Discover the Innovative Careers Revolutionizing the Future Workforce!

Pet Yolo

The future will be a pretty cool place if you ask us. Of course, that’s only if we take care of our planet and any other we come across. While many jobs we do today will eventually die off, other awesome jobs will be available. Some of them are on the cusp of being present within this decade while others are pretty far off. Yet it is likely your children or their children will be able to do one of them. What are some of these amazing jobs that will exist in the future? Most tend to be part of the technology territory, as this field will always be improving and increasing in our lives.

Others involve the greater universe off-world. Thus, it will take time to see jobs like those versus some of the tech jobs. It will be interesting to see how many of these jobs will begin. A lot of the time, a job is only present because it fulfills specific needs humanity has. However, some jobs might exist because of a great idea a person has or the fact that there will be access to new materials the world needs. We’ll get into that more below. With all that having been written, let’s discuss some of the amazing jobs that will exist in the future!

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Ungvar/]

Digital Locksmith

  • Year Expected: By 2030

One would assume that, by now, we’d actually have a Digital Locksmith job opening. However, technically speaking this position does not exist right now. It will certainly exist incredibly soon, however. Digital locks are becoming quite popular, and most of the time one can open any lock like this with an app on their phone. If nothing else, they might have a code they can put in. However, there are several issues that could take place. While many of these locks are encrypted to prevent potential burglary issues, they are not 100% fail proof yet.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]That means that not only can some break in through them but they could be altered to lock a person out of their own home. Plus, if there is a potential electrical issue in the home or something like this…these locks can become obsolete. Since most of these locks have a built-in failsafe that will lock rather than open in an electrical or power outage, this can be a huge problem. Many cars are also using these locks too, and will only continue to do so in newer vehicles. Technology is clearly not perfect and thus, there will eventually be a need to help those affected by digital lock problems.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Olivier Le Moal/]

Workplace Productivity Specialist

  • Year Expected: By 2030

There are already productivity specialists or those who might be hired to come into a business and improve workplace issues. Therefore, this specific job is sort of already a thing but will be enhanced in the future. It is claimed that in America, productivity loss has cost companies over $500 billion. Due to the rise in technology, our minds are occupied by distractions all day long. Heck, the writer of this article has three things going on to be distracted by while writing this. The Millennial generation outside of the ones upcoming is the most connected to technology at this point.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]Moreover, this generation now makes up most of the workforce at close to 70% of it. Nearly 30% of the day, a person’s job is spent replying to emails alone. That is a huge dip into the day and there are more distractions than ever for tech-connected workers. This is why Workplace Productivity Specialists will be one of the amazing jobs that will exist in the future. Simply put, we will eventually need someone who can enter a job setting and help bring focus to the setting. They will make sure to remove distractions and offer coaching to guide workers in their daily tasks or help them to balance work with distractions throughout their workday.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via The Economic Times]

Digital Currency Advisor

  • Year Expected: By 2040

No matter how you feel about the wild west of digital currencies, it is becoming clear that cryptocurrencies along with things like NFTs are here to stay. Thus, they will play a big part in our future, with many people unaware of how to navigate this sector. While there are already financial advisors who understand money and economics, this is not exactly enough. Eventually, digital currencies might become so important to some nations that an overall international system will need to be put in place to properly keep it together. By then, advisors can be put in place to help people manage most digital currencies.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]Bitcoin is likely to be the cryptocurrency of the future. Considering it has been around the longest, is the most secure, and the most trusted. It also has the most value behind it compared to the stock market-like movements smaller currencies go through daily. One of the amazing jobs that will exist in the future is a digital advisor who understands both the stable and unstable world of crypto or digital currencies entirely. They will also need to know about how NFTs and other things like them will work. If we were to ever switch to an international currency as well, it would certainly be digital. But other random additions to it will still need skilled advisors.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Dmitry Kalinovsky/]

