Exploring the Discontent Behind the MCU’s Latest Eternals Film

Pet Yolo

For all of the hype that has surrounded the newest addition to the Marvel Comic Universe franchise, the film Eternals has really garnered a lot of mixed criticism from critics and viewers alike. Chloe Zhao directed the film and featured a brand-new lineup of ten superheroes. They have an epic mission to accomplish in order to save the human race basically. The film begins thousands of years ago. Yes, it introduces and describes all the new superheroes. However, this movie also attempts to keep up with quite an ambitious plotline along the way. There have been many mixed reviews expressed about the quality of the film and how satisfied viewers were after watching it. Read on for 20 reasons why people actually disliked the film Eternals. Please, keep in mind this is not a personal review. Instead, it is a researched article about the various critiques of the movie that are already widespread across the industry.

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21. Eternals Fails to Live Up to Its Potential

One of the loudest criticisms about the film Eternals is that it did not live up to its hype or potential (via CNBC). Many viewers and critics alike were excited about the new Marvel Comic Universe film and anxiously awaited the release. However, after many people watched the movie for themselves, they quickly verbalized what a “let-down” the movie was. It introduced so much content, but it did little to actually follow through on any explanation of many aspects of the film (via Screen Rant). Much criticism came in the form of what seemed like director Chloe Zhao being too obsessed in the ways she tried to cover too much of a timeline. Not only that, but she was overly anxious and ambitious to introduce and play out a plotline that included so many characters in the form of superheroes. The film had a seemingly grandiose, over-complicated plot sequence.

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20. The Film Has Too Many Plot Points That Over Complicate the Film

Yes, many Marvel movies are usually full of well-developed, multi-level plots. However, the film Eternals is past maximum capacity with the amount of information it expects its audience to keep straight. It becomes challenging to keep everything transparent with so many new characters (via CNBC). You might find yourself asking who every character is and what their related superpowers are. Furthermore, what the main motive or storyline of the film actually is. Reviews of the film suggest that the director would have been better off sticking to one major plotline and seeing the resolution of that one through (via Screen Rant). She could, maybe, add in one or two subplots to help viewers stay interested. With an overload of new content and characters, many viewers said they could not keep information organized.

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19. There Are Too Many Flashbacks That Distract from the Main Storyline

The film has the greatest intentions to portray a well-developed, exciting story. However, that storyline seems to get a bit lost in all of the back-and-forth moments (via Screen Rant). The film jumps around in time as it introduces each character. They also reveal their superpowers in a confusing manner. Many people felt that fitting all ten new characters into the overly complicated storyline was a confusing two and a half hours. Throughout the movie, the sheer number and duration of flashbacks don’t keep the overall storyline together. Instead, it leaves the audience lacking the ability to maintain a level of coherence. Without it, there is no way that viewers come away with a solid understanding of what happened in the movie and what they should take away from it.

In fact, the film reviews have indicated that this overabundance of moments of going back and forth in time to explain and describe the superhero cast has done much more harm than good. Many critics have expressed their overall dislike that the film does not draw one in or maintain any level of excitement or anticipation for what will happen next (via CNBC).

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18. The Movie Takes Way Too Much Time to Say Pretty Much Nothing

The movie does last a good two and half hours. However, it seems to go on and on without really saying anything at all. The new cast of superheroes, their introduction, and explanation of powers and their place in the plot takes up pretty much the entire movie and really doesn’t do anything to move the storyline along. There seems to be too much introduction and explanation throughout the film that dulls and backgrounds the entire main plotline. Many viewers and critics agreed on this point and even said that they were more than a little confused and even bored at times while watching the movie (via CNBC).

If the director had tried to highlight the main plotline and maybe only one or two subplots, it might have made for a more streamlined film that felt more successful as a whole. It seemed like there was just too much information being introduced (via Screen Rant). Sure, there were some great moments in the movie. However, it was overall quite tricky for viewers to keep all the characters and motives straight while watching the film.

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17. The Director Is a Female in an Old White Man’s Club

Let’s make one thing clear. No matter how great the movie might have been, people would still give negative criticism. And to be fair, it is not the best MCU film. However, what is the reason people deemed this film one of the worst Marvel movies ever? The film’s director is a young female trying to make her way in an old boy’s club. Not only that, but she is also a minority on top of it. It is pretty safe to say, although still sounding controversial to some, that being a young female as well as a minority in the film industry can make someone an easy target for criticism. In fact, it can even cause them to be held to a higher, less realistic standard than their male counterparts (via Variety). The reason being is that this industry is a primarily male-dominated group consisting of movie writers, producers, and critics.

