Breathtakingly Rare: Unveiling the Ocean’s Hidden Wonders

Pet Yolo

It has been suggested that we know more about deep space than we know about the deep oceans. After all, we know that there is no such thing as a giant squid: they are only the stuff of Medieval seafaring lore, right? Not quite. The giant squid is real, and while they may not pose an imminent danger to ships on the ocean sea, they can exceed lengths of 30 feet.

However, there are plenty of other marine oddities, about which we know very little. Some are living fossils that have changed very little since prehistoric times; studying them can give scientists clues about earth’s distant past. Others are extremely rare, such as the shark that has been seen less than 50 times in over a century. Keep reading to learn more about strange sea creatures you’ll probably never see in real life, like terrifying spider crabs, giant squids, octopus, and more.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis armor would protect the snail in a battle. Photo Credit: Dr. Anders Waren/Swedish Museum of Natural History

The Armored Snail Thrives In Deep-Ocean Vents

Armored snails are the stuff of legends. These creatures live in deep-ocean vents, which are extreme environments that receive high levels of heat and chemicals from underneath the ocean floor. And their multi-layered shells probably help protect them in this intense environment.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThe scaly-foot snail. Photo Credit: Reddit

What exactly is the shell made of? For starters, the composite material and structure are unlike anything that humans have contrived. Like other organisms that live in the deep-ocean vents, armored snails are tiny, usually measuring only about four millimeters or about 0.16 inches.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThe worm itself lives inside the tube. Photo Credit: paul01904/Shutterstock

There Is A Christmas Tree Worm

Scientists discovered this oddity that lives in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Christmas tree enthusiasts may be dismayed to see that the Christmas tree worm’s “branches” are blue and look more like a fake plastic Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the points at the end of each bristle look like they could be Christmas tree lights.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeOrange Christmas Tree Worm on Coral In Curacao. Photo Credit: Brent Barnes/Shutterstock

The whole “tree” isn’t the worm; the worm itself lives inside the vertical tube that resembles the Christmas tree trunk. It can recoil its “branches” at will, probably as a defensive mechanism to protect itself from its enemies.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeGiant isopods look like terrifying underwater Beatles. Photo Credit: Kikujungboy CC/Shutterstock

Giant Isopods Are Sea Vultures

There are about 20 different types of giant isopods, and they are called “giant” for a reason. These underwater creatures can grow to be up to 2.5 feet in length – just imagine one running through your kitchen in the middle of the night! They probably grow so big as an evolutionary adaptation that allows them to withstand immense underwater pressure.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeA shelled Giant isopod. Photo Credit: Darren Hugh Lynch/Shutterstock

Giant isopods help keep the oceans clean. They feed on dead marine life, usually when it falls from closer to the surface of the ocean, thereby helping to purify the water. In other words, they do in the ocean basically what vultures do on land.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeePink see-through fantasia is a type of sea cucumber. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Pink See-Through Fantasia Is A Translucent Sea Cucumber

Sea cucumbers are oddities in and of themselves. Far from being a marine vegetable, as the name suggests, echinoderms belong to the same animal family as sea urchins and starfish. They live on the seafloor and feed in a way similar to earthworms, basically eating dirt and then pooping it out.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeePink sea through fantasia. Photo Credit: Flickr

Pink see-through fantasia is a type of sea cucumber with a brilliant hot pink color but is transparent. These creatures live in the western region of the Pacific Ocean. They dwell on the seafloor about a mile to a mile and a half deep.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis creature does resemble a bat wearing makeup underwater. Photo Credit: Ricardo_Dias/Shutterstock

The Galapagos Batfish Looks Like It Is Wearing Lipstick

The Galapagos batfish, also known as the red-lipped batfish, lives on the ocean floor off the coast of the famous Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands have long been celebrated for their high level of biodiversity, which scientist Charles Darwin has been studying to understand the origins of life better.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeGalapagos batfish waiting in the sand bottom coral reef. Photo Credit: Yann Hubert/Shutterstock

The red-lipped batfish looks like it has legs for walking along the seafloor, but those appendages are fins. It swims around and can also stand on its fins to get a better view of its surroundings, especially to see if there are any predators nearby.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeDoes that look like exhaust coming from its tailpipe? Photo Credit: Flickr

Marrus Orthocanna Is A Colony That Functions As One Animal

Portuguese Man-Of-War is a special kind of creature that isn’t one kind of creature at all; it is a collection of several animals that function together as if they are one animal. Marrus orthocanna is a microscopic, and less well-known, version of the same thing.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeMarrus orthocanna. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

This strange aquatic animal (animals?) is a collection of polyps and other creatures that contract and expand in concert, thereby propelling the micro-organism through the frigid Arctic waters. It is kind of like a rocket that functions in stages, and its tail even resembles the exhaust of rocket fuel.

