Science Reveals the Most Stunning Celebrity Faces Ever

Pet Yolo

Science never lies, so when it tells us a celebrity is beautiful, we better believe it. Based on scientific measurements, people have more beautiful faces than others. But there’s a reason these celebrities are on the big screen. Whether they have perfectly symmetrical faces or lips that we can’t help but stare at, science gives us various numbers and ratios that determine why certain faces are more beautiful than others, although we do truly believe everyone is beautiful. There are just some people out there that are nicer to look at, which is why we love staring at these men and women’s faces a little bit too much.

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceShutterstock

The ancient Greeks were onto something, though, when they determined the ratio of beauty. The closer you are to 1.618 (Phi), the more beautiful you are. According to Deepika Rajani from Daily Mail, it all comes down to the Golden Ratio. She said, “the length and the width of someone’s face are measured and then the results are divided. According to the Golden Ratio, the ideal result is roughly 1.6. Measurements are then taken from the forehead hairline to the spot between the eyes, from the spot between the eyes and the bottom of the nose, and from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the chin.” Beauty is also determined by 29 points on a person’s face. For example, if you have thick lips, you’ll rank higher on the score than those who have thin lips. Beauty is only skin deep, but it’s also based on measurements and science. That may or may not be good news for you, so we’ll just keep on believing beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceCNN

Natalie Portman

A new study conducted over two months determined Natalie Portman has the most scientifically beautiful face in the world. Even though she’s an Oscar-winning actress for her acting, she should also win an Oscar for her face. She has a heart-shaped face, arched eyebrows, and a mouth with full lips. To put it into numbers, a heart-shaped face should be “1 wide at the eyes, 0.81 wide at the mouth, and 1.44 long.” To top it all off, Portman has brunette hair and a smooth jawline, two appealing features in a face (Taylor Herring).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceGood Morning America

Miley Cyrus

This former Hannah Montana star is also one of the most beautiful in the world, and some may even say she’s more beautiful than most of the other stars out there. She has an edgy, charismatic look which also adds to her beauty, but if we’re strictly looking at science, the numbers say it all. On the Schmid Study, which gives faces a rating on their beauty, she got a 7.36 (Huff Post).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceFootwear News

Kendall Jenner

In 2016, Kendall Jenner won a fifth place on De Silva’s list of the most beautiful faces in the world. In 2010, Jenner also scored on another list, and by 2022, she had risen her score by 9%. Her strongest features are her eyes, lips, and nose positions, all of which contribute to a beautiful face. But this isn’t because Jenner is naturally beautiful, she just so happens to have the funds for plastic surgery, which helped make her look more beautiful, though that feels like cheating (Evie Magazine).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceBSTAR News

Bradley Cooper

It comes as no surprise that science deems Bradley Cooper as one of the sexiest men in the world. Not only is he handsome, but he’s a talented actor. His baby blue eyes have won the title of “sexiest eyes” from People magazine in 2017. Cooper doesn’t fully believe he deserves the title, though, and in an interview, he said, “I think it’s cool that a guy who doesn’t look like a model can have this

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to Science

. I think I’m a decent-looking guy. Sometimes I can look great, and other times I look horrifying.” That hits close to home, considering most of us wake up in the morning and immediately judge ourselves based on how we look. It’s reassuring to know that celebrities go through it, too (Today).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceBustle

Emma Watson

From the moment we watched Harry Potter, Emma Watson stole our hearts with her beauty. As she got older, she continued to blossom with her gentle features, freckles, and soft skin. She’s not only beautiful, but she’s also a women’s rights advocate. She’s won a Young Artist Award, three MTV Movie Awards, and an Independent Spirit Award. Watson is also one of the highest-paid actresses and influential people in the world. She’s constantly speaking for women’s voices, as well as the environment. And though her personality is beautiful, her face is too, and that’s because there is a science behind it all, as she scored an 8.26 out of 10 on the beauty rating (Vogue).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceVanity Fair

Emma Stone

With incredible eyes and stellar acting performances, Emma Stone is considered to be a beautiful, influential person. She was born in 1988 and during her acting career, has received several accolades for her work. This includes a Golden Globe, Academy Award, and BAFTA. But that doesn’t have to do solely with her beautification as much as her skills. She has chestnut-shaped eyes, full lips, and a heart-shaped face, which, according to science, make a perfect equation for beauty (Quora).