As the director of Eternals, Chloe Zhao had her work cut out for her. She put her best effort forth in trying to portray the superheroes she introduced in this movie as well as keep up with the ongoing and very successful classic blueprint that is so well-known as the Marvel Comic Universe franchise. There seems to be only so much accomplishment and success that people have been willing to acknowledge Zhao for in her directorial performance. It could very possibly be based on the fact that she is a young Asian female (via Variety).

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16. Eternals Only Seems to Be Going Through the Motions to Satisfy the Masses

Some argue Eternals followed in the footsteps of the classic, money-making model that all other Marvel Comic Universe movies do. It is an easy way to make money and satisfy their audience. Some critics have said that this film “ticks the boxes” in a way that would be another automatic viewer-satisfying (via CNBC). This flick should be a money-making blockbuster for the film franchise. Many opinions have circulated that Zhao hasn’t done enough. She only gave a minimal amount give fans. It is not the right formula to enjoy a Marvel movie (via Screen Rant). However, it also seems that critics judge Zhao against a higher, more rigorous standard than her male counterparts. Others who directed Marvel Comic Universe movies did not receive the same critics regardless of having similar issues.

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15. The Film Spans Such a Big Time Period That Viewers Lose the Overall Plot

This point piggybacks on a previous issue to an extent. Nevertheless, it is still worth mentioning on its own. The film attempts to explain, discuss, and display events that occur so long that the number of flashbacks does nothing more than creating a confused and overwhelming movie. Again, there is too much information to take in one movie (via CNBC). Also, the amount of introduction and explanation that occurred in introducing a new group of superheroes does much to muddle and confuse the overall plotline. The plotline, not the intros, should be the bigger focus of the whole movie.

This movie tries to cover a period starting in 5,000 BC and ending in the present day. That alone is a big undertaking. Couple it with the fact that there is an entirely new cast of superheroes that needs explaining, making for a confusing story (via CNBC). Trying to cover this extended period while introducing new characters and relying so heavily on flashbacks can make for a disconnected yet boring Marvel movie. It is a disappointing two and a half hours in the theater for viewers.

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14. The Secondary Plot Lines of the Film Are Distracting and Confusing

Several different seemingly unrelated plots run through the movie and only go so far as to confuse and distract viewers from what we think is the main focus (via CNBC). One example of this is that Sprite is romantically interested in Ikaris; this plotline is introduced but never really fleshed out or followed through on any details as the movie goes on. Many viewers voiced their opinion saying that the subplots in the film were really more of a distraction (via Screen Rant). Instead of adding to the flick, it left many confused about what they should be focusing on as essential plot points and events throughout the film.

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13. Diversity Of the Superhero’s Characteristics Feels Like Forced Recognition of Cultural Diversity

Another common criticism is that there is diversity in the form of the characteristics of the new superheroes. Examples of this include the newly introduced superheroes, one of which is gay, and one is blind. Zhao is trying so obviously to be kind of “all-inclusive” because she has included these traits of the new superheroes feels almost forced and a little too over the top (via The Things). Yes, there is much diversity, and people want to watch relatable characters on the big screen.

However, many opinions were expressed that this attempt to include diversity feels a little forced and almost disingenuous (via The Things). She wanted to have the many different characteristics of these superheroes that might be an attempt to mirror real life. However, it takes it to the point that people did not find the characters as believable as other Marvel Comic Universe movies.

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12. The Attempt of the Film to Include So Much New Content Distracts from the Original Plot Line

Again, one of the main issues with Eternals was the numerous new superheroes. It is hard for a viewer to understand all of the characters. It can be challenging to keep the various hyped-up events that are taking place in the film clear. Please know that it is not to discredit Zhao. She does an excellent job with this film for some viewers. However, other critics thought the introduction and explanation of each superhero were too long (via CNBC). It took up much of the running time in the movie. As if this is not enough, at the same time, there is also an apparent effort in creating and fleshing out several different plot lines. Talk about twists throughout a flick! As the movie plays on, it leaves viewers feeling confused (via CNBC). Why? Because they are attempting to piece the storyline together. That is, chronologically and as the story unfolds on the big screen.

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11. Eternals Raises Too Many Moral and Ethical Questions Without Actually Answering Any of Them

Yes, there has been quite a bit of criticism surrounding the plotline of Eternals and that this film also brings up. There are also unsatisfactorily attempts to deal with several different cultural dilemmas in moral and ethical issues. However, the film does not work through or resolve any of these issues (via CNBC). The movie discusses whether or not it is right to save the Eternals at the cost of billions of other lives in the future. This major moral dilemma is brought up early on in the flick. Again, it does not feel like it is resolved in any way by the end. Several other examples of large-scale dilemmas are in the movie. Yet, their answers or resolutions seem just to be danced around as well. The film leaves too much for the viewer to decide on these issues (via CNBC).

