Unveiling Mother Nature’s Dark Side: Stunning Yet Terrifying Images

Pet Yolo

Mother Nature has a wild side that has all of us beat. We all know she’s destructive, and with one gust of wind, can destroy the lives of thousands of people. Based on these photographs, which we’ve collected from real people on the internet, we can see firsthand just how wild Mother Nature is. These photographs captured large fallen trees, splitting a house in two, intense dust storms, flooded kitchens and metro stations, and cars buried under dozens of feet of snow. Next time it rains, you might be grateful that you’re only getting a little bit of water and not a destructive snowstorm!

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda00:00/03:26

Intense Dust Storm

If this picture doesn’t show Mother Nature’s wild side, then we’re not sure what does. This person was on a plane leaving Phoenix, Arizona as this dust storm rolled in. Those people sitting on the airplane must’ve felt relief mixed in with FOMO. The people on land experienced the dust storm full-on, which was either incredibly fun or terrifying. Either way, this bird’s eye view is remarkable, and it’s safe to say this person was in the right place at the right time. At least they weren’t digging sand out of their ears for days afterward like everyone else on land was (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Snowed In

According to this user’s post, they said, “I guess I’m not driving anywhere today.” They’re right about that one. And they’re probably not going anywhere for a while. It’ll take several hours of digging their truck out of the snow to make it safe to drive or easy to access. When this happens, it’s just a good excuse for Netflix and Chill time. Hopefully, they’re stuck at home with a partner and loads of popcorn. This must be one of the biggest snow storms of all time (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Black Skies In England

This picture portrays summer in England. We all know it rains a lot in England, but black skies? That’s terrifying. We’re not sure who would want to live in a country that’s prone to black skies, even if it looks like it’s from an action movie. Maybe the world is about to end, and this is the start. Look at the bright side, though, it’s not raining. Yet… (via Bored Panda).

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Utah Wind Storms

Wind storms can get gnarly, especially in the West of America. They can get so bad that they cover the entire front of people’s houses. This house got the short end of the stick. They’re not getting out through their front door anytime soon. It looks like their front yard suddenly decided to grow a bunch of trees and start a forest. Hopefully, their neighbors helped them dig them out, and they were able to escape through the front door, instead of a window (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Broken Door

There’s a reason why they say people need to prepare their homes for snow storms. This restaurant in Iceland had a broken door during a severe snowstorm, and Mother Nature proved her wild side. Without fail, she took over the restaurant with her snowy beauty and showed the owners who’s boss. Let’s hope they cleared the snow quickly, otherwise, it’s an unwanted restaurant decoration they’ll have to deal with (via Bored Panda).

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Gale Force Winds

This picture looks like it’s from the world of Narnia. After two days of intense gale-force winds at Lake Erie in Hamburg, New York, many of the homes froze over and were buried beneath dozens of feet of snow. Let’s hope these people were able to get out of their houses because, by the looks of it, their doors are frozen shut. And their windows. We can’t even begin to imagine how freezing it must’ve been. That looks like immediate frostbitten fingers weather (via Bored Panda).

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Hungry And Hopeful

What happens when your kitchen floods, but you still want a bite to eat? Blow up a raft and float through your kitchen, of course! Mother Nature is no joke. Unfortunately, this house was in the wrong place at the wrong time. After severe rain showers, their neighborhood flooded and their house went underwater. Let’s hope they don’t have their electricity hooked up, otherwise, they’re in for a shock (via Bored Panda).

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Welcome Mat

This person’s frozen welcome mat snapped in half when they stepped on it. It seems unlikely that this would ever happen, but clearly, it’s cold enough that it did. It looks like they’ll have to get another welcome mat soon, but it might be best that they wait for summer. Mother Nature can ruin even the most minuscule things, like welcome mats. They need to protect their outdoor furniture from freeze damage (via Bored Panda).