Drone Manager

  • Year Expected: By 2030

Every country has its own rules when it comes to drones. If you use one in America, each state will also have its own set of rules for them. Currently, in America, you have to actually register every single drone you own with the Federal Aviation Administration or you cannot legally fly them. The FAA used to only request that business drones do this, but now everyone must register. Businesses actually have to have another specialized license entirely, and more business drones are likely to come as delivery with these unmanned aircraft begins to eventually replace the delivery of most packages from places like UPS or FedEx.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]It is likely that they will end up hiring licensed drone pilots to take packages to homes. This means that delivery organizations will eventually have a large fleet of drones to manage and someone will need to head that department. Enter one of the most amazing jobs that will exist in the future in Drone Management. Not only will they be responsible for small drones, but also larger ones as they become more advanced. They will need to check them off each day to make sure all are accounted for, and make sure they are maintained properly to avoid any possible accidents. As drones falling from the sky could be bad for business.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Gorodenkoff/]

Air Traffic Control For Private Industry

  • Year Expected: By 2030

While those drones we referenced will likely be in the air quite often, there will be a need for people to make sure there are no possible incidents that take place. The FAA will likely have to put a private industry air traffic control team in place that will be separate from the air traffic control used for airplanes, helicopters, and other aircraft. It would clog up the system to have the same air traffic control people try to manage both commercial planes and your average delivery drone. It is true that private companies will likely be the first to install these air traffic control people.

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These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]That is mostly because they do not want any of their drones colliding with each other, costing them money. However, as more of these drones get into the air, it will be a public need to have the government control where drones can go. That might result in specified “fly zones” that each company can use, which would keep things well organized. On top of this, you do not want little Timmy’s drone coming in contact with delivery drones. Thus, the FAA will need to hire people who can control registered drones to avoid collisions or advise the drone pilot where to go to avoid issues. Especially in cases of severe weather.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Nikolay_E/]

Excess Capacity Broker

  • Year Expected: By 2040

There will always be a need to push for productivity, which is the entire reason technology is becoming so advanced. Eventually, the jobs that require us to do manual labor will be entirely done by artificial intelligence. That also means that we could eventually see business owners have so much excess space or equipment that could be utilized by smaller companies. On top of this, a business owner might want to get out of operating a large day-to-day business and would be happy to rent out the machines he or she once used, along with office space.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]That is where one of the most amazing jobs that will exist in the future comes in. With all of this excess, someone needs to be able to put it to good use. At least if an owner isn’t wanting to sell everything outright. This person will help people monetize the excess assets the business owner has, which will allow them to keep making money on those assets. Of course, this is not exactly abnormal. People are doing this right now with their assets, but it can be quite a lot for people to deal with. As a result, having someone handle that for you can be helpful. Plus, they’ll likely with a large list of clients to help make you a good bit of extra money.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]

3D Printing Chef/Food

  • Year Expected: By 2030

There are already some restaurants that make food using 3D Printers. Therefore, we could very well see people calling for this to be a much bigger thing before too much longer, resulting in 3D Printing Chefs. In fact, it is very likely we’ll start to see this in fast food places as computers can likely make food far faster and likely with more accuracy than your average food worker. Of course, making specific food items is one thing. On top of making these items into anything, shape-wise, that you could want. Actually cooking the food inside these printers is not common right now.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]Sooner or later, we will start to see printers made specifically for food and ONLY food. It will be packed with ingredients and likely still need some assistance when it comes to the use of meat. From there, they will eventually be able to cook items to perfection based on the settings they are provided. Of course, anyone who has ever used a 3D Printer can tell you that it takes a lot of mathematical knowledge to operate one successfully in many cases. However, newer models are starting to make that easier on people. One day, it will just be a matter of setting everything up like you would on your home microwave.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via TechRadar]

Self-Driving Car Mechanic

  • Year Expected: By 2050

Self-driving cars already exist today and can be found mostly around the businesses that made them. Specifically, Google has had self-driving cars for many years now and uses them to drive guests or employees around their large campus. The way they actually work is by a guidance system that works off of chips strategically placed around the campus for the cars to follow. It is like a path for them to use that can give them information about the need to stop or go, along with any accidents just like Google Maps might show you. However, it cannot work off of Google Maps only because of not only how long it might take to update.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work IndustryWatch Dogs Legion Self-Driving Black Cab [Image via Ubisoft]The Maps also cannot keep an eye on people in the street either. This will eventually lead to most major cities chipping the roadways to help these cars navigate around those cities. However, tech is not perfect and these cars will suffer from the same issues other vehicles have. Thus, we will one day need self-driving car mechanics to be at the ready in several major cities. It is likely that taxis and couriers will be fully automated first, and these companies will have an in-house mechanic that cant track down and fix the vehicle if it breaks down. This will certainly be one of the most amazing jobs that will exist in the future, without a doubt.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via PopTicka/]

