Discover Fascinating Animal Facts You’ve Never Heard Before!

Pet Yolo

Do you adore animals? Maybe you can’t get enough of cuddly puppies, playful kittens, or even some exotic animals. Perhaps another type of animal intrigues you like lions, tigers, and bears — oh my! If you sit back and wonder why ostriches bury their heads in the sand, what koalas do all day, or how strong a crocodile’s mouth is, then you came to the right place. Animals are fascinating creatures with all kinds of interesting features humans are unaware of. If you’re an animal lover like most of us, Some of the facts listed below will leave you feeling in awe!

Some of the facts you’ll learn will be shocking, sweet, and even a little scary! Whether you enjoy domestic animals like cats, dogs, hamsters, or something a little more exotic like chinchillas, sugar gliders, or hedgehogs, there are many interesting facts to learn below. Get ready to travel through the oceans, safaris, desert plains, and right back to the fleas on your dog because you are going to learn some amazing facts about animals that you probably never knew! We are all full of curiosity, and this list of animal facts many people don’t know is sure to be an exciting read for everyone!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowThese furry marine mammals want to make sure that they don’t drift apart while sleeping. Photo Credit: Erin Donalson/Shutterstock

Otters Hold Hands While Sleeping

Otters are some of the cutest marine mammals, hands down. Those little paws and faces are just adorable! Not only do they float around on the water like furry logs, but they also spend most of their time in the water. Holding hands with each other while sleeping prevents them from floating away from their loved ones. Sleeping on the water keeps otters safe from predators, and holding hands helps them feel safe as well. While holding hands may seem like the cutest thing in the world from these adorable creatures, they also sleep in groups, sometimes hiding within seaweed patches to offer more safety.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowA Pair Of River Nutrients With The Foot Of A Hose Resting On Each Other’s Head. Photo Credit: Dean Clarke/Shutterstock

Otters are some of the most adorable marine animals alive! Those cute faces will make anyone smile and laugh. So next time you go to your local zoo or plan a trip to a location with natural otter habitats, remember to take a look and see if you can catch them sleeping and holding hands! You can find otters near marshlands, in the ocean, around lakes, and in freshwater rivers. Did you already know that otters hold hands while sleeping? If so, keep reading to see the other interesting animal — it only gets better from here!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowFlamingos are pink because of what they eat, and dolphins enjoy getting high. Photo Credit: A_Lesik/Shutterstock

Dolphins Enjoy Getting High

However, otters are far from the only super-cute marine mammal – if you can call getting high cute. Dolphins, another mammal species that live in the water, handle toxic pufferfish because the fish release a toxin that helps them get high. Pufferfish release a defensive venom to deter other aquatic animals, and while this defensive tactic keeps most away, Dolphins have learned of the hallucinogenic effects. A new documentary caught this behavior on camera that showed the dolphins passing a pufferfish back and forth as if they were playing with it. We bet you didn’t learn that one in your science class!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowDolphins jumping over breaking waves. Photo Credit: William Bradberry/Shutterstock

The documentary, entitled “Spy in the Pod,” released the footage that left scientists stumped. When used in small doses, scientists seem to think the pufferfish toxin allows the dolphins to enter a trance-like state, not unlike other animals that exhibit this behavior. While other animals use substances to achieve hallucinogenic effects, the documentary showcased this is the first time dolphins have been filmed with this kind of behavior. Who knew dolphins had substance abuse issues? If you think that’s interesting, this next amazing fact about flamingos will change the way you look at them. Keep reading to learn an interesting fact about these pink birds!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowFlamingos cleaning feathers. Photo Credit: Ondrej Prosicky/Shutterstock

Flamingos Are Not Actually Pink

If you have ever visited a zoo, you probably have stark memories of the hot-pink birds that often balance on one leg. Nevertheless, flamingos are naturally grey, and their feathers turn pink because of the brine shrimp and blue-green algae that they eat in the wild. For a long time, flamingos living in zoos were grey, and zookeepers could not figure out why. When scientists realized that the reason was that they were not eating brine shrimp, zookeepers began supplementing the flamingos’ diet so that they would have the brilliant pink feathers that so many of us associate with them.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowFlamingo. Photo Credit: Mrinal Pal/Shutterstock

Brine shrimp and blue-green algae release a pink dye called canthaxanthin that gradually turns these grey feathered birds into the pink ones we associate flamingos with today. When flamingos live in zoos, they are often given supplements of that same pink dye to keep their feathers that beautiful pink color. It’s normal to see grey flamingo babies in the wild, but they will eventually turn pink as they grow. So, if you’re out one day and see a pink flamingo and a grey baby, you’ll know the reason behind it! If you thought this was interesting, keep reading to learn an interesting fact about pistol shrimp.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowPistol shrimp make bubbles that emit sonic booms. Photo Credit: YI SHENG/Shutterstock

