7 Dog Breeds That Can Be Left Alone For 8 Hours

For many pet lovers, the longing for canine companionship is often tempered by the realities of modern life, where work commitments demand long hours away from home. Thankfully, not all dogs require constant attention and there are certain breeds that adapt well to solitude, content to entertain themselves until you return. In “7 Dog Breeds That Can Be Left Alone For 8 Hours,” we explore the traits and temperaments of these independent canines, offering valuable insights for those seeking the joy of a furry friend without added stress. Discover the perfect match for your lifestyle and embrace the harmony of shared independence.

As a dog owner, it’s natural to feel guilty about leaving your furry friend home alone for long hours, especially when your busy schedule demands it. Whether you’re off to work or running errands, the thought of your pup feeling lonely or anxious can weigh heavily on your heart.

But not all dogs mind spending time alone, and some breeds are well-suited to handle extended periods without needing constant attention. Independent dog breeds can stay content and calm for up to 8 hours with proper training and mental stimulation.

If you’re a busy dog owner wondering which breeds can comfortably handle alone time, keep reading to discover the top 7 dog breeds that thrive when left alone for long periods, so you can have peace of mind while you’re away.

Dog Breeds That Can Be Left Alone for 8 Hours

1. Greyhound


Greyhounds are well-known for their calm demeanor and independent nature, making them a great choice for dog owners who need to leave their pets alone for extended periods. Despite their high energy levels and history as racing dogs, Greyhounds are surprisingly low-maintenance and adapt well to life as an adult dog in a home.

A Low-Maintenance Breed That Enjoys Alone Time

As per AKC, their temperament is gentle, and they tend to enjoy lounging around the house, especially when given a few toys to keep them engaged. Greyhounds are not overly prone to separation anxiety, and they don’t require constant attention.

Their independent streak allows them to be content when left alone for several hours. While they are social animals and enjoy the company of other dogs, they also do well without needing interaction from a dog walker or pet sitter throughout the day.

2. Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu is a breed known for its strong sense of independence and assertive personality. While these dogs are energetic and love spending time with their owners, they are also perfectly capable of being left alone for several hours without much fuss.

Calm and Independent Breed for Full-Time Workers

According to WebMD, Shiba Inus are relatively low in separation anxiety and tend to remain calm when left at home. They do not exhibit excessive barking or destructive behaviors when alone, making them a good choice for individuals with full-time jobs.

However, it’s essential to provide proper training early on to ensure they don’t become excessively anxious or develop bad habits. While they may enjoy a few hours of play with a few toys, their independent nature means they are content with their own company, unlike more needy breeds such as the French Bulldog or Basset Hound.

3. Bulldog


Bulldogs are known for their calm and laid-back demeanor, making them one of the best dog breeds for owners who need to leave their pets alone for extended periods. As a large breed, Bulldogs tend to have a relaxed nature and are generally low in separation anxiety, which means they don’t get extremely anxious when left at home.

Ideal for Apartment Living and Short Alone Times

Unlike some other breeds, such as the Shiba Inu, Bulldogs don’t engage in incessant barking, making them well-suited for apartment living or situations where they are left alone for a few hours.

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While they do enjoy spending time with other pets and their owners, Bulldogs are comfortable spending time alone without creating chaos in the dog home. Providing a few toys for mental stimulation can also help keep them entertained while you’re away.

4. Basenji


Basenjis are known for their independence and intelligence, making them an excellent choice for owners who need to leave them home alone for hours. With low separation anxiety, Basenjis are perfectly fine staying home while their owners are away.

Calm and Affectionate When Left Alone

This breed, often compared to the Beagle in terms of their playful and affectionate nature, enjoys playing and engaging with family members when they are around. However, when left alone, they tend to be calm and won’t become bored easily.

Basenjis may prefer to spend their time resting or sleeping rather than causing trouble. They are not typically known for destructive behaviors, making them great companions for families who have full-time jobs. If you return home after a long day, you’ll often find your Basenji relaxed and content, eager for a little affection.

5. Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers are intelligent and adaptable dogs that can be left home alone for long periods with ease. They form strong bonds with their humans, making them affectionate companions, but their independent nature allows them to be fine when left alone.

Calm and Well-Behaved When Left Alone

As per PetMD, these dogs do not require constant attention and can comfortably spend time in a room by themselves while their owners are away. Boston Terriers may be a little more vocal than some breeds, but they tend to be quiet and relaxed after settling down.

When left home alone, they are not prone to excessive barking or destructive behaviors. Whether they’re lounging around the house or napping, Boston Terriers are generally well-behaved and calm, making them a great choice for those with busy schedules. While puppies may need more attention, adult Boston Terriers are well-suited for time alone.

6. Dachshund


Dachshunds are a small but independent breed, known for their calm demeanor when left alone. They are well-suited for short periods of time alone, but like all dogs, they require proper training to ensure good behavior.

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Balancing Independence and Exercise Needs

While they can enjoy a long walk or some playtime, they are not as active as other breeds, which makes them more adaptable to being left home alone for a while. However, like many dogs, they may suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for too long without enough exercise or mental stimulation.

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Dachshunds thrive with consistent training, which can help prevent destructive behaviors, such as excessive barking or chewing. Though they might not need long walks every day, a bit of exercise, food, and treats can keep them content. With proper care, a well-trained Dachshund can be a great companion and can spend a dog alone time.

7. Labradoodle


Labradoodles are known for their friendly, social personalities, making them a great choice for dog owners who need a dog that can be left alone for extended periods. While they generally thrive in environments where they receive plenty of attention and social interaction, Labradoodles can manage well with some time alone if properly trained.

Handling Alone Time with Training and Care

Their adaptable nature allows them to spend time away from their owners without becoming excessively anxious. However, for long-term periods, it’s recommended to arrange for a dog walker or pet sitter to give them the mental stimulation they need. Labradoodles, especially as pups, benefit from early training to curb any destructive behaviors when left alone.

They are also great candidates for doggy daycare when you’re away for long hours. With their easygoing nature, Labradoodles can handle being alone at home for short times, and with proper care, they make excellent companions.


While some breeds like the Shiba Inu or Basenji may seem independent enough to handle long hours alone, it’s important to remember that every dog needs attention, mental stimulation, and proper care.

As with any dog, consider their needs and well-being to avoid issues like separation anxiety or destructive behavior. A good balance of exercise, training, and love is the key to a happy, well-adjusted dog, even when they spend time at home alone.

In conclusion, while every dog has unique needs and temperament, some breeds are more adaptable to being left alone for longer periods. The seven breeds known for their independent nature and ability to handle solitude include the Basset Hound, French Bulldog, Chihuahua, Shar Pei, Shiba Inu, Greyhound, and Maltese. Despite their capacity for independence, it’s crucial to ensure these dogs receive adequate exercise, mental stimulation, and attention when you’re home. By providing a balanced environment, owners can maintain their pet’s well-being and happiness even during their absence.

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