Personal Medical Interpreter

  • Year Expected: By 2040

Some might be wondering… this sort of sounds like a doctor, right? Not exactly. This is all about gene editing and customized medications. While some medicines are already customized via the compound medication route, this is a bit different. Some patients cannot take specific medications due to issues it might cause them, such as being allergic. That is a huge problem when a specific medication might be the best thing for them. On top of that, specialized treatments might be needed too. It is likely that as we perfect genetic editing, there will be a need for people who specialize in that field to start genetic counseling.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]These people will become Personal Medical Interpreters who will be able to find something that works for an individual. Since genetic editing such as what we see by CRISPR will only become more advanced in the future, we will see more specialized treatments arrive than ever before. That is when you’ll need medical interpreters that can explain this stuff to patients. It would be far too difficult to have doctors do this when they might not be well-versed in it. Plus, those who counsel like this will likely need to be specialized in areas like sociology and/or psychology where they’ll be trained to also talk to people in ways they can better understand.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via AP_Footage/]

Simplicity Engineer

  • Year Expected: By 2040

You might be surprised to learn just how much data is produced every single day, as well as how many packages Amazon delivers or searches made on Google. Just so you’re aware, Amazon delivers an estimated 11,000 packages every minute of the day. 40,000 searches occur on Google every second. On top of that, roughly 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every single day on average. It is important to know this so that you’re aware of just how much information humanity is producing every day. We are also constantly hit with new applications that do the same as others, websites, products, and much more than we truly know what to do with.

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These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work IndustryMan Using Laptop Monitor [Image via Pressmaster/]This is where a Simplicity Engineer comes in. These people will be able to streamline a lot of this, helping businesses achieve their desired goals in a way that makes sense. One thing might be to make one massive application that does the same thing. Look at Facebook or the new Metaverse, for example. They not only own Facebook but also Instagram, WhatsApp, and several other companies. It would make sense to combine FB, WA, and Insta into one platform rather than three. This is what a Simplicity Engineer might do. They might also cut down processes that once took us 8 hours and have them down to 1 hour. They’d work as the user and designer in this position, helping businesses grasp what consumers both want and need.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Veles Studio/]

Memory Surgeon

  • Year Expected: By 2050 to 2060

This is a job that will be far more complicated and likely take the most time to see out of several jobs on this list. Mostly because we have to wait until not only the technology exists but also understand how it can be done scientifically, without harming someone. There is a fascination some have with brain implants. These are supposedly being made to help a person match what eventual artificial intelligence can do. It would, ideally, help a person accomplish tasks faster or understand things at a much faster pace than our average brain could on its own. They will likely enhance memories, assist with curing paralysis, and much more.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]Yet this is just an implant, and the brain will still function as it normally does. This means a person could still potentially experience mental illnesses or possibly be affected by them in a very negative way. That means things like severe depression or PTSD trauma could occur if a person experiences something and cannot get it out of their mind. That is where one of the most amazing jobs that will exist in the future comes into play. Memory Surgeons (also called Memory Optimizers) will be able to find memories using the implant and essentially remove them to treat a person’s depression or PTSD issue.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Singularity Hub]

Organ Harvester

  • Year Expected: By 2050

When you see something like “Organ Harvester,” you likely think of the illegal practice of taking someone’s organs. Like some shady person kidnaps you and takes out one of your kidneys, or something. Yet while that field is certainly terrible, in the future, Organ Harvesting will be exclusive to the laboratory. You’ll be able to have organs grown specifically for you in a lab, which will be a massive thing for medical science. It could be so huge for us that it is likely to extend the average human life by a minimum of 20 years or more. Today, people can donate some organs to a friend or family member like a kidney. Since you can live with just one, that’s fine.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via The Great Courses Plus]But the person has to be your blood type, and there is still a risk it could fail inside them. Not only will that no longer be a big of an issue….if it somehow does fail, another could be made within the same day. Organs will be made on demand for those who need them, and will originally be put in by properly trained surgeons. Eventually, this might become an entire practice of its own with robotic/AI surgeons putting the organs in at the same clinic an organ is grown. This seems like an awesome area to work in. Making it obviously one of the most amazing jobs that will exist in the future.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Trismegist san/]

