25 Most Excruciating Bites and Stings You Should Fear

Pet Yolo

When you think about pain, we think about hurting ourselves. Whether it’s by falling or doing something crazy, even bumping our leg into the side of a table or stepping on LEGOs. However, you do not know true pain until you’ve been bitten or stung by an animal. The most painful animal bites and stings are considered so horrible to deal with, the initial bite or sting has killed people.

That’s right, the pain was so severe for some that it led to those people dying from shock. Keep in mind that most of these animals that sting or bite humans rarely do so. Some, such as the Honey Bee, die off as a result of it. Therefore, the last thing these animals rarely want to bite or sting a human. The only reason they do so is out of survival. However, the severity they hurt humans will differ somewhat depending on the person or animal discussed.

Of course, a lot of these bites and stings hurt so bad due to the toxins within them. The toxins in many animals will not kill humans with one bite while some could. It truly all depends on the animal we’re discussing. What makes them so painful though? For many, it’s due to the protein peptides. For bees and wasps, their stinger has to pierce our skin which can already hurt. Yet it leaves behind a venom with an acidic compound known as melittin, which affects pain receptors. Many wasps leave behind acetylcholine, another chemical that affects our pain receptors. In our article, we will be discussing the Pain Index score, which goes from 0 to 4, based on the Schmitt Pain Index. Now, we’ll go over what animals have the most painful bites and stings in the world today. Let’s get started!

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetRed fire ant in the garden. Photo Credit: Sarawuth Wannasathit/Shutterstock

25. Fire Ant

  • Pain Index: 1.2

Fire Ants can actually kill people but it is rare. The reasoning has to do with the amount that attacks a person at one time. This tends to be due to an allergic reaction, causing anaphylactic shock. However, it can do damage to anyone as the sting from a Fire Ant is notably painful. They currently found mainly in subtropical southeastern USA states including Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and parts of North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and California.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetRed ants are looking for food on green branches. Photo Credit: Witsawat.S/Shutterstock

They rank 1.2 on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, but if you are stung by numerous at the same time or one after the other…this number could feel much worse. We just advise you never intentionally get stung by one, then you won’t have to ever concern yourself with one of the most painful stings on the planet today.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetBrown Recluse Spider, a venomous spider in dry winter grass. Photo Credit: Sari O’Neal/Shutterstock

24. Brown Recluse

  • Pain Index: 2.0

It is said that the Brown Recluse can bite without people noticing at times. In fact, it could be a small prick or you won’t feel it at all. However, after just a bit of time, you will see major signs it left behind. The Brown Recluse has a venom that is a very significant hemotoxin. Due to the size of the spider, it won’t always deliver a deadly dose but it most certainly can do so. Presently, the known range of the brown recluse spider habitat extends from Nebraska to Ohio and across the south from Texas to Florida. It is native to the United States, unlike other pest spiders such as the brown widow or yellow sac spider.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetCloseup image of a Brown Recluse, a venomous spider. Photo Credit: Sari O’Neal/Shutterstock

The reason it turns so deadly, so soon for people is that they simply do not know they were bitten until the horrific pain begins soon after. While a known hemotoxin, the venom is also necrotic. Everyone gets it differently, so not every bite will leave necrosis. All this being said, the delayed pain is still very significant. It’s not when the bite happens but the pain we’re judging.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetA Bald-faced Hornet is resting on a green leaf. Photo Credit: Paul Reeves Photography/Shutterstock

23. Bald-Faced Hornet

  • Pain Index: 2.0

Hornet stings are known to be painful, so it should not surprise you at all to see one or more listed. However, the Bald-Faced Hornet holds a special place on the pain index scale. You can find them all over North America, meaning no climate is truly free of them. However, they tend to have a higher population count the further South you get. The bald-faced hornet lives in North America, including Canada, the Rocky Mountains, the western coast of the United States, and most of the eastern United States. It is most common in the southeastern United States.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetA closeup of a bald-faced hornet on the flower Dolichovespula maculata. Photo Credit: Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock

They are known for being great for population control as they hunt and kill other insects. Yet due to this predatory nature, they can be quite paranoid and defensive of their territory. As a result of their territorial ways, they do not mind going after humans and stinging the crap out of them. They do not tend to kill many people with one sting but the pain is incredibly intense.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetCloseup view of a Yellow Jacket. Photo Credit: Hway Kiong Lim/Shutterstock

22. Yellow Jacket

  • Pain Index: 2.0

If you have ever come across a Yellow Jacket, and many of us have, you know how aggressive they can get. As a result, they’re known for not only stinging you once but multiple times. Unlike bees that can only really sting once, the Yellow Jacket can sting several times in a row without an issue. In fact, they often travel in groups. Yellow jackets are found worldwide. They’re very common in North America, especially in southeastern states. Yellow jackets are generalist species, meaning they happily build nests in numerous environments. They’re incredibly adaptable, living in rural, suburban and urban settings.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetClose-up of a live Yellow Jacket Wasp. Photo Credit: Kletr/Shutterstock

Therefore, you may be stung several times by several different YJs at a time. Their colonies often reach the thousands, with some even going up to or over 100,000 at a time. Imagine all of them being ticked off at a time, so it’s not a wonder that they have killed in the past. The venom they give with each sting is not exactly hard to take for a human. Yet numerous stings can cause anaphylactic shock. One or a few will hurt quite a bit regardless, so you want to avoid them at all costs.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetAustralian duck-billed platypus in rainforest creek. Photo Credit: worldswildlifewonders/Shutterstock