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10. The Story Does Not Fully Explore Many Plot Points

Eternals tries very hard to put forth a strong plotline. However, the flick has too many minor events and storylines in the background. The director consistently brings them to the forefront, making for a much larger distraction in the bigger picture. The two-and-a-half-hour film allows for plenty of time to explain things. However, it has too much information for viewers to take in all at once (via CNBC). Several subplots come to life, but the storyline does not fully play them out. At least not in a way that is satisfying to the viewers (via Screen Rant).

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9. Casting of the Characters Does Not Feel Authentic or Consistent

Another major criticism of the movie is that there are many new superhero characters presented in the film. There seems to be a lot of time focusing on all-inclusiveness in the characteristics. For example, there is a gay superhero, and a deaf one. This, for some issue, has been a sore spot for many viewers and critics alike. There really should be no issue to take up with the fact that there is a much more diverse cast of characters. Yet, there is an issue in the fact that the presence of these superheroes feels somewhat forced (via The Things). Perhaps the diversity portrayed by these characters does not feel consistent across the board with the other superheroes in the film. The opinions that viewers and critics expressed surrounded that these characters did not have enough authentic feel to be believable or relatable (via The Things).

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8. The Film Does Not Keep the Interest of a Younger Generation

The ambition of this film to be many things is not hard to see for those who watch the film. Clearly, this film wanted to satisfy a multitude of audiences. The bigger issue of the movie is that it does not appeal to or keep the attention of the younger generation. These moviegoers have been Marvel movie fans for several years. The fact that this film’s ambitions really overshot the authenticity and ability to captivate and hold on to its audience is a real issue. Why? Because if this film is not able to continue keeping the interest as well as sparking the imagination of audiences, especially a younger audience. That means the timeline of the Marvel Cosmic Universe empire and everything that it has worked for comes into question (via Inverse).

There has to be a serious interest and love in the films that this empire produces in order for them to have a chance at continuing their success with their superhero theme and characters. Several factors affect that this film did not seem to captivate audiences the way other Marvel movies have (via Inverse). There is just too much going on in the course of plot lines. Plus, how the movie jumps around in time also adds confusion. Furthermore, the characters are less relatable and much less genuine than characters in other Marvel movies.

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7. The Talent for the Film Did Little to Keep It from Following the Traditional MCU Storyline

There were many big-name actors and actresses cast for this movie. One can argue their talents to be quite successful. Nevertheless, it is still a disappointment that it fell short of entertaining loyal viewers. Furthermore, it did little to break from the heavily traditional MCU blueprint for cinema. Heavy-hitting names like Angelina Jolie and Selma Hayak make one think that some serious relevant content and contributions are coming (via Screen Rant). Besides, Eternals, is part of the Marvel Comic Universe empire. Nevertheless, the name-dropping for this film did not help the reviews. It feels like much of the talent was squandered. Even with an excellent director, Chloe Zhao, there was a blueprint that Marvel movies have to follow. That in and of itself became a source of disappointment for loyal Marvel fans.

For all the hype and excitement surrounding this movie and all the action crammed into the film, it feels like it fell short regarding the success that everyone expected it to achieve. Even with the new superhero lineup and said personalities and issues, critics say that Eternals still just followed the traditional blueprint evident in any MCU film (via Screen Rant). This was an essential topic of discussion for critics and viewers alike. When thinking of a Marvel Cosmic Universe movie, you probably envision talented actors and their successful ability to embody the story automatically. Eternals seem to have fallen short of achieving this and ultimately leave viewers confused and dissatisfied.

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6. The Film Alienated Marvel Fans

Another big topic of discussion and criticism surrounding the film Eternals is that the film ended up alienating long-time Marvel fans (via CNBC). The film seems to go too far in covering such a large amount of material because it introduces so many characters in one movie while also devoting a significant amount of time to explaining each superhero and their powers. The attempt to create and maintain the main storyline gets muddled amid all the introductions and flashbacks.

There are too many subplots throughout the film. The movie Eternals becomes too weighed down with so much new information in the form of so many new superheroes. The problems they must deal with are disorganized, weighty, and confusing. It leaves viewers to take in all the new characters and keep the essentially overloaded storyline straight (via CNBC). The fact that so much information is in this film seems to alienate many fans from this movie. Viewers expressed their distaste for constantly keeping so many different events and characters straight. Since Zhao wanted to include all the events she did in the movie, viewers feel lost and bored.