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Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThe “lights” on this octopus can fool prey. Photo Credit: Cingular/Shutterstock

One Kind Of Octopus Lights Up Like A Christmas Tree

Bioluminescence is a characteristic of a few marine animals, in which they can light themselves up, seemingly at will. They contain particles called photophores, which emit light, almost like when the lights on a Christmas tree are turned on and off.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeBioluminescent Octopus on the ocean floor. Photo Credit: Flickr

The bioluminescent octopus has been seen off the coast of Maine, in the northeastern United States. Scientists believe that by lighting up the underside of its tentacles, it can fool prey so that they swim straight into its mouth.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThese creatures live in frigid Antarctic waters. Photo Credit: RLS Photo/Shutterstock

Sea Angels Are Predators

Have you ever read the writings of the Greek poet Homer? You are probably familiar with sirens, the mythological creature from which mermaids probably derived. One might expect that sea angels are somewhat similar to mermaids, that is if mermaids are real at all.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeTiny Sea Angel part of arctic plankton swimming in the White Sea. Photo Credit: Janik Rybicka/Shutterstock

But real sea angels may be more akin to the ghastly and terrifying Harry Potter mermaids, as they are predators! They feed on sea snails that live in the cold Antarctic waters. You could say that they are cannibals, as sea angels are a type of sea snail themselves. So they aren’t angels in any sense, but they sure are elegant to look at nonetheless.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThe leafy sea dragon resembles seaweed floating around. Photo Credit: Barbara Ash/Shutterstock

Leafy Sea Dragons Are Like Seahorses On Steroids

Seahorses are cool. They are a strange type of fish with a head that looks like it could belong to a horse. The males, rather than the females, are the ones to get pregnant, and they can have brilliant designs that rival many land creatures.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeLeafy Sea dragon swimming. Photo Credit: Thierry Eidenweil/Shutterstock

Leafy sea dragons are even cooler. They live off the coast of Australia and are covered with appendages that look like drifting seaweed. This appearance is natural camouflage, as many would-be predators are much less interested in seaweed than they are in a nice, meaty snack.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis sea creature is a squid worm, not Squidward. Photo Credit: Arip Apandi/Shutterstock

The Squid Worm Lives Half A Mile Underwater

Fans of SpongeBob may be at least a little bit tempted to call this funny-looking creature a Squidward, but it is a squid worm. Squid worms were only discovered in 2010, during explorations off of Indonesia. They live about 3000 feet underwater.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeA folded squid worm. Photo Credit: Flickr

This worm pretty much rises and falls with the ocean currents that pass through, feeding on algae and plankton. It is usually about 9 centimeters long, though there could be plenty of other specimens that are significantly smaller or larger. They were only recently discovered, so scientists have a lot more to learn about them.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis squid looks like it is ready to suck your blood. Photo Credit: Flickr

Vampire Squids Are Real

Forget the giant squids that Medieval sailors spun long yarns about centuries ago. The vampire squid, which lives off of Monterrey, California, takes the cake here. Its eyes are terrifying enough – they are red, though they can sometimes appear blue, giving the creature the otherworldly appearance of a vampire.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeVampire squid. Photo Credit: Flickr

But even more terrifying is the talon-like appendages on the tentacles, which aren’t sharp but certainly look terrifying. And the skin that envelopes the tentacles resembles a cape that Dracula himself would wear. To make this creature seem a bit less terrifying, it is certainly no giant squid: vampire squids are only about one foot long.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeUmbrella mouth gulper eel. Photo Credit: Flickr

Gulper Eels Look Like Terrifying Sea Monsters

Gulper eels are aptly named – you can see in the picture how big their mouths are relative to the rest of their bodies! Like other eels, they look like underwater snakes, with long, slender body that allows them to swim freely through the ocean.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeUmbrella mouth gulper eel. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

What sets these creatures apart is that their massive mouths can swallow prey the size of an adult human. They are about six feet in length, about the size of an adult male, and may have evolved such largemouths to enable them to consume more food during times of scarcity.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeEven scientists aren’t exactly sure what this thing is. Photo Credit: Flickr

The Munnopis Isopod Has Seven Pairs Of Legs

This underwater creature is at least 300 million years old and is in the deep waters of the Southern Ocean. And yet we have to wonder why an underwater bug would need seven sets of legs to get around when it is swimming thousands of feet below the surface of the ocean.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeMunnopis Isopod. Photo Credit: Weebly