21. Platypus

  • Pain Index: 2.2

It might be surprising for many, to see the lovable Platypus show up on this list. However, it is actually well-known for having one of the most vicious and painful stings on the planet. The reason for this is that Male Platypus actually has venom in their hind legs, making it essentially capable of stinging people. Technically, they sting with the spurs on their feet. The platypus is a remarkable mammal found only in Australia.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetPlatypus swimming in the river. Photo Credit: Lukas_Vejrik/Shutterstock

While they are one of the few mammals to produce venom, the good part is that the venom is not considered toxic for humans. Unless allergic or stung a ton, it is unlikely a human will die from a Platypus sting. However, it is still insanely painful with swelling happening rapidly and lasting anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetA giant Bornean carpenter bee. Photo Credit: WD_Apus/Shutterstock

20. Giant Bornean Carpenter Bee

  • Pain Index: 2.5

The Giant Bornean Carpenter Bee is known for its horrific sting, which seems to be aided by its extra-long stinger. That’s what landed it on our list of the most painful bites and stings. What makes this specific bee compelling is that there are several Carpenter Bees but only Southeast Asia and especially Borneo have the giant among them. As its name suggests, this bee inhabits forests in warm tropical climates and constructs nests by burrowing them into the wood.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetGiant Bornean Carpenter Bee feed on pollen and nectar. Photo Credit: aDam Wildlife/Shutterstock

Males cannot sting you, only the females. It is unlikely they will do so unless they feel threatened, similar to other bees. However, due to the largeness of the stinger and the speed at which they stings, it is said to be incredibly painful. They usually do not kill humans unless they are allergic somehow.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetLizard Gila Monster. Photo Credit: Vaclav Sebek/Shutterstock

19. Gila Monster

  • Pain Index: 2.5

Gila Monsters are known for having a very strong bite, people often do not know that their bite comes with venom. This is what helps them rank on our list of the most painful bites and stings. Not only do they bite viciously, they typically hold on for several seconds to minutes. This allows their venom, a neurotoxin, to set into their prey. The Gila monster lives primarily in Arizona and Mexico, the extreme southeastern corner of California, the southern tip of Nevada, and the southwestern corners of Utah and New Mexico. Its name comes from the Gila River, where the lizards are common

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetGila monster Heloderma suspectum venomous lizard with Tongue Extended. Photo Credit: JayPierstorff/Shutterstock

Since they deliver it to their victim via their salivary glands, it pays to hold on for as long as possible. This makes the prey unable to move after a bit, due to the neurotoxin causing paralysis. Since it is a mild form, it is typically not going to kill a human. However, the pain from the venom and bite itself is said to be excruciating.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetPalestine yellow scorpion or Deathstalker. Photo Credit: Protasov AN/Shutterstock

18. Deathstalker Scorpion

  • Pain Index: 2.7

If you’ve ever seen or played the Mortal Kombat video games/movies, you’ll know that the character of “Scorpion” was influenced by the Deathstalker Scorpion. From the color to death the character causes can be found in Northeastern Africa and the Middle East. Their wide range goes from Algeria and Niger, to Sudan, to Somalia in Africa. And in the Middle East they range from Turkey, to Iran, to Oman and Yemen. They are relatively poisonous too, as they carry around 6 neurotoxins.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetScorpion deathstalker from the Negev desert took a defensive stance. Photo Credit: McGraw/Shutterstock

Their venom is not typically lethal to an adult human, but since there is still a low lethality in their poison…it is best to avoid being stung by one. They are one of the most venomous scorpions in the world for a reason. Yet it’s the pain they cause that gives them notoriety. This is why they landed on our list of the most painful bites and stings. A sting from the Deathstalker is enough to cause pain for days, with some having permanent nerve damage.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetAsian giant hornet. Photo Credit: AyhanTuranMenekay/Shutterstock

17. Asian Giant Hornet

  • Pain Index: 2.8

Also known as the Yak Killer, the Asian Giant Hornet is native mostly to Japan and other Asian territories. But it is found in temperate and tropical East Asia, South Asia, Mainland Southeast Asia, and parts of the Russian Far East. This is the absolute biggest hornet on the planet today. It is capable of stinging multiple times in a row too, which is problematic. It carries a neurotoxin and mandaratoxin with each sting.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetCloseup of Asian giant hornet. Photo Credit: TRR/Shutterstock

The stinger is also 4.5 millimeters longer than that of a honey bee, so it’s like being impaled by a thick needle. Yet the severe pain comes from the cytolytic peptide in the venom, which causes a stimulation of phospholipase action. Essentially, this makes you feel like your cells are burning from the inside at the spot of the sting. This will cause horrific pain that can last for days, combined with severe swelling. Hospitalization and death have happened in humans stung too.