Pistol Shrimp Create Sonic Booms

A sonic boom is the noise emitted when something travels faster than the speed of sound, and it is immensely loud, similar to an explosion occurring near you. Moreover, the animal capable of producing a sonic boom is only two centimeters long, the aptly named pistol shrimp. The pistol shrimp can close its claws so rapidly that an underwater bubble forms and this bubble creates a sonic boom. The boom stuns or even kills the shrimp’s prey, which it then eats. You don’t want to keep these shrimp in an aquarium because the sonic boom can shatter the glass.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowMottled Shrimp-goby Tomiyamichtys oni and Pistol Shrimp Alphaeus randalli. Photo Credit: Francesco_Ricciardi/Shutterstock

This dangerous little marine animal can be found in tropical parts of the world, living in reefs and seagrass. They have an average life expectancy of just four years and up to three years living in captivity. So if you’re ever near a tropical region with reefs and seagrass, watch out for these little guys! It might be best just to leave them alone to do their own thing. The next animal on our list may be one of the smallest, but it’s also dangerous. You definitely won’t be able to guess what it is. Keep reading to find out!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowMosquitoes kill more people than any other animal species. Photo Credit: Budimanwijaya7/Shutterstock

The Deadliest Animal In The World Is One Of The Smallest

You may be more worried about a rattlesnake bite or a shark attack than you are about getting bitten by mosquitoes out on a hike, but mosquitoes kill more people each year than any other animal. They transmit many diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, which can decimate human populations. It’s difficult to imagine such a small bug doing much damage! Mosquitoes can be found in nearly every part of the world. That means from the Arctic tundras of Alaska and Russia to the hot savannas of Africa and beyond. Moreover, they kill over 700,000 people every single year.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowLittle girl has allergies with mosquito bites and itching her leg. Photo Credit: MIA Studio/Shutterstock

Mosquitos can cause various diseases, so it’s essential to protect yourself while outdoors by using an approved mosquito repellent with DEET, wearing long-sleeved shirts and jeans, and covering your feet with socks and sneakers. Some of the diseases spread by mosquitoes, such as encephalitis, can be deadly. This disease causes inflammation in the brain and can be fatal if not caught soon by a medical professional. Our next group of animals has a shocking ratio to humans. You won’t believe how many there are in the world. Keep reading to find out more about this creepy crawly.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowThere are trillions of insects on the planet. Photo Credit: Lazar Milanovic/Shutterstock

There Are Over One Billion Insects In The World For Every One Person

That’s many insects! Many of them, such as bees, are helpful, and we want to make sure that they continue to thrive by leaving hives alone and growing plenty of flowers for them to pollinate. Moreover, even mosquitoes have a significant role in the food web, as they are an essential source of food for many kinds of birds. Flies are annoying insects but relatively harmless unless they lay eggs in your food, and you end up with a bunch of maggots. Mayflies have the shortest lifespan of any known animal, with less than 24 hours between hatching and death.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowBeetles are a group of insects that form order Coleoptera. Photo Credit: Robert Ross/Shutterstock

Can you imagine these statistics? For those of you with a fear of insects, this news may be somewhat unsettling. Other insects such as the Black Widow or Brown Recluse spider are harmful to humans. The Black Widow’s bite can be excruciating and cause muscle cramps but is treatable. The Brown Recluse can cause life-threatening injuries such as substantial pain, seizures, nausea, and more if left untreated. Scientists believe there are upwards of ten million different insect species in the world. While not all insects are dangerous to humans or pets, it’s always best to do your research before handling them.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowThe horned lizard has one of the grossest defense mechanisms in the animal kingdom. Photo Credit: Swaroop Pixs/Shutterstock

Horned Lizards Shoot Blood From Their Eyes

This defensive mechanism has got to be one of the grossest, but it effectively confuses predators. The blood can shoot out as far as three feet, keeping it a safe distance from those that might try to eat it. However, shooting blood from its eyes is not the horned lizard’s only trick. The blood contains a noxious compound that can poison its predators. Furthermore, if that trick doesn’t work, horned lizards can inflate themselves to twice their average size, making them look much bigger than they are and scaring away predators that get too close. What a strange thing for a lizard to do!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowTexas horned lizard. Photo Credit: Nina B/Shutterstock