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Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceLos Angeles Times

James Franco

James Franco was determined to be a beautiful man thanks to a “beautification engine.” This engine was created by a group of Israeli scientists in 2008. In theory, it makes someone more beautiful by putting their face through the machine and printing out a more beautiful version of themselves. By using this mathematical formula, it determined Franco was too beautiful to have his face changed. When they repeatedly put his face through the printer, his face didn’t change at all. It’s nearly impossible to change an already perfect face (Gawker).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceNBC News

Scarlett Johansson

When Scarlett Johansson was younger, she picked at her skin and had acne. Could you ever guess that, looking at the beautiful celebrity now? Millions of us are transfixed by her stunning looks, so it’s a surprise to find out she wasn’t always like this. In an interview with The Cut, she talks about beauty. She said, “We’re all so critical of ourselves. And it seems even more so now because everybody’s always constantly looking at photographs of themselves, which is a phenomenon that’s maybe ten years old. Now, you can take a picture of yourself and zoom in and dissect it. It’s hard to not be hypercritical of ourselves and others.” Even so, according to science, her eyes are the reason she’s deemed incredibly beautiful, with an ideal distance between the eyes and the nose (Shape).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceWWD


Beyoncé is not only an American singer, but she’s one of the most powerful, influential people in the world. She’s earned the title of Top Female Artist of the Decade on Billboard and has won numerous awards in the past because of her acting, stage performances, and singing. All in all, she’s significantly impacted the 20th century. But it doesn’t stop there, and based on science, she’s also one of the most beautiful celebrities in the world. Surgeons used a formula to determine her beauty and decided her face was as close as a human face can get to perfect. She scored high on the brow area, lips, and nose (Blavity).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceCNN

Harry Styles

Styles doesn’t only have great taste in outfits, but he’s considered to have an alluring face. Even his unkempt hair is a factor in his attractiveness. In an interview, psychologist Jo Hemmings told The Sun that attraction is “based on instinct which goes back centuries. Women would look for broad shoulders, that T-shape body that narrows down towards the waist, a symmetrical face, and a strong head of hair — all attributes Harry has.” He also has great eye contact and sea-green eyes which add to his attraction. Even though most of us won’t have kids with Styles, we can at least dream (Koimoi).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceKoimoi

Jennifer Aniston

Many of us fell in love with Aniston on Friends. But it wasn’t only her acting skills that tugged our hearts, it was her beautiful face. Many fans around the world call her perfect, and even at 53 years old, she’s deemed one of the most beautiful women in the world. In 2016, she was deemed the most beautiful woman in the world by People magazine. She learned a lot from her hair and makeup team, and in an interview, said, “when I was in my 20s, my face was almost a complete circle. So I needed contouring. And now I’m slowly chiseling away, wishing I had that round face back.” Even in your 50’s, you’re still beautiful, Aniston (People).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to SciencePOS Toast

Kelly Brook

Kelly Brook doesn’t only have a perfect face, but she also has a perfect body, all according to science. In one study by the University of Texas, measurements determined Kelly Brook as having a perfect face and body, where “the research took into account body measurements, age, face, lips, nose, and hair.” Science prefers a curvier body, and that, paired with her perfect eyebrows and round face, makes an ideal beauty equation that’s easy on the eyes (POS Toast).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceWomen’s Health

Lady Gaga

At the beginning of Lady Gaga’s career, she wasn’t the most beautiful woman in the world. Some even believed she was strange looking. But her different looks made her one of the most beautiful women in the world, and according to science, it’s because of her huge eyes and big lips. Those are some of the most attractive traits in a woman. Even her big nose sits well on her face and adds to her beauty. She’s inspiring since she never lets beauty get in the way of her talent. In an interview, she said, “but I was always very strong at the beginning of my career. I always had to make sure that it was done my way, I never wanted to be sexy like other women, I never wanted to be viewed like other women. I wanted to be my artist and have my vision.” It’s safe to say Gaga succeeded in that regard (Daily Record).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceVulture

Chris Hemsworth

This Australian actor starred in the Thor movies. Not only is he talented, but he was voted as the Sexiest Man Alive by People magazine. His Golden Ratio features helped him earn this title, considering he has a symmetrical face and masculine attributes that make most women’s knees melt. He has bright eyes and clear skin, another indicator of beauty and good health. His features also scream testosterone, which is an evolutionary trait women have picked up on. The most masculine a man seems, the healthier he is, and thus, is a great mate to continue the gene pool (Yahoo).