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The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetThe extremely venomous Peruvian Giant Yellow-leg or Amazonian Giant Centipede. Photo Credit: Ryan M. Bolton/Shutterstock

16. Amazonian Giant Centipede

  • Pain Index: 3.0

The Amazonian Giant Centipede lives up to its name, as it’s able to reach up to 12 inches in length. Due to its size, it preys on numerous other insects and even small amphibians, mammals, and reptiles. They have even been seen catching bats out of midair. It is able to do this most likely due to the venom it packs. Amazonian giant centipedes are predominantly found in the tropical and subtropical rainforests of western and northern South America. They also inhabit areas of the Caribbean, including Jamaica, the U.S. Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, St. Martin, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, and Seychelles, Puerto Rico.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetAmazonian giant centipede Scolopendra gigantea in terrarium. Photo Credit: skifbook/Shutterstock

After biting into their prey, they release venom into the open wound. This works well on smaller prey because they can overpower them and the venom also slowly kills. Humans, due to our size, won’t typically die from their bite. However, it is known for being incredibly painful. It can also cause various reactions such as swelling, necrosis, and much more at the spot of the “bite.”

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetArizona Bark Scorpion in UV-light. Photo Credit: Charles T. Peden/Shutterstock

15. Arizona Bark Scorpion

  • Pain Index: 3.0

Called the Arizona Bark Scorpion due to where it can be found the most, this scorpion is known for its intense sting. This helped it land on our list of the most painful bites and stings. It is the most venomous scorpion in North America, making it incredibly dangerous. However, the pain that comes with the sting is considered absolutely horrific. The bark scorpion occurs from southern Californiathrough southern Arizona into western New Mexico; and in adjacent Mexico (Baja California, Sonora, and Chihuahua).

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetArizona bark scorpion, glowing under ultraviolet light. Photo Credit: IrinaK/Shutterstock

Pain can last anywhere between 24 to 72 hours. On top of this, the area of the sting will not function well as the venom is a form of neurotoxin. This could cause involuntary convulsions, while the venom works its way out of your system. Though deaths are rare among humans, they have been able to kill the elderly and children. Extreme reactions look similar to seizures, so misdiagnosis has led to some deaths in others.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetStonefish in the Sand. Photo Credit: Matt9122/Shutterstock

14. Stonefish

  • Pain Index: 3.0

Stonefish are not only poisonous, but they are also the most venomous fish species known to man. They have needle-like dorsal fins where their venom is released as they impale other creatures. The venom is comprised of a few different yet effective neurotoxins. Usually, they do not go after humans at all. It is typically humans that accidentally step on them and essentially sting themselves. They are found throughout shallow coastal waters of the northern half of Australia.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetThe Stonefishes, whose members are venomous, dangerous and even fatal to humans. Photo Credit: DiveSpin.Com/Shutterstock

Stonefish can also last out of water for up to 24 hours, so they can be seen on rocks or small structures near the water. This makes it easy to miss. Yet once the sting is done, it is incredibly painful. This is why it landed on our list of the most painful bites and stings. Ultimately, it could last for days especially if the venom is not effectively getting out of your body. It is recommended you seek medical help immediately if you are ever stung by one.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetBlue Spotted Stingray Photo Credit: Krzysztof Odziomek/Shutterstock

13. Stingray

  • Pain Index: 3.2

Stingrays do not often sting humans. They usually only ever attack if we make them feel threatened, honestly. However, people have died from their stings in the past. The most notable was the “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin, who was stung by a Stingray in the chest. Since their barbs are made to effectively enter many sea creatures, it makes sense that they could pierce ours. Stingrays are common in coastal tropical and subtropical marine waters throughout the world. Some species, such as Dasyatis thetidis, are found in warmer temperate oceans, and others, such as Plesiobatis daviesi, are found in the deep ocean.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetBlues potted Stingray on Coral Reef in Red Sea. Photo Credit: Peter Douglas Clark/Shutterstock

The barb is sharp like a knife and could be considered equal to a gunshot when he goes into the body. This is why the sting is so painful, and why it landed on our list of the most painful bites and stings. While they do carry some venom, it is typically not fatal to humans. Though it can cause a good bit of swelling and muscle cramps, even a small infection. Yet this is considered the worst of it barring the pain from the actual sting.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetRed Paper Wasp Gathering Wood for its Nest. Photo Credit: Nathanael Siders/Shutterstock

12. Red Paper Wasp

  • Pain Index: 3.3

Red Paper Wasps are no joke, as they have one of the single most painful stings you could ever feel. They aren’t very aggressive, which is sort of strange to see from many wasps. Yet they will attack if they feel threatened or feel their nest is in harm’s way. Steer clear and they’ll likely leave you alone. However, some people don’t and end up with a painful sting. They are native to the United States from Texas to Florida, north to New York, and west to Nebraska.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetRed Paper Wasp. Photo Credit: Nathanael Siders/Shutterstock

The Paper Wasps are on our list of the most painful bites and stings for a reason. They have what many consider to be one of the single most horrific stings a human can ever take. Scientist Jason O. Schmitt described the Paper Wasp felt “like spilling a beaker of hydrochloric acid on a paper cut.” The pain usually lasts anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetThe Sea Wasp, Immortal Jellyfish. Photo Credit: Fon Duangkamon/Shutterstock

11. Sea Wasp Jellyfish

  • Pain Index: 3.5

Box jellies, also called sea wasps and marine stingers, live primarily in coastal waters off Northern Australia and throughout the Indo-Pacific. The Sea Wasp Jellyfish is notable for its incredibly painful stings. Like other Box Jellyfish, it will often hit more than once with its stings. This will result in several at the same time or in consecutive order. These stings are considered to be so severe that they put dozens of people in the hospital annually. Some even die as a result.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetJellyfish, a poisonous box jellyfish. Photo Credit: Ekkapan Poddamrong/Shutterstock