Personal Data Broker

  • Year Expected: By 2035 to 2045

Today, right this very second, your data is being taken by websites or applications you use. You often agree to this in exchange for these services being free for you to use. That very data collected is then bought and sold by people most of us will never see. In the future though, your personal data will be much harder to gather as new technology will be made to prevent such actions. Data security is advancing at a very fast rate, especially through things like VPNs. It is making life harder for places to collect any concrete personal data on you. That is why eventually, you’ll be able to sell your personal data for profit.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]This will especially become lucrative for those in the most cherished demographics, like the 18-32 male demo and the 16 to 35 female demo. This is because they are most likely to use a newer product on the market over something that might already do the same thing. It’s not easy to know who to sell your data to or how much it is even worth. That’s why Personal Data Brokers will be key to this. They will know the value of the data you possess, and the right companies to trade it to. The middle-man brokers are certainly going to be one of the most amazing jobs that will exist in the future.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Ubisoft]

Augmented Reality Journey Builder

  • Year Expected: By 2040

You are likely familiar with games like Pokemon Go! Which is known for its use of augmented reality or AR technology. AR tech puts random things in the world around you, allowing things to feel like they are really there because it clearly fits in the world you know. Eventually, video game companies will expand upon AR in a massive way. Artists will make 3D content that will make users feel like they are in another world, even though they might not leave their home or a local AR arcade. It will likely become similar to the Holodeck from Star Trek.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work IndustryMan Playing VR Game [Image via Coin Revolution]The Holodeck, while its name clearly references the use of holograms, is not technically that. A hologram on its surface is obviously a version of AR without one wearing a mask or putting a screen up. The deck allows them to have a specific space where the deck can utilize lights in any way it sees fit. As we become more advanced, this type of place will exist via AR Arcades. That is where AR journeys will most likely first start. Journey builders will know what they want to make, as well as the specific lights or equipment they will need. All of which will become must-see experiences for people.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Frame Stock Footage/]


  • Year Expected: Unknown

As we begin to explore space more, whether mankind or machine does this, it is very possible that life of some kind will be found. Of course, this life might only exist in the form of plant life. However, we might also find animals or humanoid lifeforms too. Ideally, we’d want to find sentient beings, but it is unknown. What we can be sure about is that there will be planets out there that have some form of biology on them. That is where an Astrobiologist will be key for us, as they will be able to study and understand what we find on these planets.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Ken Barthelmey]As of now, astrobiology is a real thing that exists. However, their jobs so far are mostly in theoretics. They study origins, early evolution distribution, and the possible future of life in the universe. Since their jobs are clearly based on theoretics, they land in the interdisciplinary areas of science. That will certainly not be the case forever. As astrobiology is one of the amazing jobs that will exist in the future. Though we cannot know yet when this job will enhance to become important to mankind right now. That is simply due to our lack of exploration. The more we do this and come across other planets, the higher the chance biologists will be heavily needed.

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These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via]

AI Ethicist

  • Year Expected: By 2050

As artificial intelligence becomes more and more common, we will eventually get to a point where AI will likely become capable of standing alone. Thus, becoming their own beings away from human interference. However, as of now, AI ethics mostly involve how humans use it. Not so much the idea of AI becoming its own separate sentient being. Today, AI Ethicists mostly help to ensure a system of moral principles and techniques are used in the development process of artificial intelligence technology. Along with the proper use of any updates to them.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Shutterstock.]However, AI Ethicists will eventually move away from this current role. They will then become advocates for how humans use AI, similar to how ethicists are present in how human employees are treated. Yes, this job will essentially be to ensure the civil rights of AI as its own existing being. Although, we are a long way away from such a timeframe where AI can stand on its own like this. Yet AI Ethicists will be one of the most amazing jobs that will exist in the future, without a doubt. Mostly because these people will be just as important to civil rights as activists are now. Except it will be for sentient machines rather than humanity.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Solveig Been/]


