all outside dog breeds, you should always have their comfort in mind. This means ensuring they have a shaded area to rest, providing them with well-ventilated spaces — in other words, not a structure that doesn’t air out and only traps heat — and leaving cooling pads outside.

There are also cooling vests dogs can wear to help regulate their body temperatures when temperatures rise. 

Traveling in Hot Weather

Traveling sometimes can’t be avoided, and there’s nothing wrong with taking your pup with you on a trip in extreme temperatures. Just be prepared and try to use a vehicle with air conditioning or roll windows down to avoid exposing them to extreme heat, but make sure you have plenty of fresh water on hand. 

If you are traveling by plane, especially to somewhere with tropical temperatures, make sure you use a proper carrier and choose a direct flight when possible to limit jostling and movement between planes.

Additionally, have your vet check your furry friend over before allowing them to fly.

Breeds to Avoid if You Live in Hot Weather

If you live in an area where hot weather is in abundance, there are some breeds you’ll definitely want to avoid. Those with thick fur tend to be acclimated to cold climates, for example, the Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute, which have excess fur that minimizes the dog’s ability to cool off. These both thrive in cold temperatures.


What Dog Can Withstand the Most Heat?

Any of the dogs on this list will fare well in warm weather, though some may do better. Greyhounds, for example, have long snouts that allow them to process the air and cool it off before it reaches their bodies, allowing them to handle hot weather more easily.

What Dog Breeds Can’t Handle the Heat?

When it comes to dogs that can’t handle the heat, brachycephalic dogs immediately come to mind.

These pups with smushed-in faces have a hard time breathing as it is, and hot weather will only exacerbate those symptoms. They will typically show this with excessive panting.

What Is the Best Guard Dog Breed for a Hot Climate?

The best guard dog breed for a hot climate is one that has short fur, typically without an undercoat, or one that sheds it in the summertime or in warmer climates. 


When it comes to dogs that can tolerate heat and prefer hot days over cold weather, you want to choose from one of the best outdoor breeds because they will already have the traits necessary to thrive.

As always, make sure the breed aligns with your lifestyle to ensure the best fit in your household!

Ultimately, choosing the best dog breed for a hot climate involves considering more than just their coat. While short-haired or hairless breeds are often preferred, factors like muzzle length, body mass, and overall health play crucial roles. Breeds with brachycephalic (short-nosed) features struggle more in heat, while leaner, more active dogs generally adapt better. Regardless of breed, providing ample shade, water, and avoiding strenuous activity during peak heat is vital for keeping any canine companion safe and comfortable in warm weather. Research and responsible ownership are key to a happy and healthy dog in any climate.

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