The stings have gotten so horrific for humans that they have caused brain hemorrhages, many of them fatal. When we tell you that these stings are painful, we truly mean it. They didn’t end up on our list of the most painful bites and stings for nothing, of course. However, this is often due to multiple stings and not just one. Also, their venom plays a huge role in how long pain can last.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetHymenoptera – Velvet Ant. Photo Credit: Tarsal Claw/Shutterstock

10. Velvet Ant

  • Pain Index: 3.5

The Velvet Ant is beautiful, which is why many have gotten close to them over the years. Yet they are not the biggest fan of this, resulting in stings. Contrary to what their name suggests, the Velvet Ant is not actually an Ant at all, but rather, wasps. The reason this can be missed is that females do not have any wings. The species ranges from Connecticut to Missouri in the north and Florida to Texas in the south.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetFemale cow-killer velvet “ant”. Photo Credit: Gerry Bishop/Shutterstock

As a result, they’ll resemble a hairy ant. While the males do have wings, females are often seen the most due to being active in the day more often than males. The sting from any Velvet Ant is known to be incredibly painful. The pain from the bite is horrific and can last from 30 minutes to even an hour in some cases.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetPolistes Carnifex, commonly known as the executioner wasp. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

9. Executioner Wasp

  • Pain Index: 3.7

There is still a lot to learn about the Executioner Wasp. It certainly looks really mean, so it has the intimidation part down pretty well. They are a species of Paper Wasp, all known to have some painful stings. They are traditionally found in Latin America, with many people warning tourists to run in the other direction if they come across one.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetPolistes Carnifex, known as Executioner Wasp feeding in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Their stings are so horrific, the spot of the sting feels like if you put a hot 1000-degree knife through it, then twisted it. YouTube personality Coyote Peterson, known for voluntarily taking several stings, once took one from the Executioner. He claimed that his arm was swollen for days and the sting caused tissue necrosis. Specifically, he referenced a small hole left in his arm at the spot of the sting!

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetGreat Lakes bush viper. Photo Credit: reptiles4all/Shutterstock

8. Viper

  • Pain Index: 3.8

Vipers are a large family of snakes; the scientific name is Viperidae. They are found all over the world, with the exceptions of Antarctica, Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar, north of the Arctic Circle and island clusters such as Hawaii. The viper snake species is known for having the most painful bites of any other snake species known to man. It is possible that the pain is so immense because of their incredibly large fangs, among the biggest of any snake species. These fangs are even able to rotate back and forth, allowing them to fold up into their mouths when not in use.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetGreat Lakes bush viper has an interestingly colored eye. Photo Credit: Vladislav T. Jirousek/Shutterstock

At the same time, due to this ability, they are able to dig into prey and open larger holes to deliver their venom. The venom has a ton of protein-degrading enzymes, which adds to the pain of the bite even more so. It is also a neurotoxin that could be fatal to humans. Due to the necrosis, the bite can cause, many are left with permanent scars. Others even see limbs removed too.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetBlack Widow Spider. Photo Credit: Jay Ondreicka/Shutterstock

7. Black Widow

  • Pain Index: 3.8

No, we’re not talking about the character from Marvel Comics, but the spider version of the Black Widow is just as deadly. They are known for killing and eating their mates after the male helps them reproduce. While not all Widows are incredibly poisonous, there are some that have what looks like an hourglass on their bodies. There are 25 species types, of course. The black widow (Latrodectus mactans) inhabits the southern half of the country. Most common in northern states such as Illinois is the northern black widow (L. variolus) which is replaced in the Southwest by the western black widow (L. hesperus).

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetBlack widow spider. Photo Credit: NateAllred/Shutterstock

However, in spite of the poison they have, many bites are often dry bites. On top of this, those that do release poison are not usually fatal. The antivenom used for Black Widow bites is typically given to people to help eliminate the horrific pain of the bite. Pain symptoms can last up to a week for people, even when they are given painkillers.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetMaricopa Red Harvester Ant. Photo Credit: YapAhock/Shutterstock

6. Maricopa Harvester Ant

  • Pain Index: 3.8

Both the Maricopa Harvester Ant and Red Harvester Ant have some incredibly painful stings, but the Maricopa stands out. It is likely due to the Red dying off while the Maricopa is still widespread in North America. It is found in the U.S. state of Arizona, but it is also known in California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Utah, and the Mexican states of Baja California, Chihuahua, Sinaloa and Sonora. The sting of this Ant is actually venomous with more venom than the honey bee in each sting. In fact, it’s the venom that makes the sting so painful.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetHarvester red ants are feeding. Photo Credit: Deer worawut/Shutterstock

It is filled with amino acids, peptides, and proteins. For humans, when this is in venom, we experience great pain from it. On top of this, venom has alkaloid poison. This actually releases a pheromone that other Maricopa can smell and sense as an alarm to come help. This results in many people being stung repeatedly, which can cause severe or fatal reactions. Especially for those allergic to it all.

SEE ALSO:  Steer Clear of These Dangerous Venomous Creatures!