Horned lizards can be found in North and Central America from areas as far as Canada and Guatemala. There are at least a dozen species of this reptile, and they all have this unique defense mechanism. Horned lizards enjoy a diet of harvester ants, spiders, and beetles. You can find these unique lizards in desert regions as well as forested areas with a moderate climate. If you thought that was interesting, our next animal would surely puzzle you. Keep reading to learn more about a furry marsupial native to Australia. This following animal fact will shock you and make you wonder how they do what they do!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowKoalas spend 22 hours each day sleeping. Photo Credit: Sara Kendall/Shutterstock

Koalas Sleep Most Of The Day

Koalas might be some of the cutest animals globally, and they are also some of the laziest. When they are not eating eucalyptus leaves, they are probably sleeping, and they sleep up to 22 hours every day! Can you imagine sleeping that much? Despite sleeping so much, koalas are incredibly territorial. They are antisocial creatures, but when their territory is threatened, they let out calls to alert others to stay away. Koalas tend to stick to their home turf, munching away on eucalyptus leaves and being incredibly lazy. They may seem cute and cuddly, but you wouldn’t want to enter a koalas territory in the wild.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowMother koala with baby on her back. Photo Credit: Alizada Studios/Shutterstock

Koalas live in areas of Australia, which scientists call “Home Ranges.” These home ranges are based on a hierarchy of age, gender, and social statistics. The older koalas get the best areas in each home range, while others get smaller ranges. While they are incredibly antisocial with each other, they know their place within social circles. You wouldn’t see a young koala enter an older koala’s territory unless it was mating season. These cute marsupials sure lead an exciting life, filled with plenty of sleep! The next animal on our list is a bird that is anything but lazy. You won’t believe how much time they spend flying!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowSwift chick fallen on the ground. Photo Credit: Tillottama/Shutterstock

Swifts Are In The Air More Than On The Ground

Swifts, a kind of bird similar to swallows, are anything but lazy. Scientists recorded the flight pattern of one swift that was tracked over ten months. It’s difficult to believe, but this swift spent only two hours not flying. Not two hours in one day, but two hours in 10 months. That’s almost an entire year without taking a break! There are at least 100 recorded species of swifts globally, and each type spends most of its time in the air, catching insects and flying at speeds of 70 miles per hour. Can you imagine going almost an entire year without being on the ground?

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Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowAn adult Common swift flying at high speed to the lake to drink water. Photo Credit: Bouke Atema/Shutterstock

These interesting birds cover an area of over 124,000 while flying in a year. It’s incredible to think a bird can cover that much of an area in twelve months. Biologists believe swifts can cover 1.24 million miles during their lifetime. Swifts are found worldwide, except for Antarctica, and tend to migrate to warmer regions during the winter. They can also enter a state of hibernation if unable to fly when it gets too cold. How interesting! Keep reading to learn more about a type of bug with a strange quirk.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowNo wonder these guys have survived for so long. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Cockroaches Can Survive With Their Heads Cut Off

You may have heard the proverbial phrase “like a chicken with its head cut off,” but the superstar of decapitation is the cockroach. Cockroaches can survive for weeks after being decapitated! They survive due to an open circulatory system that allows them to breathe through various parts of their bodies. When decapitated, the wound seals, and this is how they survive. No wonder they have been around for hundreds of millions of years. Did you know they have been around since the dinosaurs? Cockroaches are one of the more disgusting insects out there, but some of the factoids about them sure are interesting.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowCockroaches are sitting on a white wooden shelf. Photo Credit: IrinaK/Shutterstock

Did you know cockroaches can go weeks without eating? Since they are cold-blooded, these insects can live without food for a few weeks, but without water, they will surely die within two weeks. There are 4,600 species of cockroaches, but only five are considered to be a nuisance to humans. So, next time you see a cockroach, you may be better off moving it away from your home or business instead of attempting to kill it. The next animal on our list has a unique ability to help it avoid losing one of its senses. Keep reading to find out what it is!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowRooster standing on the grass. Photo Credit: Wassana Panapute/Shutterstock

Roosters Have A Unique Ability

Everyone has surely heard the sound of a rooster crowing, but did you know they could go deaf without a particular ability? Roosters can keep themselves from going deaf when they crow by drawing their heads back, which creates a natural earplug against the sound of their own noise. If they couldn’t do this, they would undoubtedly be deaf, as the sound of a rooster crowing is about the same loudness as the sound of an electric chainsaw. Isn’t that crazy? Who knew that sound was similar to a chainsaw? In fact, roosters have some pretty interesting quirks. Keep reading to find out more!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowA red rooster. Photo Credit: Katalin Ban/Shutterstock