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Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceMos

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton is obsessed with skincare, which is probably part of the reason she’s deemed to have a beautiful face. In her morning routine, she makes sure to take care of her skin first. In an interview, she said, I’m obsessed with skincare, so I do my whole skincare routine. That’s a lot of different steps, because I use a lot of different products, and also beauty gadgets like FOREO.” Her beauty also comes from her wide-set jaws, square face, flat chin, and equal spacing of jaw, forehead, and cheekbones (Marie Claire).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceVanity Fair

Justin Bieber

Teenage girls weren’t wrong in believing Justin Bieber was one of the most beautiful men in the world. The pop star has perfect, sharp features that fit the Golden Ratio to a T. He has an oval-shaped face and high cheekbones, helping him rank high in the beauty score. He has a curved jawline that looked great on stage, and while most of the teenage girls were swooning, we’d be lying if we didn’t say the guys swooned over him, too (Pink Mirror).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceVariety

Robert Pattison

His face scored 92.15 percent on the Golden Ratio scale, which translates to beautiful perfection. To put it into perspective, his eye position scored 94.7 percent, his face shape scored 91.1 percent, and his chin scored 95.1 percent. Because of his chiseled jawline and classic-shaped features, he scores as one of the most attractive men of all time. The only place he scored less than par was his lips, which are quite thin. But we’ll let that one slide, considering he reaches perfection in all the other places (Times of India).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceBBC

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt isn’t only a star on screen, but he’s also a star because of his near-perfect face. We fell in love with him in Ad Astra, The Lost City, and Seven. Science deemed him to have a high score on the 29-point scale, which means he’s symmetrical and all-around sexy. He scored a whopping 9.67 out of 10, which is rare. He’s also loved for his eyes and the shape of his face (Marie Claire).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to SciencePeople

Amber Heard

Of course, Johnny Depp’s ex-wife made this list. Amber Heard has a beautifully constructed face that landed her a high score on the phi scale. Her jaw, chin, nose, lips, eyes, and eyebrows scored 91.85 percent on Phi, out of a score of 100. That’s like scoring an A+ on an exam. Way to go, Heard! Even after putting her face up against tons of other female faces, Heard was still the most beautiful. One algorithm even discovered that the perfect face was Amber Heard’s nose, Kate Moss’s forehead, Scarlet Johanssen’s eyes, Emily Ratajowski’s forehead, Kim Kardashian’s eyebrows, and Rhianna’s face shape (Daily Mail).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceAllure

Anne Hathaway

With a beautiful jawline, perfect skin, and rosy cheeks, Anne Hathaway’s face turns heads time and time again. In The Netherlands, visual artists used a ‘sluis painting’ workshop for face mapping techniques. They determined that Anne Hathaway has the most perfect face in the world, with her full lips, clear skin, large and symmetrical eyes, and high nose bridge. The ratio of her mouth and eyes also fit proportionately (Sluis Painting).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to SciencePop Sugar

Kristen Stewart

We know her a little bit too well from the Twilight saga as Bella. Stewart has received widespread acclaim for her superb acting skills. She’s won awards like the Oscar and the Golden Globe. In 2012, she was deemed to be the highest-paying actress. We’ll give her fabulous looks some of the credit, considering science has deemed she has a near-perfect face. She has a heart-shaped jawline and medium-textured hair which works well with her pale skin (David Groshen).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceThe Guardian

Keira Knightley

The Golden Ratio favors Keira Knightley, as she has a near-perfect face that fans around the world have fallen in love with. Not only that, but she has a natural talent for acting and has won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. She has a face score of 9.48 out of 10, all thanks to her square face shape, angular jaws, and high cheekbones (Pink Mirror).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceCNN

George Clooney

He scored 91.86 percent. He has beautiful facial symmetry and is said to have one of the world’s most handsome faces. Someone holds the secret formula to ideal beauty. When put up against many other celebrities, he scores the highest. It’s said that “George had a near perfect ratio of the nose to lip dimension of 99.6 percent and his chin and eye spacing were almost perfect as well. Across the 12 key markers he had the highest combined score,” deeming him as having an ideal face (NZ Herald).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceIn Style

Kim Kardashian

This reality TV star made the list, mainly because of her eyebrows. The length of her eyebrows from tip to tip and tip to arch gave her a near-perfect score on the Phi scale. Her eyebrows are crafted to perfection, and it’s not surprising considering how much time she likely spends in front of the mirror. But it’s not all-natural, and the celebrity admitted to undergoing botox and laser treatment. In an interview, she said, “I care. I really, genuinely care about looking good. I probably care more than 90 percent of the people on this planet. It’s not easy when you’re a mom and you’re exhausted at the end of the day or you’re in school, and I’m all of the above. I do my beauty treatments usually late at night. After everyone’s in bed, I’m doing laser treatments.” Even though she doesn’t like her wrinkly hands, she’s come to peace with the fact she’s getting older. That’s inevitably going to happen, Kim (Buzzfeed).