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetIrukandji Jellyfish with blue light. Photo Credit: krylova_nlp/Shutterstock

5. Irukandji Jellyfish

  • Pain Index: 4.0

Irukandji Jellyfish account for most of the jellyfish attacks annually. They are active and fast hunters when going after prey, unlike other jellyfish that tend to drift along. This is important to remember, as their speed can be pretty deceptive. In humans, a tentacle will attach to the skin and insert nematocysts into the skin. Irukandji are usually found in tropical waters, from Bundaberg in Queensland, up around the northern coastline of Australia, to Geraldton in Western Australia. They have been found as far south on the eastern coastline as Hervey Bay, but this is not common.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The Planet This jelly resembling the deadly Australian Irukandji was found in some mangroves. Photo Credit: Flickr

This is a specialized barbed and/or venomous coil that can also be projected in times of self-defense or hunting. These nematocysts will cause numerous stings and cause unbearable pain. It is so frequent that people have compared it to being shocked by electricity. This jellyfish lands on our list of the most painful bites and stings simply because of the torturous pain it causes. It is even known to kill some humans, who will all die in severe pain. What a horrible way to go.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetTarantula Hawk Wasp. Photo Credit: Robert Briggs/Shutterstock

4. Tarantula Hawk Wasp

  • Pain Index: 4.0

The Tarantula Hawk Wasp landed on our list of the most painful bites and stings due to being known for one of the most agonizing stings known to mankind. As their name suggests, this wasp is known for preying on tarantula spiders. While they hunt them as food, keep in mind that this species is also a parasitoid wasp. These essentially will dig a hole into another insect and lay its eggs in them. Once the larva hatch out, they will then feed on the insect they’re inside.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetCloseup of a beautiful blue-black Tarantula Hawk spider wasp. Photo Credit: Sari ONeal/Shutterstock

This is as zombie-like as it gets. Part of what helps them accomplish such extreme outcomes is their sting, which acts almost like a neurotoxin for insects. In humans, their venom adds to the pain of their sting but it is not enough to hurt most people. It does hurt horribly, likely due to the large stinger and venom combo. It is said to be blindingly painful and could even make some pass out from it. Thankfully, the pain only lasts 5 to 10 minutes.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetBullet ant in the Jungle of Amazon’s river. Photo Credit: Christian Vinces/Shutterstock

3. Bullet Ant

  • Pain Index: 4.0

The Bullet Ant is well-known for its sting, which is considered to be one of the absolute worst a human can experience. Schmitt once described it as “pure, intense, brilliant pain…like walking over flaming charcoal with a three-inch nail embedded in your heel.” Definitely not a problem insect you want to run into on a walk. It inhabits humid lowland rainforests from Nicaragua and the extreme east of Honduras and south to Paraguay

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetDangerous Bullet Ant in Costa Rica rainforest. Photo Credit: Hugh Lansdown/Shutterstock

We’ll take his word for it, but what makes the sting hurt so much? It’s possibly the venom, which contains poneratoxin. This is a neurotoxin peptide, which is capable of paralyzing many animals. Of course, it won’t paralyze humans but it can cause nerve damage at the site of the sting. The real worry is being stung by several at a time, which can happen if you’re not careful.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetCommon Desert Centipede or Scolopendra Polymorpha. Photo Credit: Mikhail Gnatkovskiy/Shutterstock

2. Giant Desert Centipede

  • Pain Index: 4.0

The Giant Desert Centipede lives up to its name as a giant. In fact, it is the single largest centipede found in North America. It measures from 6 to 8 inches, which may not seem like a lot. However, that can be quite large for an insect. Especially one with a bite as vicious as the Giant Desert Centipede. It is quite notable for having one of the most painful bites and stings on the planet. It’s especially worsened when it bites more than once. Despite their name, giant desert centipedes are most often collected from rocky woodlands. They have been located in Arkansas, Southern Missouri, Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Northern Mexico

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetGiant Desert Centipede on a log. Photo Credit: Laura Ekleberry/Shutterstock

It contains a venom, making the pain even more intense as it goes through the body. This is much more potent than the venom of other centipedes in its species line due to how large it is. It is comprised of serotonin, histamine, lipids, proteins, and enzymes. The venom works as a hemotoxin and cardiotoxin. Therefore causing issues with the heart and blood clotting of humans. This is why though they rarely do, the Giant Desert Centipede could kill humans with its toxic bite.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetBrazilian Warrior Wasp of the Genus Synoeca. Photo Credit: Vinicius R. Souza/Shutterstock

1. Warrior Wasp

  • Pain Index: 4.0+

The Warrior Wasp is known for possibly the worst sting one can experience. The name suits them, as the Warrior Wasp is known to be incredibly aggressive. Swarm-founding Warrior Wasps are found throughout the tropical regions of South America. They will go to battle with anyone, uncaring of their size. These wasps will guard their nest until they see a threat and then attack, causing their target to experience often numerous stings at a time. The stinger is actually barbed, and like stings from bees, it will actually kill the Warrior Wasp more often than not.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetBrazilian Warrior Wasp. Photo Credit: Vinicius R. Souza/Shutterstock

This results in the wasp attacking like a Kamikaze Pilot. It’s a suicide mission, causing them to come at you in full force with an impactful sting. To be fair, they will warm potential threats of possible stings by creating a drumming noise inside their nest. Due to the suicide mission stings cause, it is the last resort of the Warrior Wasp. When you think about the most painful bites and stings on the planet, you’ll want to avoid this wasp. Otherwise, you’ll experience 2 hours of intense pain that never lets up.