Munnopis isopod may be somewhat related to the land-loving pill bug, something that readers are probably much more familiar with right now. Nevertheless, scientists are stumped with this stranger creature. However, there are many facets of the deep ocean that they don’t know much about yet. That world is straight-up bizarre.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThat coloring is mostly from the snail’s skin. Photo Credit: Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock

Flamingo Tongue Snails Have Less-Than-Gnarly Shells

The flamingo tongue snail is a marine oddity that lives in the Caribbean, especially off the shores of the Cayman Islands. This sea snail has brilliantly speckled skin and a pretty dull, blasé shell that isn’t worth collecting. The skin covers the shell but can be retracted at will.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeA flamingo tongue crawling on a sea fan on the underwater reefs. Photo Credit: Joe Belanger/Shutterstock

Flamingo tongue snails used to thrive in large numbers, but their populations have been dramatically reduced due to human tourism and the effect that humans have had on the environment. To help protect this species, if you visit the Caribbean and come across one, leave it alone.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeBlobfish, also called Fathead. No explanation needed. Photo Credit: World-Wide-Photography/Shutterstock

There Is A Fish Called A Fathead

The blobfish certainly looks like one giant, pale blob, but some scientists prefer to call it by a more colloquial name: the fathead. Fathead was caught off the coast of New Zealand in 2003, and the specimen was kept in a 70% alcohol solution while scientists tried to learn what they could about these strange creatures.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeBlobfish: The deep-sea dweller that looks like a melted, grumpy cartoon character. Photo Credit:

In the time since, the fathead has been popularly voted as the ugliest animal in the world. While these creatures may be endangered, they often turn up in the fishing nets of trawlers in the waters off of New Zealand. Due at least partly to fathead’s ugly appearance, the fisherman sees little reason to throw the fish back into the water.

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Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeCrossota Norvegica is an elegant polar creature that you do not want to touch. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Crossota Norvegica Jellyfish Has Hundreds Of Tentacles

This elegant jellyfish lives in deep waters in the Arctic Ocean, preferring frigid polar temperatures to the warmer climes that many other jellyfish enjoy. And Crossota Norvegica has an elegance that other kinds of jellyfish would envy – if they had brains that they don’t.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeDeep red jellyfish (Crossota Norvegica). Photo Credit: Flickr

For starters, Crossota Norvegica has between 200 and 300 tentacles, compared to the roughly dozen or so of many other kinds of jellyfish. So suffice it to say that you do not want to touch one! It is also a deep red color with more radial tubes for feeding and digestion than other kinds of jellyfish.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThese marine worms are covered in bristles. Photo Credit: Flickr

Vigtorniella Worms Feast On Whale Carcasses

When animals die, there are usually scavengers that eat up the carcass before it rots. On land, vultures perform this very necessary duty. And in the sea, especially in the waters around Japan, there are Vigtorniella worms to clean up dead marine animals. Yes, there are many kinds of sea worms, and they are not all that different from their terrestrial relatives.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeVigtorniella Worm. Photo Credit: Flickr

Vigtorniella worms feast on really, really big marine animals. Like whales. When whales die, these underwater scavengers feast on their carcasses. Vigtorniella worms are also covered in bristles – possibly to aid in sweeping up the messes of dead sea creatures?

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis strange crustacean was named after the Polynesian god of shellfish. Photo Credit: Smithsonian Ocean

The Kiwa Crab Is The God Of Shellfish

Have you heard of the yeti crab, so-called after the mythological creature that haunts snowy mountains in North America? Well, this is it. Scientists discovered this creature in the deep ocean vents off of Easter Island, 5000 feet underwater.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeA closeup of a bacteria-covered yeti crab. Photo Credit: NERC

They named it the kiwa crab after the Polynesian god of shellfish, but it became known as the yeti crab because of its furry claws. The kiwa crab was so unlike any other animal that scientists have found they designated a new family of species, kiwidae, to classify it.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeMale ovigerous sea spider. Photo Credit: Flickr

Some Sea Spiders Are Scarier Than Others

Pycnogonids, or sea spiders, are a diverse group of underwater animals that, like their terrestrial cousins, have eight legs. But they swim, and some can be much bigger than the spiders that you may be used to seeing. Deepwater species of sea spiders can get nearly two feet long!

