7 Birds Known for Laying the Largest Eggs

When it comes to the wonders of nature, few things are as fascinating as the diversity of bird species and the eggs they lay. While most birds produce eggs small enough to cradle in your hand, some species defy expectations with their colossal egg sizes. From towering ostriches to the surprisingly sizable eggs of seabirds, these avian marvels demonstrate the incredible adaptability of the animal kingdom. In this article, we’ll explore seven extraordinary birds that lay the largest eggs, uncovering the unique traits and behaviors that make these species stand out in the world of wildlife.

When we think of eggs, it’s easy to picture a simple chicken egg. However, in the world of birds, eggs come in an astonishing variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. From the tiny eggs of hummingbirds to the substantial offerings of larger species, eggs are as diverse as the birds that lay them.

So, what bird lays the largest egg? The title for the largest egg comes from a bird that is equally impressive in stature – the ostrich. Known as the largest bird in the world, the ostrich produces eggs that are as remarkable in size as the bird itself. These ostrich eggs are not just large; they are enormous, weighing as much as 2kg!

The record for the largest ostrich egg was set in 2008 in Sweden, weighing a staggering 2.589kg. However, in the annals of history, there was once a bird that outdid the ostrich in this aspect. The Aepyornis, or the elephant bird eggs (now extinct), dwarfed even those of the ostrich.

What Bird Laid the Biggest Egg?

Let’s embark on a journey to explore these avian giants and the eggs that have captivated human curiosity through the ages.

1. Ostrich

what bird lays the largest egg

Ostriches are truly a wonder of nature. They are 2.1-2.8m (6.9 to 9 feet) tall and weigh around 99-130kg (220- 287 pounds); these gigantic birds come in two species: the Common ostrich and the Somali ostrich.

Ostrich lays eggs that are not just large; they are a marvel of nature, weighing up to 2kg and measuring 15cm in length and 12.5cm in diameter, with a sturdy shell about 3.5mm thick.

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how big is an ostrich egg

But why is an ostrich egg so large? It’s because ostrich chicks are born big! These eggs aren’t just about size; they’re incredibly strong, too. Inside, there’s an air sac where the chick first breaks in, gathering oxygen and strength to break through the outer thick shells.

And here’s a fun fact: ostrich eggs are edible and can feed around 10 people, tasting somewhat similar to chicken eggs. But if you’re keen on trying oversized eggs, emu eggs are another popular choice!

2. Greater Rhea

which bird lays the largest eggs

The Greater Rhea is South America’s largest bird. These flightless birds, weighing between 33 and 66 pounds and standing 3-5 feet tall, roam the South American landscapes, with males generally being larger than females.

rhea egg for sale

When it comes to their eggs, they have their own unique touch. Initially, greenish-yellow, Greater Rhea eggs soon turn to a dull creamy-white. Measuring about 13 centimeters long and 9 centimeters high, these eggs are much smaller than an ostrich’s but still almost double the size of a chicken egg. In terms of weight, at 600 grams, they’re half the weight of an ostrich egg and about ten times heavier than a chicken’s.

But the Greater Rhea isn’t just about its size or eggs. Despite being flightless, it has relatively long wings, which are used not for flying but for steering at high speeds when running.

3. Kiwi

kiwi egg compared to ostrich egg

The kiwi, a unique bird native to New Zealand, is quite different from your typical bird. Despite being part of the ratite family, which includes large birds like ostriches, emus, and rheas, kiwis are much smaller – ranging from the size of a guineafowl to a plump laying hen.

kiwi bird egg

Female brown kiwis lay eggs that can weigh up to 20% of their body weight, which is huge compared to the size of the bird! North Island Brown kiwi eggs are about 13cm long and 78cm wide, weighing between 300 and 380 grams, and some can even reach around 500 grams. This is proportionally the largest egg of any bird in the world.