The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetJack Jumper Ant. Photo Credit: Michael Thien/Shutterstock

Jack Jumper Ant

  • Pain Index: 1.5

The Jack Jumper Ant is native only to Australia and Tasmania, so it would be rare for anyone outside of these areas to even see one. It is one of the few venomous ant species known to man. While all ants can bite or sting, the venom from the Jumper Ant makes its sting a heck of a lot worse. Everyone has a different reaction to it though. This is often based on pain tolerance, previous bites taken, and much more.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetA closeup of a jack jumper ant. Photo Credit: Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock

The venom is generally mild enough to not be harmful to humans. However, allergic reactions can still happen. All of the known deaths from the Jumper Ant have been due to this. For some reason, many Australians have an allergy to it and it makes up 90% of the ant allergies in the continent/country. From 1980 to 2000, 4 people died due to this ant, all from anaphylactic reactions.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetFire Urchin Astropyga radiata, Indonesia. Photo Credit: Francesco_Ricciardi/Shutterstock

Fire Urchin

  • Pain Index: 2.0

Fire Urchins as well as most other urchins are known for being absolutely horrible to deal with. The main thing that makes the Fire version stand out is likely both their color as well as the sting they have. It is said to be incredibly painful, which is probably due to the venom it has. The Fire Urchin, of course, has a lot of spines all over it. All of these spines carry venom. The fire urchin is found in the tropical Indo-Pacific region.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetBeautiful Red Sea Urchin. Photo Credit: gg-foto/Shutterstock

It’s unlikely to kill a human being unless they are potentially allergic to it. More often than not, humans will just experience the pain that comes with the urchin sting and venom itself. Sometimes, urchin spines will break off as they pierce into the body. While rare, this can cause even more pain. Unlike with a bee or hornet, the urchin spines can potentially sink further into the body. This makes them dangerous for a separate reason entirely.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetNile monitor walking in water with reflection. Photo Credit: PACO COMO/Shutterstock

Nile Monitor Lizard

  • Pain Index: 2.0

While the Nile Monitor Lizard is nowhere near the size of some of the other monitor lizards out there, they can be just as dangerous. They are well-known in the United States with many having one as an “exotic pet.” Yet some of those people have experienced major injuries from the Nile Monitor due to not taking them seriously as a wild, dangerous creature. They are highly aggressive and have never had a problem attacking larger animals.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetNile Monitor Lizard on the banks of the Chobe River. Photo Credit: Dennis W Donohue/Shutterstock

Like other Monitors, they have bacteria in their mouths. This bacteria is venomous and can potentially kill any human that is allergic to it. However, so far, all we have seen is that it causes more pain when they bite humans. This is likely why the Nile Monitor’s bite has become so well-known, especially by owners of the species. Some will eventually tire of the species and release it into the wild. This only causes more problems, as it has become an invasive species across parts of the U.S.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetClose view of European hornet. Photo Credit: ThomasLENNE/Shutterstock

European Hornet

  • Pain Index: 2.5

While the European Hornet is obviously native to Europe, it actually came with English settlers to the New World in the 1800s. This resulted in the hornet ending up in North America. Many claim it is “the only true hornet” in North America due to this. It is not a fan of human beings and usually does its best to steer clear of them, but WILL sting if it feels threatened. Their sting is considered quite painful to those who have experienced it.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetEuropean Hornet Vespa crabro. Photo Credit: Jenny Cottingham/Shutterstock

This might very well have to do with the venom each sting releases. It contains dopamine and serotonin, as well as Apamin and enzymes Phospholipase A & Hyaluronidase. This is accompanied by proteins Melittin & Bradykinin. All of these form to cause severe pain with every sting. While most do not require medical attention. Mostly, it only causes headaches, blood pressure issues, and nausea. Yet the real troublemaker is the tingling & pain. Both subside.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetA pair of wild endangered dingoes on a remote sandy beach. Photo Credit: Taras Vyshnya/Shutterstock


  • Pain Index: 2.6

Many consider a Dingo no more dangerous for you than a dog at the same size. In some ways, this is true. There are now rarely any pure Dingoes left as many have mated with domestic dogs, so there are more hybrid Dingoes these days. Therefore, they have become relatively good with humans. Yet like wild dogs, Dingoes can be extremely dangerous. They have a higher bite force than Hyenas and wolves, with a bite pressure of 1,500 pounds per square inch. Dingoes are primarily found in Australia.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetFull body shot of Dingo in Australia. Photo Credit: Arun Sankaragal/Shutterstock

Most dog breeds of any type only bite humans when they feel startled or threatened. Yet Dingoes might also bite or further continue biting some humans who feed them in the wild. This seems to be more of an issue on Fraser Island with tourists feeding the Dingoes in spite of local authorities advising against it. They do still bite in captivity but they are less likely to hold on or attack humans here. Yet a Dingo does have an impressively strong and painful bite.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetAmazon Black Piranha Teeth. Photo Credit: The Jungle Explorer/Shutterstock


  • Pain Index: 2.7

Piranhas are often given a bad name due to how they have been portrayed by the media in movies or television shows. Contrary to popular belief, they do not randomly just attack anything that gets into the water. They do, however, go after anything that might be bleeding. This is similar to that of a shark, as Piranhas are able to smell or sense blood and find it. Specifically, the black piranha is considered the most dangerous of the species, as it has the strongest bite. Piranhas range from northern Argentina to Colombia, but they are most diverse in the Amazon River, where 20 different species are found.