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Mother Nature Prefers Convertibles

Mother Nature didn’t like this BMW and decided it needed to turn into a convertible with an open roof. Like the flooded house, this car was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It goes without saying that if they had been only a few feet forward or backward, the tree would’ve missed their car completely. Of course, they had to park directly underneath the tree’s falling path, succumbing to its treacherous weight. That’s a sight for sore eyes. Let’s hope they didn’t discover their car this on a Monday, otherwise, that’s a pretty bad way to start anyone’s week (via Bored Panda).

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The Most Dedicated Fans You’ll Ever See

Those Buffalo Bills fans love the sport. Not only did they make it to the game, but they were sitting there, freezing. There’s ice forming on their jackets and hats. We’re not sure we love any sport enough to sit through a game and freeze, while snow piles up next to us on the seat, but it’s admirable that these guys did. They deserve to meet the team and get some signed autographs because not many people would put themselves through that (via Bored Panda).

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These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Close Call

This looks like a scene from Final Destination, where each person evades death by a millisecond. Luckily, this kid wasn’t in bed when the tornado-driven branch impaled this person’s house. We can’t imagine the feeling of finding this branch and thinking about all the possibilities that could’ve happened had this branch not stopped where it did, or if their kid had been asleep. Maybe they’ll consider getting a stronger roof (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Stairway To Heaven

This one is quite beautiful. Heavy rain turned this stairway into a waterfall, and Mother Nature proved her beauty. This one is more of a gorgeous outcome than destruction, which shows that Mother Nature can make things more beautiful. Too bad people probably need that staircase to access the top, though, otherwise, we’d probably wished the waterfall would stay. Street flooding is no joke (via Bored Panda).

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Hail Chandelier

In a freezing part of the world, frozen hail dripped through the sunroof and created a beautiful glass structure that looks like it belongs above a dining room table. If you look closely, you can see the gorgeous details in the ice and the fractals and designs that Mother Nature created. It looks like Mother Nature is one of the most beautiful artists out there. They better be careful, though, the next time they’re stuck in a hail storm (via Bored Panda).

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Lord Of The Rings

It looks like Hurricane Matthew created the landscape for the Lord of the Rings in Daytona, Florida. It’s incredible that incredibly, a hurricane has the strength to uproot an entire tree and the surrounding land. At least these people found the beauty and humor in it and were able to get a hilarious picture that makes it look like they’re the ones lifting the tree off of the ground (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Bursting Pipes

They always say you need to leave your faucet on during the wintertime, otherwise, your pipes will burst. Well, this photo encapsulates burst pipes in the wintertime. They have their very own winter wonderland and don’t even need to go outside to experience winter. They can go skiing in their very own kitchen. These people live in Watertown, New York. We can’t even begin to imagine what happens in colder places in Canada. The entire house must freeze over (via Bored Panda).

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Buried Car

After a wicked blizzard, someone decided to check on the state of their car. It turns out they couldn’t even get into their car, let alone see it. The car disappeared underneath a blanket of snow. It looks like they’re not accessing their car anytime soon. Let’s hope they don’t have anywhere urgent to be, like school. At least this excuse beats “the dog ate my homework.” Now, they can say “a blanket of snow buried my car.” Works every time! (via Bored Panda)

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Tumble Weave

This person captioned the photo, “found this in my yard after strong winds. I guess you would call it a tumble weave?” They’re right about that one. It looks like the branch grabbed a wig off of someone’s head as they were walking home one day. Maybe it’s Mother Nature’s wig. It’s just showing her true wild side and how strong winds can be. This is one crazy tumbleweed (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Morning Sun

If you look closely, you can see the sun shining in the upper right-hand corner. This photo was taken at 9 AM in Prince George, British Columbia. The smoke from the wildfires was so thick that it blocked out the sun. It looks like the moon shining through a hazy night sky and illuminating the trees. That’s terrifying that smoke from fires can block out the sun (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Splintered Tree