Speaking of crowing, do you know why roosters crow? The crow just before dawn due to an internal alarm clock. He will crow from an area higher off the ground to ensure the flock can hear him, even if they are quite a distance away. Roosters also tend to forage for food and bring it back to the rest of the flock. They do this to ensure the food is safe to eat and to make sure every chicken eats the right type of food. They protect the rest of the flock in many ways, so if you have chickens of your own, it may be a good idea to consider adding a rooster to your flock.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowThese scaly mammals are poached more than any other animal on earth. Photo Credit: Vickey Chauhan/Shutterstock

Pangolins Protect Themselves From Being Eaten By Lions

Pangolins, the scaly mammals that curl up into a ball, sometimes share a habitat with lions who would just as soon eat them as look at them. Nevertheless, pangolins are hardly ever eaten by lions, as when they curl up into a ball, they are impossible to eat. Pangolins, which curl up any time they are startled, are probably related to anteaters and sloths. They are also highly susceptible to human poaching; unfortunately, curling up into a ball does not protect them from the most dangerous animals on the planet – us. It’s sad to think these harmless creatures may go extinct one day due to trafficking.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowLong-tailed Pangolin. Photo Credit: plains-wanderer/Shutterstock

Do you know why pangolins are poached? Their scales are made of keratin – a protein that makes up hair, skin, and nails, that’s often used in Chinese medicine. Pangolin meat is also considered to be a delicacy in some parts of the world. The eight pangolin species are found in Africa and Asia and are currently on the endangered species list. Most pangolins are small in size and tend to be nocturnal, so if you see one, consider yourself lucky, especially with the declining population of this harmless animal. Keep reading for an interesting factoid about male seahorses that will blow your mind!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowGiant squids can weigh more than a ton. Photo Credit: Shiva N Hegde/Shutterstock

Some Cephalopods Are Downright Bizarre

We know very little about giant squid, as very few of them have been found. However, we know that giant squids are real and that these sea creatures can weigh a ton or even more; furthermore, cephalopods probably live so deep underwater that contact with them will remain evasive. Nevertheless, one cephalopod that we know about is the Giant Pacific Octopus, which has three hearts and nine brains! It also can camouflage itself by changing its color instantaneously, helping it hide from any potential predators. Do those predators include the giant squid? It’s possible. These massive aquatic creatures are elusive, to say the least!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowDance of Giant Octopus. Photo Credit: Boris Pamikov/Shutterstock

You may find it interesting to know there are over 800 species of cephalopods in the world. You already know about the Giant Pacific Octopus, but have you heard of cuttlefish, Chambered Nautilus, or the vampire squid? The name may sound scary, but the vampire squid is relatively tame. These fascinating cephalopods eat jellyfish and are named for their huge eyes and black webbed skin that looks like a cape. As one of the smallest cephalopods, measuring in at 28 centimeters, the vampire squid lives in tropical environments, 3000 meters below the ocean surface, where there is barely any light to see.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowSeahorses are magnificent creatures. Photo Credit: kikujungboy CC/Shutterstock

Male Seahorses Get Pregnant

Seahorses are some of the most elegant marine animals and some of the strangest, too. Case in point: the females do not get pregnant, making them the only known species in which the males give birth. Male seahorses have a pouch to carry babies, as many as 2000 in one time. Furthermore, seahorses have voracious appetites. Adult seahorses eat as much as 50 times a day, and baby seahorses – known as seahorse fry – eat 3000 pieces of food every day! With that much eating, one has to wonder what else they do. Keep reading to learn more about seahorses!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowWhite’s Seahorse. Photo Credit: Sahara Frost/Shutterstock

Did you know seahorses were named for the shape of their heads? They look similar to a horse’s head! The 36 species of seahorses are found in tropical environments and enjoy spending their time near the coast, in seaweed beds, or areas where they are hidden from predators. These marine creatures spend most of their time wrapped around seaweed or coral to find their favorite food – brine shrimp. Seahorses are among the smallest marine creatures – measuring up to 14 inches tall. Our next animal is another found in the ocean, but it’s much larger than a seahorse! Keep reading to find out what it is!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowBaby African elephant. Photo Credit: Four Oaks/Shutterstock

Baby Elephants Suck Their Thumbs

Well, not their thumbs, as they don’t have thumbs. However, they suck their trunks in a comforting measure akin to humans and other primates sucking their thumbs. This fact has to be one of the cutest in the entire animal kingdom. Baby elephants are born weighing in at a surprising 200 pounds, and even though they don’t have thumbs, they are incredibly adorable! Elephants are brilliant animals, but babies are born without survival instincts. Their mothers teach them everything they need to know about staying safe, much like parents teaching their kids how to do everything necessary to be a successful adult.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowCuddling elephant and baby elephant. Photo Credit: Zhukova Valentyna/Shutterstock