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The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetStuffed piranha fish. Photo Credit: Simongee/Shutterstock

The average is 14 to 75 pounds per square inch. At the same size, this is stronger than that of an alligator by more than 3 times. Due to their biting pressure and speed, they can rip through flesh. If a human was bleeding in the Amazon River around piranhas, he or she might likely experience their flesh being ripped apart by a hoard of piranha in minutes. The pain from their bite is known to be quite horrible.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetReticulated python Snake of Borneo. Photo Credit: Jaiman Taip/Shutterstock

Reticulated Python

  • Pain Index: 2.8

Every species of python could be considered dangerous. Truly, it all depends on how threatened or hungry they happen to be at the time. The Reticulated Python is not poisonous, rather, it restricts or squeezes its prey until it’s dead. What makes the Reticulated Python more dangerous than others could likely be the impressive bite they have that can hold prey in place until the life is squeezed out of them. Their squeeze strength is pretty good but it would take a while to kill humans. Reticulated pythons are found in Southeast Asia, Indochina, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetReticulated Python Snake. Photo Credit: Mark_Kostich/Shutterstock

They squeeze at around 7.8 pounds per square inch. Pythons like this can get pretty big, as it is among the top three heaviest snakes in the world on average. There have been a few cases of these pythons killing and even eating humans before. Their bite is pretty large, with teeth that can easily go heavily through human skin. It might only bite with a pressure of 200 pounds per square inch but it does a lot of damage with one bite. Thus making the bite quite painful.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetKomodo Dragon On The Hunt. Photo Credit: Dwi Prayoga/Shutterstock

Komodo Dragon

  • Pain Index: 3.1

Komodo Dragons are extremely large monitor lizards (largest living lizard species) that have the same type of poisonous bacteria that the other monitor lizards have. If it bites onto prey and it does not kill, the hope is that the bacteria from their glands will slowly do the job. For most humans, this is usually not venomous enough to kill. Yet the bite could certainly do that on its own. The Komodo Dragon has a bite that could take off an arm if he desired to do so. Komodo dragons have thrived in the harsh climate of Indonesia’s Lesser Sunda Islands for millions of years. They prefer the islands’ tropical forests but can be found across the islands.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetThe Komodo dragon lies on the ground. Photo Credit: GUDKOV ANDREY/Shutterstock

The average an extremely powerful bite pressure is 1,000 pounds per square inch. They rarely attack humans unless they feel like they have to. Humans have been able to cross by them with no issue for many years. Therefore, if they bite it is for protection purposes only. Of course, their bite could leave a mark with some severe pain due to the bacteria. Death is rare though. Between 1974 to 2012 there were only 24 reported attacks. Of those attacks, on five people succumbed to their injuries.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetHyena Pack. Photo Credit: Ondrej Prosicky/Shutterstock


  • Pain Index: 3.1

Contrary to what you might have seen from Harley Quinn in the Birds of Prey film, owning a Hyena as a pet is incredibly dangerous. In fact, they do not mind attacking humans and have done so many times. They typically hunt or operate in packs where they fight among themselves and take chunks from one another. If they do this to their own pack, what does that tell you about a human’s chances? It lives in north and northeast Africa, the Middle East and Asia, all the way to southern Siberia. Hyenas can adapt to almost any habitat and are found in grasslands, woodlands, savannas, forest edges, sub-deserts and mountains as high up as 13,000 feet.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetThe Spotted hyena opens his mouth showing teeth in threat signal. Photo Credit: MSMondadori/Shutterstock

Hyena packs have taken down full-grown male lions as well as full-grown elephants. Since they bite anything and anyone just for kicks, they might be more dangerous than lions. As most of the time, they only attack humans when threatened or hungry. They’re lazy otherwise. Hyenas bite a lot and bite hard with a pressure of 1,100 pounds per square inch. Easily enough to tear off human limbs. In spite of this, their bites are quite painful but not as extreme as others.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetFront view of Goliath Birdeater. Photo Credit: Charly Morlock/Shutterstock

Goliath Birdeater

  • Pain Index: 3.2

The Goliath Birdeater did not get its name randomly. In fact, it is the largest spider species by mass on the planet. The Giant Huntsman Spider is the largest in leg length. They are found in the wild throughout northern South America. As the name suggests, they will eat birds and have been known to catch them for dinner. Although, they do not generally prey on birds simply due to the difficulty.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetGoliath bird eaters are the largest spiders in the world by mass and size. Photo Credit: Milan Zygmunt/Shutterstock

They have two defensive capabilities. First are the fangs, which are quite large and can pierce human skin. Within each bite, the Goliah releases venom. It can release the same venom once picked up via hairs as it excretes venom through its mucus membranes and out through its skin. Neither version of this venom will kill a human unless they are allergic. The venom will result in the spider bite being far worse. It has been compared to ramming a nail through your finger.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetLive king cobra on a sandy beach. Photo Credit: Vova Shevchuk/Shutterstock