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis male sea spider is carrying its own eggs. Photo Credit: Ethan Daniels/Shutterstock

Like many terrestrial spiders, sea spiders suck the blood of their prey. Unlike terrestrial spiders, the digestive and reproductive systems of sea spiders are outside of their bodies! Male sea spiders carry the eggs and tend to the parenting duties.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThe ‘Ausubel’s mighty claw lobster’ is so-named for its strange appendage. Image credit: Tin-Yam Chan/National Taiwan Ocean University

The Terrible Claw Lobster Is Aptly Named

The Dinochelus ausubeli lobster, also known as the “terrible claw lobster,” certainly does look like a cross between a dinosaur and a lobster that you do not want to come into contact with ever. But the creature is much less terrifying than its picture might have you believe?

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeAusubel’s mighty clawed lobster. Image credit: Tin-Yam Chan/National Taiwan Ocean University

Why? Because it is only about three inches long, and it lives deep underwater. The shallowest depth at which the terrible claw lobster has been found is over 800 feet down, so you probably won’t run into one anytime soon. They are also extremely rare, so if you do find one, make sure you take notice!

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeDumbo Octopus swimming undersea. Photo Credit: Vimukthi avishka/Shutterstock

The Dumbo Octopus Swims With Its Ears

Do you remember the drug-infused movie Dumbo, which featured a baby elephant with ears that only a mother could love? Meet Dumbo’s underwater cousin, the dumbo octopus. This cephalopod has eight tentacles, just like any ordinary octopus.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeDumbo octopuses live in the deep open ocean down. Photo Credit: Bruyu/Shutterstock

What sets the dumbo octopus apart is its ear-like appendages. Just like Dumbo the Elephant used his ears to fly, the dumbo octopus uses its ears to soar through the ocean’s depths. The dumbo octopus lives over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a giant underwater mountain chain that dwarfs the Himalayas.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis creature is a mollusk without a shell. Photo Credit: Flickr

The Golden Lace Nudibranch Is Like A Snail Without A Shell

On land, we think of slugs as basically snails that do not have a shell. But this underwater anomaly, the golden lace nudibranch, is a type of mollusk that has a shell early in life but then sheds it. So it is basically like the part of a mussel that you eat, but it lives most of its life without the hard armor that the shell of a mussel provides.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeGolden Lace Nudibranch. Photo Credit: Flickr

So, in other words, nudibranch mollusks are nude. They live in Hawaii at relatively shallow depths, about 30 feet underwater. They are also quite small, maxing out at about five centimeters in length. Despite their small size, they are carnivores that feed on soft organisms, such as sea sponges.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis cold-water creature is not quite a true jellyfish. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Arctic Hydromedusa Are Not Like The Mythological Medusa

The mythological Medusa was a beautiful woman who was transformed into a monster with snakes for hair; anyone who looked at Medusa would turn into stone. The story is nice and lends itself to the snake-like tentacles that emerge from the “head” of this would-be jellyfish.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeHydromedusa drifting in the waters. Photo Credit: RLS Photo/Shutterstock

The Arctic Hydromedusa (water medusa) looks a lot like a jellyfish and propels itself through the frigid Arctic waters the way that a regular jellyfish would. What distinguishes this particular creature from a true jellyfish is how they produce its eggs.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThese massive creatures are a delicacy in Japan. Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Japanese Spider Crabs Are Enormous Underwater Scavengers

Japanese spider crabs look like a cross between a crab and a spider, or more accurately, an acromantula from the Harry Potter series. They live off the coast of Japan and grow up to be 12 feet long! Imagine swimming on the beach and coming across a spider-like crab of that size.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeGiant Japanese spider crab is underwater. Photo Credit: pr2is/Shutterstock

However, the stalwart Japanese people are not afraid of these undersea monsters. They enjoy eating them as a delicacy. Furthermore, the Japanese spider crab serves an essential purpose in its underwater ecosystem: it is a scavenger that feeds on the bodies of dead marine animals. So it is a living underwater filter that helps keep the ocean clean.

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Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis sea creature is the only one of its kind ever discovered. Photo Credit: The Ocean Foundation

The Hydrothermal Vent Snail Has An Iron Foot

Hydrothermal vents create extreme conditions. Underwater magma chambers heat the water, and the temperatures can reach more than 750 degrees Fahrenheit. Furthermore, the creatures who cannot only live but thrive in these conditions are truly exceptional.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeClose-up of “hairy snails;” These snails are known to live on hydrothermal vents in the Marianas. Photo Credit: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research

Take the hydrothermal vent snail, a creature that can take iron sulfide from the water and construct a shell of iron. But this creature does not stop there. Its foot – the part that comes out of the shell – is also covered with the same kind of armored plating as its shell.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThe features of this blue-green fish resemble Maori war paint. Photo Credit: Luke Wait/Shutterstock