Baby elephants stay with their mothers for up to ten years and get most of their meals from mom’s milk. These adorable grey animals need their mothers to survive, as they are born without their mothers’ intelligence. There are two species of elephants that stand up to nine feet tall and weigh up to 12,000 pounds. These interesting creatures live for up to seventy years! That’s a long time to survive, especially in the wild! Speaking of animals with thumbs, the next animal on our list has them and some other interesting abilities you won’t believe. Keep reading to learn more facts about the Axolotl!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowSpeckled Leucitic Axolotl. Photo Credit: axolotlowner/Shutterstock

Axolotls Have A Unique Ability

Do you know what animal does have thumbs? The Axolotl or Mexican Walking Fish have hands and feet that they use to walk along the seafloor. They can regenerate their limbs up to five times, as well as parts of their brains. Can you imagine just regenerating a part of your body when it has a problem? How interesting! These salamanders are small – only around nine inches in length. They are listed on the endangered species list due to a declining population, but interestingly enough, they have a long life span of fifteen years. Keep reading to learn more about these amphibians.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowAxolotl swimming underwater. Photo Credit: Bigc Studio/Shutterstock

The animal kingdom sure has some fascinating creatures, right? You can find Axolotls in only one place in the world – Mexico City. More specifically, a lake called Xochimilco plays host to these little creatures. Scientists believe there are under 1,200 Axolotl’s left in the wild, so if you see one, consider yourself lucky. Some exotic pet owners have axolotls, but it’s probably best to allow them to grow in their natural habitat. These adorable creatures enjoy a diet of small fish, worms, mollusks, crustaceans, and insects. Keep reading to learn more about one of the most dangerous aquatic animals alive today.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowYou do not want to encounter a Nile crocodile. Photo Credit: Clayton Harrison/Shutterstock

Nile Crocodiles Have The Strongest Bite In The World

Human jaws can apply about 100 pounds of pressure per square inch to chew food. By contrast, Nile crocodiles can use 5,000 pounds of pressure per square inch, making their jaws ten times stronger than those of the great white shark. That’s a strong bite! These large crocodiles weigh in at upwards of 1,650 pounds and can live for 100 years! Living in 26 regions of Africa, the Nile Crocodile prefers freshwater habitats with plentiful food sources. Measuring up to 20 feet long, these crocodiles are the largest in Africa. It is one of those animals you want to avoid!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowNile Crocodiles hatching out of eggs. Photo Credit: Catchlight Lens/Shutterstock

Nile Crocodiles enjoy a diet of fish but will attack large animals such as zebras, hippos, and birds. These beasts can eat half of their body weight in one meal! That’s a lot of food! You may be surprised to find out these reptiles can go a few months without eating after one good dinner. Scientists and biologists believe there are at least 70,000 Nile crocodiles left in the wild. The next animal on our list is massive and lives in the ocean. Can you guess what it is? Here’s a hint – its name starts with the word blue!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowBlue whale. Photo Credit: Ajit/Shutterstock

Blue Whales Have Massive Tongues

Speaking of extreme mouths, the blue whale’s tongue weighs as much as a small car or a baby elephant. As one of the ocean’s largest marine animals, it’s tongue weighs in at 5,400 pounds! Blue whales are the largest of all mammals and weigh as much as four tons, with its heart alone weighing 1,320 pounds. It’s crazy to think a whale’s tongue weighs as much as a car, right? The blue whale is approximately 108 feet long, about the size of a little less than half of a football field. Keep reading for more interesting facts about the blue whale.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowUnderwater blue whale. Photo Credit: Earth Theater/Shutterstock

Blue whales can be found in every ocean except the Arctic. They tend to migrate into warmer waters near the equator as winter hits the northern hemisphere. These creatures have a diet that includes krill and fish. They spend their days searching for food and tend to sleep at night, unlike most other types of whales. As the blue whale is on the endangered species list, consider yourself lucky to have ever seen one while on the ocean. The next animal on our list has one of the longest life expectancies of all animals on Earth. Keep reading to find out what it is!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowAdwaita was born in about 1750 and died in 2006. Photo Credit: FOTOGRIN/Shutterstock