It looks like a giant came with an ax and split this tree in half. Unfortunately, that’s not what happened, as interesting as that sounds. Instead, the tree collapsed from the weight of the snow. One snowflake isn’t enough to cause any damage, but when you have billions of snowflakes piled on top of each other, that’s when destruction happens (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Fallen Tree

Here’s another example of Mother Nature’s wild side. After a tree fell, it pulled the entire lawn up with it. This just goes to show how powerful and heavy trees are. With minimal effort, this tree managed to rip an entire lawn up with it as it crumbled and fell to the ground. Good thing there wasn’t a house next to it, or a person wasn’t standing next to it. There’d be a lot more damage done than a bunch of grass getting ripped out of the ground (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda


This photo encapsulates what happens when a cedar tree explodes. It was probably struck by a bolt of lightning, which split it in two. The inside is pretty remarkable, and we can thank the lighting bolt for showing us the inside of this cedar tree. The power and destruction of Mother Nature are wild, and there’s no saying what she’ll do next. The fact that a single lightning bolt can split this tree in half says a lot (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Where is the Golden Gate Bridge?

This photo is hilarious. At first, you might not realize what’s wrong with the picture, but once you know the backstory, you’ll realize how unlucky this couple is. It’s captioned, “this is my wife and I at the highest point on Skyline Drive, overlooking the majestic Shenandoah Valley.” There’s nothing majestic about this photograph, and we feel bad for the couple. At least they’re together and making the most out of the disastrous weather. The Golden Gate Bridge is there, somewhere (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Just A Small Breeze

This person’s day is ruined. And month. And probably a year. The worst part is that there’s no one to blame except Mother Nature and her wild side. The horrible combination of wind and a weak tree made this house splinter in half and destroy this person’s home. Let’s hope no one was inside when the tree broke the house in half. Imagine waking up from a nap and your house is broken in half and there’s a tree in your living room. (via Bored Panda).

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These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Exploding Mailbox

This is what happens when lightning strikes your mailbox. The entire thing blows up and it’s left looking like someone threw a ton of bricks on the ground. Of all the things the lightning could’ve struck, it was the mailbox. That’s better than a tree, or a person. They have to deal with getting a new mailbox, though, which is probably pretty annoying. Maybe they need to invest in a lightning-proof mailbox next time (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Metro Station

It looks like the metro turned into the ferry, based on this photograph. The photo is captioned, “Algeria, Les Fusillés metro station this evening. After the torrential rains.” The city needs to work on its sewage system, because if this happens after heavy rainfall, who knows what’ll happen next time. They won’t have a metro station if this keeps happening. Maybe someone brought their raft and floated from station to station, picking up passengers. Might as well make use of the situation (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Freezing Rain

Based on the caption of this photo, which says, “I hate freezing rain,” it seems like this basketball froze to the hoop because of the rain. This encapsulates Mother Nature’s wildside. All it takes is a little bit of freezing rain, and it can ruin someone’s entire day. There’s no saying what would happen if this was hail or snow, but they certainly wouldn’t be playing basketball anymore. We always say a little bit of rain doesn’t hurt anyone, but by the looks of this picture, it seems like it can (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Slushy Anyone?

This person isn’t getting out of their car anytime soon. Could you imagine waking up in the morning, ready to drive to work, and seeing this when you open your garage door? That must’ve been a hilarious phone call to the office. This photo is captioned, “record-breaking snowfall from Canadian blizzard. Thirty inches fell on Friday alone.” Mother Nature in Canada has a wild side unlike any other place in the world. She certainly doesn’t mess around. At least they have free slushy’s for the next few weeks (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Fog My Life

Taking your driving test is already stressful enough. You pray it doesn’t rain on the day of your test, and that everything goes according to plan. This person was getting ready for their driving test and woke up the day off to a wall of fog. The photograph is captioned, “this is the road I’m supposed to drive on my final driving test this morning. Fog My Life.” At least they have an excuse to go incredibly slow and don’t have to worry about going the speed limit since they could use the fog as an excuse (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Patio Table