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Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceVogue

Kate Moss

This supermodel is known around the world for a reason. She’s modeled for Calvin Klein, thanks to her eyebrows and eyes which scored 87.63 percent, and 95.75 percent on the Phi scale. Science says she’s a pretty lady, and thanks to her facial measurements, she’s near perfection. The secret to beauty is a symmetrical face, which psychologists determined Moss has. In one study, Moss scored first, with Cindy Crawford and Cheryl Cole behind her (Daily Star).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceGlamour

Vanessa Hudgens

According to People magazine, Vanessa Hudgens has one of the most beautiful faces. She even shared a few of her secrets with the world, about her good looks. In a way, she’s had to learn how to curate her beauty into something natural. In an interview, she talks about her beauty journey and says, “I was so used to wearing tons of makeup, and I honestly didn’t feel that pretty or confident if I didn’t have a full face of makeup on. It was like the crutch that I leaned on. My outlook on beauty has changed over the past few years.” According to the Phi scale, her beauty comes from her huge eyes and beautiful eyebrows, round nose, and full lips. It’s a math equation that adds up to beautiful perfection (Glamour).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceShape

Lena Dunham

Lena Dunham made the list, and in previous scoring studies, ranked higher than Jennifer Lopez and Jessica Biel in terms of beauty. She admits the struggle in Hollywood, where even if you’re incredibly beautiful, it feels like you’ll never win. She’s also an intelligent woman, far beyond her beauty, as she’s witty and kind. It just goes to show you that beauty isn’t everything, even though science does say it helps a lot (The Guardian).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceAllure

Zac Efron

When Zac Efron hit the big screens in High School Musical, everyone fell in love with the pretty boy. Thankfully, he’s grown up since then, as have most of us. Now, he’s a sexy, muscular man who one of the most attractive men in the world, thanks to science. A celebrity face analysis of the actor rated him with a 9.35 out of 10. This is because of his square jaw, flat chin, and equidistant measurements. This heartthrob has also won numerous awards, just to top it all off, like the People’s Choice award for Favorite Young TV Performer in 2002 and the Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie Breakout Star in 2008 (Naijaxtreme).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceLA Times

Mila Kunis

In the annual FHM rating, Mila Kunis won as the world’s sexiest woman. In an interview after winning the title, she said, “I’m thrilled to be voted the Sexiest Woman In the UK. It’s a lovely confidence boost, especially when there are so many beautiful girls out there.” Science can thank her huge eyes and round, oval face. In a face rating, she scored an 8.67 out of 10, thanks to her curved jawline and wide cheekbones, which are the most prominent part of her face (ET Online).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceAllure

Emily Ratajkowski

Ratajkowski has the fourth most beautiful face in the world, according to the Phi ranking. She has a beautiful nose and chin, but her lips are where she scores the highest. Put it all together, and you have an incredibly beautiful face. On the Phi score, she got a 96.7 ranking, but it hasn’t been easy for Ratajkowski. Apparently, “Ratajkowski has spent decades receiving the world’s lecherous gaze, metabolizing it, inviting it, rejecting it, capitalizing on it, and agonizing over it.” Being beautiful isn’t easy (New Yorker).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceAPI

David Gandy

The British supermodel, David Gandy, scored high on the Phi scale. In the world of male celebrities, he has one of the most attractive faces thanks to his structured jawline and sharp features. He also has beautiful skin, which he claims is because of the moisturizer he uses and his diet. In an interview at Dolce & Gabbana, he said, “I use rose oil on my skin; the best make-up artists have always recommended it to me. I take it with me when traveling, as it’s so good for dehydrated skin.” Maybe with a little bit of effort, we can reach his level of attractiveness (Harpers Bazaar).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceIndie Wire

Cate Blanchett

Blanchett glows with her beauty. She has a beautifully structured face, with a sharp, cute, pointy chin, jawline, and nose that science has measured to be a perfect face. She’s even said to be aging in reverse. Has she found the secret to beauty? She says laughter and taking care of your skin are the secrets to beauty, and in an interview, said, “your skin is the largest organ in your body, and we put so much garbage on it, and we don’t wash it off properly, and then we wonder why it’s clogged.” In a face rating, she scored an 8.31 out of 10, all thanks to her broad forehead and cheekbones (In Style).

Celebrities With The Most Beautiful Faces According to ScienceCulture Hook

Katy Perry

Katy Perry scored a 90.08% on the Golden Ratio, which means she has a near-perfect face. FHM deemed her to have one of the most beautiful faces in the world. But it’s not only her looks that make her beautiful, she’s also wise, kind, and works with UNICEF. Her actions, in addition to her beauty, make an ideal equation for beauty that’s both inside and out. She’s someone many of us can look up to (Lofficielbaltic)

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