Tortoises Have Incredibly Long Life Expectancies

Robert Clive, the British colonial governor of the Bengal Presidency during the eighteenth century, died in 1774. His pet tortoise, Adwaita, was about 30 years old at the time of his death and only died in 2006. She was over 250 years old. Tortoises have some of the hardiest survival skills on the planet, and not only because they can retreat into a hard shell that protects them from predators. Some tortoise species can go for two to three years without eating and can go into a state of suspended animation, basically hibernation for reptiles.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowGiant grey tortoise standing on tropical island. Photo Credit: Lidiya Oleandra/Shutterstock

There are 49 different tortoise species, with the smallest being the padloper tortoise – which is under six inches long. The largest tortoise is the Geochelone, which lives on the Galapagos Islands. This tortoise can grow as large as three and a half feet long. Tortoises enjoy a herbivore diet of grass, flowers, berries, and leaves and can eat as much as eighty pounds of food per day. That’s a lot of food! Can you imagine eating that much in a day? The next animal fact you may not be aware of will make you want to stay away from some regions of the ocean. Keep reading to find out which animal can kill humans.

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Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowThese things are incredibly deadly. Photo Credit: FtLaud/Shutterstock

One Pufferfish Can Kill 30 Adult Humans

Pufferfish, the incredibly toxic marine animal that dolphins play with to get high, rely on poison to deter any would-be predators, including humans. Their venom is 1200 times more deadly than cyanide, and there is no known antidote to reverse its effects. There are 120 species of pufferfish in the world, with the most deadly being the Tiger Pufferfish. The Tiger Pufferfish is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, leading to a 6.8 percent fatality rate among humans. Pufferfish range in size from fifteen centimeters to 26 inches. The Tetraodon MBU pufferfish, The largest pufferfish globally, is typically found in freshwater and is a popular choice for in-home aquariums.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowPufferfish seeming along. Photo Credit: Kim Hefner/Shutterstock

Pufferfish can survive in saltwater and freshwater, depending on the species. Some saltwater species include the Guineafowl Puffer, Blackspotted Puffer, and the Starry Puffer. You can find saltwater pufferfish living in tropical parts of the ocean among coral reefs, where they hunt for krill, clams, shrimp, and mussels. Freshwater pufferfish live in rivers in areas around Southeast Asia, the Amazon, and even in India. They enjoy a diet of snails and shellfish. Freshwater puffers enjoy the warm water and tend to stick to areas with plenty of food options. Keep reading for another interesting fact about a venomous snake!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowInland Taipan of Western Queensland Australia. Photo Credit: Ken Griffiths/Shutterstock

The Western Taipan Snake is Dangerous

The Western Taipan is the most venomous of all known snakes, with one bite containing enough poison to kill 100 adult men. Yet nearly all verified cases of bitings from the Western Taipan have come from herpetologists studying the creature. Luckily, they were successfully treated with antivenom. Native to Australia, the Western Taipan thrives in southern Queensland and South Australia in areas where they can hunt during the day and hide at night in holes or cracks in the ground. If a western taipan bites you, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention to ensure survival. Experts recommend applying first aid and traveling to your nearest hospital.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowWestern Taipan. Photo Credit: Timothy Craig Lubcke/Shutterstock

These extremely dangerous snakes enjoy a diet of mammals such as rats, mice, and kultarr – a type of small marsupial. Western Taipans have black heads and brown bodies with dark spots. The snake’s belly will be yellow with orange spots. You’ll know if you see one of these snakes, as they can grow to be six and a half feet long. If you spot one of these snakes in the wild, it’s best to stay away, as the venom can kill you in 45 minutes. The next animal on our list is common but has a gross habit. Keep reading to find out what it is.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowOle Bessie is a pooping machine. Photo Credit: Birkir Asgeirsson/Shutterstock

Cows Poop 115 Pounds Per Day

Cows are a staple of farms across the United States. Who doesn’t love a cute little calf trying to moo with his mama? No matter how you feel about these farm animals, they sure have a dirty little secret. They get to eat and sleep all day. However, with eating comes another bodily activity. Cows are pretty much poop machines that convert the grass they spend the whole day eating into natural fertilizer. They poop about 15 times every day, and each cow patty weighs about eight to ten pounds.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowHerd of cows at summer green field. Photo Credit: symbiot/Shutterstock

The next time you drive by a farm, and see a field of cows, feel free to share this amazing animal fact with your friends. Sure, it might gross them out, but it will show your animal knowledge. Pandas are eating machines that have to eat about 100 pounds of bamboo daily to meet their dietary needs. Bamboo has very little nutritional value, but pandas have evolved to depend on it. So they do almost nothing all day but eat bamboo, sleep, and poop. Keep reading to learn more amazing animal facts that you didn’t know.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowA howler monkey can be heard for miles. Photo Credit:

The Loudest Land Animal Is The Howler Monkey

Have you ever heard of the howler monkey? Its name is rightfully so given, considering this creature can holler louder than any other land animal on Earth. The screech of a howler monkey can be heard three miles away, making it comparable to a gunshot. At 140 decibels, this level of noise has also been compared to a jet engine at takeoff. This primate is one of the biggest New World monkeys, so no wonder it can belt such a loud noise considering its size. Unless you have visited South America, you probably won’t spot one of these in nature.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowBaby monkey holding on to his mom’s back. Photo Credit: Wollertz/Shutterstock

After the pistol shrimp, which can create a sonic boom, one of the loudest marine animals is the water boatman, a tiny aquatic insect only 12mm in length. It makes a noise of about 100 decibels – roughly equal to a circular saw – by rubbing its genitalia across its abdomen. That is a lot of noise for such a tiny creature. The next time someone asks what the loudest land or marine animal is, you will know the answer.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowMost spiders are beneficial. Photo Credit: Arif Supriyadi/Shutterstock

There Is An Average Of 50,000 Spiders Per Acre

This amazing animal fact is not for those with arachnophobia. If you get the heebie-jeebies from these creepy crawlies, then you should probably move on to the next item. Why? Because it is a fact that there is an average of 50,000 spiders per acre. Yes, thousands, and yes, just one acre. How large is your property at home or work? Okay, you won’t find thousands inside. No, they are not in buildings but in green areas, such as forests and meadows. Moreover, many spiders are beneficial, especially those that eat the mosquitoes that carry diseases that can be deadly to humans.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowEuropean garden spider. Photo Credit: novama/Shutterstock

So don’t worry about their high population because these eight-legged creatures are here to help! Scientists have cataloged over 45,000 different spider species, and only a few of them are poisonous to humans. Some spider bites may hurt but aren’t harmful, but there are some species, such as the brown recluse and black widow, whose bites can be deadly. At least most are harmless unless you are a mosquito! Nevermind about how many spiders you swallow in your sleep throughout your lifetime. That fact is enough to bother anybody.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowThese animals are surprisingly fierce. Photo Credit: COULANGES/Shutterstock

Ostrich Kicks Can Kill A Lion

Ostriches can be the butt of many jokes because they are known to put their heads down on top of the ground (though they do not bury them in the sand) when they are afraid. Ostriches are flightless birds. However, these giant land birds have powerful kicks – they can kill the lions that hunt them! Ostriches are also fast runners. They can run at 40 miles per hour for a sustained amount of time, making their speeds comparable to a car driving through a city. They can outrun many of their predators and also chase down their prey.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowAngry Ostrich. Photo Credit: Allexxandar/Shutterstock

Chances are good you probably won’t ever come in contact with an ostrich. At least not one on the run in the great wide open. Furthermore, that’s a good thing. Anytime an animal feels threatened, it can become defensive and attack. However, if you aren’t into caging animals in zoos, you might not be able to see any of these amazing animals in their real-life habitats. It’s best just to learn about them in other capacities — like reading mind-blowing animal facts. Keep reading to learn how high rabbits can jump.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowWhite-tailed jackrabbits are world-class jumpers. Photo Credit: Tom Reichner/Shutterstock

Some Rabbits Can Jump Over 20 Feet High

Do you remember doing the long jump and other field sports in school? Maybe the hurdles were not your thing — and you could join the club. Pole-vaulting was definitely off the list of track goals. However, how high do you think you can jump — your own height? Probably shorter, to be honest. Do you get a running start, or is it a vertical jump? Either way, this rabbit would jump higher than you any day of the week. Why? The white-tailed jackrabbit (a hare, not a rabbit) has been recorded to jump 21 feet high.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowHare running in a meadow. Photo Credit: Volodymyr Burdiak/Shutterstock

If you can do the math, 21 feet is higher than three grown men if they all stood on top of each other! They can also run at about 35 miles per hour, about the speed of a car driving through a city. Despite often being confused with each other, hares and rabbits are not the same thing. Hares have longer ears than rabbits and tend to be solitary, while rabbits are more social and prefer to spend their lives in groups. Keep reading to learn more facts about animals. However, if Jaws freaks you out, then you’ve been warned!