The first time we saw this photograph, we thought it was an antenna sticking out on the side of the wall. It’s a patio table. The photograph is captioned, “damaging winds and severe storms just blew through Indiana. Patio table stuck into a wall.” The wind was strong enough to pick up the patio table, whip it across the parking lot, and stick it onto the wall (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Great View

We can’t imagine traveling to California to see the Golden Gate Bridge, only to be greeted with this view. At least they saw the bridge for a split second in a break in the clouds. Mother Nature has a wild side that extends beyond anything we’ve ever seen. All it takes is a little bit of crazy weather and entire experiences and sights can be ruined. Next time, they need to check the Golden Gate Bridge’s current weather (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Rain In Ireland

This is hilarious. There was a bit of rain in Ireland, so some of the streets were flooded. This goose floated to the side of the house because of the recent rain and decided to take a peek inside. Maybe he wanted to know if he could go inside and get warm, or if there was a nice hot meal sitting on the table. Either way, this photograph is adorable. Mother Nature’s wild side has some benefits (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Mount Rushmore Is Hiding

Based off of this photograph, it looks like Mount Rushmore is good at hiding, just like the Golden Gate Bridge. Who would’ve thought clouds could easily cover an entire monument? At least this person still looks cheerful and gives the camera a solid thumbs-up. At least they made it there, even if it doesn’t feel like it (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Missed Stop

Most of us have been on the subway when it’s packed. We can’t get out and feel stuck between tons of people. We might’ve even missed a stop or two because we couldn’t reach the door. But imagine being on an empty train, getting to your stop, and seeing this. It’s nothing but a giant wall of snow. How are people supposed to get out? Hop over it? Let’s hope this person is wearing solid snow pants and thick boots because they’re going to have to trudge through a bunch of snow just to get outside (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Thick Ice

Defrosting your car every morning is a tedious task. When it’s the middle of winter, it’s Monday morning, you’re freezing, and your car is covered in ice, there’s nothing worse than turning on the car and waiting for it to defrost. But this takes it to another level. The caption reads, “thickness of ice on my windshield in Romania.” That’s certainly another level of thickness. It looks thick enough to skate across. We’re not sure what you’d do in this situation except grab a giant ax and hack your way to visibility (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Lighting Strike

Lighting struck the sidewalk and created this gorgeous design. It looks like a tree solidified in the sidewalk, or roots started expanding from the dirt. Either way, it’s incredible to look at. Lighting is fascinating and terrifying at the same time. But when it creates something as beautiful as this, there’s no reason not to fall in love with it. It can create beautiful things, and certainly proves Mother Nature has a wild side (via Bored Panda).

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These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Hurricane Aftermath

An intense hurricane ripped through this part of the world and destroyed this boardwalk. The aftermath of a hurricane always shows just how destructive Mother Nature is. She has a wild side and proves it with her natural disasters. Maybe she got bored of the boardwalk and decided it needed to be tilted and look a little bit twisted (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Northern Sweden Snow

The snow in Scandinavia is no joke. There’s a reason the Santa Claus village is located in Finland, and why many people flock to the north of countries like Norway and Finland to see the Northern Lights. Snow in Sweden is no joke, either. This place in particular got over 4 meters, and 13 feet of snow. It’s located at Riksgränsen Ski Resort in Northern Sweden. The slopes there must be pretty remarkable if this is the aftermath. At least this person’s house isn’t buried under snow (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Tip Of Africa

When fog settles in, all hope of seeing any sight is usually lost. This photo is captioned, “I (Left) was excited to see the tip of Africa from Gibraltar but… fog. Still the closest I’ve ever been.” At least they know it’s there, right around the corner, and can try and imagine what it must look like. They’re not alone, either, based on this list, we’ve seen tons of people showing up to an awesome spot just to feel disappointed in the end. They look like they’re having fun, though (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Lighting Strikes Golf