  • Year Expected: By 2040

While this might be a controversial concept, there are many who believe telesurgery will become a bigger thing within the next twenty years or so. Just like all telehealth stuff we see today, human doctors (or surgeons in this case), will be part of the surgical procedure. Of course, this actually DOES exist as we speak. The drawback is that it is not exactly something available to the average person. What exactly is telesurgery and how does it work? Essentially, a surgeon uses wireless networking and robotic technology to perform a surgery on a patient at a distant location.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work IndustrySurgeons Performing Surgery [Image via U.S. News Health]This type of technology will be massive and could very well extend life in areas where surgical procedures are nearly impossible to see. Right now there is a shortage of surgeons in not just the United States, but in most developing nations. With this tech, one surgeon would no longer be limited by their geographic location. A talented surgeon could use robotics to perform top-tier surgeries on anyone, anywhere in the world. Telesurgery will eliminate major financial problems, most complications, and especially long-distance travel. Clearly, it will be one of the most amazing jobs that will exist in the future.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Naeblys/]

Commercial Space Pilot

  • Year Expected: By 2040

Commercial aircraft pilots are all over the world right now, flying major planes with hundreds of passengers a day. Eventually, though, many pilots will ditch the commercial travel from nation to nation and instead take people into space. The real question mark is…will they fly them into actual space or just into the upper atmosphere? There is a big difference here because most would not consider it to be “space” until you’re able to exit the Earth’s atmosphere entirely. Due to the world’s billionaires ignoring world hunger and housing problems because of their joy of space, we will see commercial space travel relatively soon.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Air & Space Magazine]Of course, to actually do this effectively, you will need to have well-trained pilots who can withstand several trips into space during a given week. People often forget that being in space is not exactly “easy” on your body. Nor is the launch from Earth or the return to it. SpaceX has already made reusable rockets, and Blue Origin is planning on making its own Space Center in orbit. Therefore, it is obvious that this will be one of the most amazing jobs that will exist in the future. The real problem is not knowing how far people will be taken, or for how long. On top of not knowing enough about what repeated travel could do to a person.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Dotted Yeti/]

Asteroid Miner

  • Year Expected: By 2055

It is quite obvious that asteroids contain some amazing materials. They pass by our planet all the time, and we’ve already proven we can get probes on one. Thus, getting humans on one long enough to mine them will be a difficult adventure. We will need the proper equipment to get there, along with the right equipment to work in space for long periods of time. Radiation will likely be quite high, either from a nearby star or simple cosmic radiation. But the rewards that mining asteroids bring could be huge.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Lucasfilm]Many believe that this could be a great way to mine for water in the future, should something occur and the world needs more water to use. Yet the big thing asteroids bring to the table are the important metals we need. That includes things like nickel, iron, iridium, platinum, palladium, magnesium, and most importantly…gold. The first asteroid miners will likely become rich overnight after one mining expedition. However, as mining increases, precious metals like gold will lose their value. Yet the big thing is that most of our technology needs metals, and asteroid miners will give tech companies a way to get more and more of that likely at a lower cost.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via Quality Stock Arts/]


  • Year Expected: Unknown

Today, anthropologists study many things. Mostly, they are known for studying humanity overall. They like to know about human behavior, biology, cultures, societies, and languages from the present day and from the past. There are also SEVERAL forms of anthropology, each doing a specific task. Social anthropologists study patterns in human behavior. Cultural anthropologists study cultures and what a cultural norm or value might be. The most famous version of anthropologists is likely the archeologists who tend to dig up things of the past, like dinosaur bones or entire towns.

These Futuristic Jobs Will Be Taking Over the Work Industry[Image via DanieleGay/]Eventually, we will find sentient life in our universe. It is statistically impossible that we’re the only sentient beings in the entire universe. With quintillions of stars and possible exoplanets where life could be, it would be illogical to assume life does not exist somewhere. That said, one of the most amazing jobs that will exist in the future will most certainly be in Astroanthropology. These people will study these sentient beings, their cultures, languages, beliefs, religions, etc. They will become crucial to understanding and working with these beings. Making this particular job one of the most important on the planet in the future.


Where Do We Find this Stuff? Here Are Our Sources:

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

European Commission

European Space Agency

Columbia University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Harvard University


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