  • Pain Index: 3.3

Cobras like Vipers are known for their impressive bite. Also like Vipers, Cobras are venomous creatures. It is unlikely that they will bother humans unless threatened but they have been known to be territorial and will attack humans for that reason as well. Some cobra species will also randomly end up around humans in places like India due to the snake trying to get out of the elements. This is where most bites tend to happen. Cobras live in hot tropical areas in Africa, Australia, and Southern Asia and their relatives, the Coral Snake, can be found in the United States. They can be found underground, in trees, and under rocks. The King Cobra is not only an excellent climber but a super swimmer as well. They live in forests near streams

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetThe King Cobra on sand. Photo Credit: tb-photography/Shutterstock

Cobras do not have the most potent venom among snakes but their deadly neurotoxins will cause severe pain. This is mixed with paralysis and eventually breathing trouble. Their venom, in a single bite, delivers two-tenths of a fluid ounce of venom. Yet it is still so strong, it could kill 20 people or a full-grown elephant. It is said that their bite alone is horrible but the pain caused by everything that comes with it might be the horrific way to die.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetThe Multicellular Portuguese Man O’ War. Photo Credit: IVANNE/Shutterstock

Portuguese Man O’War

  • Pain Index: 3.5

The Portuguese Man O’War is well-known as one of the weirdest animals in the animal kingdom. It might look like a jellyfish, but it’s not. The species is made up of several multicellular beings that come together to form one single being. Once this occurs, they are unable to separate and live. While they have rarely killed humans, they have the potential to do so. Mostly, they sting people but rarely cause death. At least 10,000 Australians are stung by the Man O’War each year. They are found in the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Oceans.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetBluebottle (Portuguese man o’ war) on the beach. Photo Credit: KarenHBlack/Shutterstock

Since their tentacles are still numerous living beings, detached tentacles can still sting just as bad as it can be associated with the main body. Most sting pain lasts 1 to 3 hours but some can last for two to three days! It has been known to cause symptoms of allergic shock or reaction, without actually being one. Unless one is stung badly by one, medical attention is not “technically” necessary. As the pain will go away on its own. But bad stings should result in a person seeking professional help.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetCrown-of-thorns starfish in the Red Sea. Photo Credit: Stephan Kerkhofs/Shutterstock

Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish

  • Pain Index: 3.5

The Crown-of-Thorns Starfish rarely is meaning to attack humans nor does it seem them out. Every single time they end up stinging humans, a human has come by them and either stepped on one or pushed up against it. They get their name from looking like a large crown made of, well, thorns. This is also likely from the Judeo-Christian story involving Jesus Christ, who was forced to wear a crown of thorns. This creature looks a lot like the image of the said thorny crown from the story. These spiky marine creatures occur naturally on reefs in the Indo Pacific region, including the Great Barrier Reef.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetCrown-Of-Thorns Starfish. Photo Credit: Rich Carey/Shutterstock

Their spikes are quite painful and can even grow back if one comes off. Once the spikes go into an animal or human, they immediately will be hit with their venom. Humans will experience massive sharp pain at the site of the wound(s) that might last for several hours. The venom also has a platelet-destroying property that will cause humans to bleed consistently without clotting. Sometimes the spikes can go so far into human flesh that surgery is required to remove them.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetLion Fish in the Red Sea. Photo Credit: Vitaliy6447/Shutterstock


  • Pain Index: 3.6

The Lionfish is known for its unique look but also for its venomous fin rays. These will sting human beings as much as any other animal that seeks to make it dinner. They contain a special venom known as Pterois. In humans, it’ll cause nausea, fever, breathing issues, dizziness, headache, numbness, sweating, and much more. Yet in some rare cases, it can cause convulsions, heartburn, and vomiting among others. The big symptoms that will come with every “sting” from a Lionfish is paresthesia.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetCloseup on a red lionfish. Photo Credit: Fotokon/Shutterstock

Historically, the lion fish’s natural habitat is the South Pacific and Indian Ocean. But it can now be found along the United States East Coast from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to Florida, and along the Gulf Coast to Texas. This is a “pins and needles” feeling at the site of the sting, as well as extreme pain. The pain caused is considered to be among the worst any fish species can give. Their venom might cause a lot of symptoms but it’s rarely fatal. Pain can last up to several days but kids can potentially die from the stings, and they are the ones who typically do. Outside of those simply allergic to the venom. Yet the fact that the sting leaves such horrible pain for severe days alone makes it one to avoid.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetCrocodile catch fish in river water, evening light. Photo Credit: Ondrej Prosicky/Shutterstock


  • Pain Index: 4.0

Crocodiles are found all over the world, both in freshwater and saltwater. They are found on every single continent except Antarctica and Europe. Although they were used in Rome for Gladiator fights or zoos centuries back, with some escaping and entering the environment. Crocs just hate the cold honestly. It’s likely that the most dangerous of the species is in saltwater due to the size those tend to reach. Some versions of crocs are actually on the endangered list sadly.

The 25 Most Painful Bites And Stings On The PlanetCrocodiles are reptiles that have large bodies. Photo Credit: Candra gumta/Shutterstock

This is mostly due to hunters that kill them in the wild for their hide. Their bite is said to be extremely painful for any human that experiences it. Saltwater Crocs can shut their jaws with 3,700 pounds of force per square inch. This is among the highest of any aquatic species, with sharks only averaging a little more. Force is not all, as their teeth are also formed in such a way that it becomes almost impossible to escape. Meaning if a croc bites, it’s guaranteed to take flesh.

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