In Iowa, lighting struck a golf practice. Seriously, that’s terrifying. If someone was standing anywhere near that spot, they’d be toast. Literally. At least it left a beautiful design. As we’ve seen on this list before, it looks like lightning leaves marks in the shapes of trees. Mother Nature certainly has a beautiful wild side (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Santa’s Trapped

This photo caption reads, “my sister rented a flat here in North of Iceland for Christmas. This is her view.” That’s not much of a view, at all. You can’t see anything. It looks like Santa Claus isn’t getting into that house anytime soon. And they’re not getting out of that house. Let’s hope their trip isn’t ruined, although it’s the perfect excuse for coziness (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Burning Tree

This tree is burning from a recent lighting strike. Mother Nature shows her wrath and wild side in a variety of ways, this being one of them. Without fail, she managed to light an entire tree on fire. It’s the perfect addition to a campfire since they wouldn’t have to try and start a fire the hard way. All they’d have to do is grab one of these branches and add some dried leaves, and they’d have a bonfire (via Bored Panda).

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Willies Wee-Nee Wagon

This person is devastated after a recent hurricane destroyed their favorite hotdog stand, Willies Wee-Nee Wagon. It’s hard to take this photo seriously when that’s the name of the stand, but regardless, it’s shocking to see how destructive Mother Nature can be. Hopefully, these people found another hotdog stand they can frequently visit since this one isn’t an option anymore (via Bored Panda).

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Drywall Saves The Day

It looks like a giant asteroid fell from the sky and landed on this person’s roof. The photograph is captioned, “the roof in my apartment collapsed due to rain, but the latex paint caught the drywall.” At least the drywall saved the day. If that drywall didn’t catch the rain, this person’s room would’ve flooded and all of their belongings would’ve gotten destroyed. At least they have an awesome photograph and a decent story (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda


We can’t imagine sitting at home, reading a book, looking up, and seeing this out the window. It looks like the end of the world is coming, and there’s nothing you can do about it. This photograph is captioned, “took this pic when the sandstorm was about to hit.” We’d love to see the aftermath. This person left us hanging! Maybe the entire city was covered in sand and turned into a desert (via Bored Panda).

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Post Hail And Flooding

When we hear hailing and flooding, nothing good comes after it. This photograph is a prime example of Mother Nature’s wild side. They captioned the photo, “this poor Lambo I towed in Calgary Ab after hail and flooding.” It looks like this person’s car went into outer space and through the sun’s rays. They won’t be driving this car anytime soon, that’s for sure (via Bored Panda).

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Gate To Hell

Three hours after this tree was struck by lightning, it was still burning. This photograph is one of many that encapsulates the sheer destruction and wild side of Mother Nature and shows just how much damage she can cause. It almost looks like it’s the Gate to Hell (via Bored Panda).

These Images Make Us a Little Scared of Mother Nature’s Bad SideBored Panda

Just A Gust Of Wind

A cornfield in Iowa was flattened after 100 mph winds. Mother Nature’s wild side comes in many forms, and the wind is just one of them. Unfortunately, these people won’t be eating any corn anytime soon, or, until next year. Unless corn can grow completely sideways, then that’s a different story. Either way, they have a lot of work to do to clean up this mess (via Bored Panda).

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Dusty Sahara

You could say the Sahara is just a little dusty, considering it lit the entire sky orange in Murcia, Spain. It’s remarkable how far dust can travel. This place looks like Mars. Just a little dust can change a place to a point where it’s unrecognizable (via Bored Panda).

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Fallen Tree

Getting a call that a tree fell on your house isn’t the greatest call to get. No one wants to be told a tree fell on their house, let alone that a tree smashed through their roof and caused thousands of dollars of damage. There are worse calls you can get, but this one is certainly on the top of the list of bad calls (via Bored Panda).

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