The Napoleon Wrasse Is An Underwater Hermaphrodite

According to the Census of Marine Life, “Exceeding two meters in length, the Napoleon Wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) is one of the largest reef fish found in the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. The intricate blue-green design that decorates the face resembles New Zealand Maori war paint, the root of its alternative name, the Maori Wrasse.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeA large blue Hump-Headed Maori Wrasse fish with gold or yellowish strip pattern. Photo Credit: Olivia zhou/Shutterstock

The designs are also unique to each individual, much like fingerprints. A protogynous hermaphrodite, this wrasse can change its sex from female to male.” So this fish is about as long as a grown human male, resembles people from an indigenous tribe from New Zealand preparing for war, and changes from male to female.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis little guy can blend in with just about any environment. Photo Credit: Undersaterworld/Shutterstock

The Lizard Island Octopus Has Mastered The Art Of Mimicry

One feature common to octopuses is that they have chromatophores that allow them to blend in with their background. The Lizard Island octopus has chromatophores on steroids because it can blend in with a larger number of backgrounds than many of its relatives. It is one of the few animals that can imitate another animal to evade a predator!

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeLizard Island Octopus. Photo Credit: Pinterest

The term Lizard Island octopus derives from this creature’s home turf, or instead home surf, Lizard Island, part of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. The octopus is relatively small compared to some of its relatives, usually only about two feet across.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeWe don’t know much about this strange arthropod. Photo Credit: Flickr

Metapseudes Lives In Corral Rubble Off Of Australia

There are more arthropods on the planet than species from any other phyla, so, understandably, there are plenty of arthropods that we do not know much about yet. There are probably several arthropods still waiting to be discovered.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeMetapseudidae. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

The Metapseudes is one of these mysterious arthropods about which we know very little. The sea creature lives off of Western Australia among old coral, much of which has died. It has a strange appearance, and marine biologists don’t know why. They also don’t know what it does.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeThis little guy lacks the protective coating of other crustaceans. Photo Credit: Flickr

The Delicate Claw Lobster Is Quite Delicate

When you think of crustaceans, you probably think about creatures with a shell that covers soft body. Consider crabs, lobsters, and shrimp, to name just a few. Moreover, for those who eat crustaceans, you know that you have to get the meaty flesh out of the shell.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeDelicate Claw Lobster. Photo Credit: YouTube

But the poor delicate claw lobster lacks this protective coating. It swims through the water, a forlorn, delicate creature who might be easy prey for anything else swimming. It has a pronounced claw, like other crustaceans, but how much good can that claw do if it is a squishy piece of flesh?

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeLyssianasid amphipod is a shrimp-like creature in the frigid Antarctic waters. Photo Credit: Royal Belgium Institute for Natural Sciences

Some Shrimp Live 600 Feet Underwater In Antarctica

Most of the world’s shrimp live in warm waters, in areas like the Gulf of Mexico that borders the southern states of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, on to the eastern border of Mexico. However, unexpectedly, scientists have found a shrimp-like creature that lives in one of the coldest environments on the planet.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeLepidepecreum longicornis shrimp. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Lyssianasid amphipod lives 600 feet underwater in the remarkably cold waters off of Antarctica. Scientists have known for quite a while that single-cellular organisms, known as extremophiles, can live in this harsh environment. That a multi-cellular organism would be found there was truly astonishing.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeA juvenile Goblin Shark. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Goblin Sharks Live Up To Their Name

What has a giant nose, razor-sharp teeth, and is very rarely seen by humans? If your answer is a goblin, you are pretty close. The goblin shark, aptly named for its large nose-like feature and ferocious teeth, has been spotted fewer than 50 times since it was first discovered in 1898.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeFewer of 50 of these sharks have been seen in over a century. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

These mysterious sharks are known to grow to at least 15 feet long, though there is no telling what length they max out at least with so few sightings. We do know that they are fierce carnivores that can move their jaws outwards to swallow prey. We’re pretty okay if we never see one of these things in real life.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeFrilled shark. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Frilled Sharks Come With No Frills

Is Shark Week your favorite week of the year? If so, you may know that sharks are some of the oldest creatures in the world. They are terrifying and attack a minimal number of humans each year, usually mistaking them for seals and other prey.

Otherwordly Sea Creatures People Rarely SeeWatercolor image of cartoon frilled shark of purple color. Photo Credit: Jolliolly/Shutterstock

The frilled shark, so named for its, well, frilly structures on its teeth and head is one of the oldest kinds of sharks around. It has changed very little since prehistoric days, so it is a living fossil. Seeing one of these sharks is like getting a glimpse into the ocean’s deep (no pun intended) history.

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