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Why People Dislike MCU’s Newest Eternals MovieDisney / Marvel Studios

5. An Epic That Feels Smaller Than It Should

The film feels to have too many large ambitions initially and does not seem to flesh any of them out by the end of the two-hour running time. There is always a considerable, important motive or mission that is a constant running theme throughout Marvel movies. However, the film Eternals seems to take on more than it can handle. Many viewers and critics’ opinions on the film fall short because it does not play out an actual resolution to almost any of the significant plot foils that it initially introduces (via Inverse). Granted, several exciting and well-done scenes and events play out in the film.

However, critics and viewers felt like these events did not really relate to each other as a whole (via Screen Rant). This is a significant issue for the Marvel Comic Universe empire. Do viewers leave the film feeling like they watched another great Marvel movie? If not, they may be less likely to continue watching their superhero movies. This could ultimately lead to a general disinterest in the supernatural. As a result, people are going to be less interested in the plight of superheroes. They won’t care what they must go through to keep our Earth safe. In turn, these types of films might cease to exist for a while until the interest returns.

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4.What The Film Is Trying to Say Makes the Storyline Feel Pushed into A Short Time Frame

Marvel films have always had a definite message through the struggles and triumphs of the characters in each movie. An issue people raise with Eternals is that there is too much wisdom and advice passed on to viewers inside of one movie (via Screen Rant). Indeed, the film runs just over two hours. So, viewers have to deal with too many lessons and objectives, which has led many viewers to voice their dissatisfaction. This film has really tried too hard to cover too many life experiences and the so-called lessons that should be learned from them in one small film viewing experience. Sure, much of the content in the film is very worthwhile. Even better, viewers can draw much knowledge from it. However, it turns into information overload when they cram all of these “life lessons” into a two-hour movie viewing session (via CNBC).

Why People Dislike MCU’s Newest Eternals MovieDisney / Marvel Studios

3. Too Many Artistic Styles Are Clashing in The Film

Another major criticism is that there are just too many artistic styles going on in the film. The movie seems to cover too many moods and styles throughout the two and half hours. A constant, almost melancholy mood is consistent while trying to portray a sense of urgency regarding the importance of the main plotline. It requires the superheroes to band together and carry out a vital, Earth-saving mission. These two styles are competing with the ongoing and characteristic theme of violence as the superheroes attempt to complete their task (via Inverse).

Add to that the attempt of the film to place some lighter and more humorous scenes, and the movie easily becomes more confusing and convoluted in many ways. They attempt the classic, artsy Marvel Cosmic Universe style throughout the film. However, on the whole, many critics and viewers felt like the movie was overly grandiose (via CNBC). It took the entire film to ultimately not say anything at all.

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2. The Director Did Not Do Enough to Stay Within the Marvel Comic Universe Money-Making Theme

The views and opinions on this film swayed pretty far in both directions as far as whether or not the film stayed true to the Marvel Comic Universe movie theme (via Inverse). Is it doing the film production company justice as the next film in the ongoing saga of superhero movies? Indeed, another point earlier in this list goes directly against this one. However, that shows how much wide-ranging criticism this movie has received.

Many viewers felt like the movie was too much in line with the traditional Marvel movie theme (via Inverse). However, other viewers felt like the movie strayed too far from that theme. For example, introducing so many new characters in one film is straying from the conventional movie formula. Then, they each have wide-ranging characteristics, too. Besides, there are too many plot lines for the viewer. It leaves them wondering about many confusing parts of the flick. One thing is for sure. The movie Eternals touched a nerve in many people. After seeing the film, almost everyone has a pretty strong opinion about the movie. More specifically, whether or not they enjoyed it. Do you think it fit in line with the Marvel Cosmic Universe empire?

Why People Dislike MCU’s Newest Eternals MovieDisney / Marvel Studios

1. People On Social Media “Review-Bombed” Eternals Before It Came Out

Another way that viewers voiced their dislike for Eternals was through review-bombing on social media platforms, specifically IMDB (via Insider). It says a lot that people spent the time and effort to get online and express their distaste for a movie they had not yet seen. We can prove they didn’t see the flick when they posted their comments. How? Because the film had not even come out yet. It speaks to the fact that fans of Marvel Cosmic Universe movies do not take their movies lightly. These loyal MCU fans do not want to be disappointed by a Marvel superhero movie.

Many people began writing deliberately bad reviews about the movie because they were not happy with various aspects of the film, even though they had not seen the film in its entirety themselves. This type of review bombing is often related to those upset about LBTGQ representation or other sexist and racist ideas (via Insider). This occurred and had since been taken down before the movie was released to the general public. Social media has become one of our most prominent forms of communication, and people who were not happy with the film were not afraid to talk about it.

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