Kiwi chicks are born almost ready to run, hatching with a belly full of kiwi egg yolk (65%) that sustains them for their first two and a half weeks. This adaptation is crucial in a land where there are few ground predators but many that hunt from the air.

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4. Mallee Fowl

what animal lays the biggest egg

Malleefowls, elusive and intriguing ground-dwelling birds, are a hidden gem of the bird world. About the size of a large domestic chicken, these birds reach up to 60cm in length and can weigh as much as 2.5kg.

One of the most fascinating aspects of malleefowls is their reproductive process. The female lays eggs that are up to a third of her body size – quite large in comparison! She lays an egg every 4 to 8 days during the breeding season, totaling between 15 and 24 eggs, depending on food availability.

But it’s the malleefowl’s nesting technique that truly sets them apart. They construct elaborate nest mounds to incubate their eggs, ensuring the perfect temperature is maintained.

The male takes charge of building these incubator mounds, which are impressive in size, often 3-5 meters in diameter and up to a meter high. Inside, up to a cubic meter of moist leaf litter is buried, creating an ideal environment for egg incubation.

5. Cassowary

birds and their eggs pictures

Cassowaries, standing as the world’s second-largest birds, are as intriguing as they are formidable. Mostly found in New Guinea, these powerful birds, known for their occasional aggression, have earned a reputation as the world’s most dangerous birds.

They are a sight to behold, with some reaching up to 1.8 m (6 feet) tall and weighing as much as 72kg (160 pounds), reminding us of their dinosaur ancestors.

cassowary egg size

Their eggs are unique too, being a distinctive deep green color and measuring about 14cm by 9cm. Weighing around 650 grams, cassowary eggs have a rough, granulated surface.

There are three types of cassowaries living deep in rainforests – Northern, Southern, and Dwarf. The Southern cassowary is the biggest and most common.

6. Emu

what's the biggest bird

Emus, Australia’s massive native birds, are a common sight across the country. Known for their impressive size, emus lay eggs similar to those of their relatives, the cassowaries. An emu egg measures around 13cm by 9cm and weighs between 450 and 650 grams.

These eggs are not just large but also visually striking, with colors ranging from dark green to emerald or teal and a distinctive rough surface.

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emu egg size

While emus are less aggressive than ostriches and cassowaries, they are still considerable in size. Closely related to dinosaurs, emus are tall, up to 1.9 meters (6.2 feet), softly feathered, and long-legged, yet they start their lives as small chicks.

7. Emperor Penguin

large bird

Emperor penguins, the largest penguin species, are remarkable birds that thrive in the icy realms of Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic. Standing almost four feet tall and weighing between 70 and 90 pounds, they are perfectly adapted to their frigid environment.

In a testament to their resilience, female Emperor penguins lay just one large egg each year. The survival of this single egg is a team effort: after laying the egg, the female hands it over to the male, who then incubates it in his brood pouch for about 65 days while she returns to the sea to feed.

The egg of an Emperor penguin is about 12cm long and 8cm wide, weighing roughly 460 to 520 grams. These eggs are pear-shaped with a hint of green, a unique characteristic among bird eggs.

Which Bird Lays the Biggest Egg Relative to Body Size?

The female kiwi lays the largest eggs relative to the body size of any living bird species.


In conclusion, the world of birds presents a stunning array of egg sizes and shapes, from the gigantic offerings of the ostrich to the disproportionately large eggs of the tiny kiwi.

Each species has adapted its reproductive strategy to its environment and lifestyle, showcasing the incredible diversity and ingenuity of nature.

In conclusion, the seven birds that lay the largest eggs demonstrate the incredible diversity of avian species and their adaptations to their environments. From the towering ostrich, which lays the largest egg of any living bird, to smaller but equally fascinating species like the emu and cassowary, these birds offer insight into nature’s remarkable designs. Their eggs serve not only as a means of reproduction but also as a testament to their unique evolutionary traits. Exploring these magnificent birds deepens our appreciation for the wonders of wildlife and the complexities of the natural world.

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