Great White Sharks Can Detect Tiny Amounts Of Blood

Since Jaws came out, great white sharks have been associated with bloodlust and the occasional appetite for human flesh. Nevertheless, they rarely eat humans; shark attacks make headlines when they happen but are quite rare. However, if you are out on the beach, make sure you have no open sores. That is also true for ladies who might be having their menstrual cycles while visiting the beach. Great white sharks can detect one drop of blood in 25 gallons of water and even notice tiny amounts of blood from three miles away! However, they much prefer fish and seals, not humans.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowGreat White Shark breaching in an attack. Photo Credit: Sergey Uryadnikov/Shutterstock

Nevertheless, seeing a shark in the water is no joke, blood or not. It’s essential to be aware of your surroundings when swimming in the ocean. If the water is murky, or there was just a storm, you should be extra cautious. If you ever come in contact with a shark (hopefully not a great white!), you can try to punch it in the nose. This trick will stun the shark and hopefully daze it enough to scare it away from causing problems. However, swim away if possible before trying to fight the shark.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowThese magnificent creatures are severely endangered. Photo Credit: Ajay Kumar/Shutterstock

Cheetahs Are The Fastest Land Animal

You already know the loudest land and marine animals. Do you know the fastest land animal? It’s a cheetah! A cheetah can sprint at 75 miles per hour – as fast as a car going down a highway – though it cannot maintain that speed for a sustained amount of time. This giant wild cat can reach top speeds to flee from a predator or pursue its next meal. Did you know that only about five percent of all cheetah cubs survive to adulthood? Why does this happen to these fast animals?

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowCheetah hunting springbuck. Photo Credit: Elana Erasmus/Shutterstock

Many become prey for larger animals, and others die due to disease. Sadly, many are poached by humans for their brilliantly spotted fur. Cheetahs are an endangered species, and stealing them is illegal. Regardless of how you feel about hunting, it’s vital to leave endangered species alone. They must reproduce and live naturally before these majestic cats cease to exist. Keep reading to learn about another illegally poached animal: the rhino. We bet this next animal fact will blow your mind.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowRhinos are going extinct because of poaching. Photo Credit: Travel Stock/Shutterstock

Rhino Horns Are Similar To Human Hair

A rhinoceros is commonly referred to as a rhino. These unique animals are native to Africa as well as Southern Asia. Rhinoceroses are highly endangered animals, and poachers target them for their horns. However, their horns are made of a rather ordinary material: keratin. Keratin is the protein that comprises much of human hair, skin, and nails. Recreating rhino horns in a laboratory, using keratin, rather than poaching the animal for the horn is a much more sustainable option.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowClose-up of a rhino. Photo Credit: kgo3121/Shutterstock

Did you know that several species of rhino have gone extinct in the past few years? Remember that rhino horns are for their protection, not for our benefit. They are massive in size. In fact, white rhinos can weigh up to 3,750 pounds. A newborn is usually over 100 pounds at birth. Rhinos are a member of the odd-toed ungulates in the family known as Rhinocerotidae. White rhinos are supposed to have a lifespan of around 40 to 50 years if people stop poaching them for their unique horns.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowAlligators can drown if they don’t come up for air. Photo Credit: Mark_Kostich/Shutterstock

Many Marine Animals Can Drown

Whales and dolphins are both mammals that live underwater. However, they do not have gills like fish, so they are unable to breathe water. Have you ever thought about that? They have to surface regularly to breathe, and they expel water that they ingested through their blowholes. Crocodiles and alligators are also unable to breathe underwater. These animals will drown if they spend too much time underwater, unlike fish and other marine animals, who can die within minutes of being exposed to the air. In that sense, they are just like humans.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowA humpback whale. Photo Credit: bozmp/Shutterstock

Humans can drown in several ways, including staying underwater too long. However, did you know that humans can also drown while not in the water at all? It is called dry drowning, which occurs after inhaling water. Dry drowning symptoms might include coughing, chest pain, sleepiness after swimming, low energy, irritability, or difficulty speaking and breathing. Mammals might love swimming in the water. However, without gills, they must proceed with caution. Keep reading to learn another amazing animal fact that surprisingly relates to humans!

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Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowJapanese macaques like to play in the snow. Photo Credit: Vitalii Vitleo/Shutterstock

Some Primates Have Surprisingly Human-Like Characteristics

Japanese macaques, a type of “snow monkey,” actually enjoy playing with snowballs and even throw them at each other. This Old World monkey is native to Japan and gets his nickname from the area where they live. As you guessed, it snows there, allowing them to have some fun each season. They must enjoy it, too, because no other monkey lives in a colder climate than this one. A male weighs about 25 pounds and can live up to 27 years on average in captivity. Of course, in the wild, it is just less.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowBaby gorilla laying on mum’s back. Photo Credit: Claire E Carter/Shutterstock

These are not the only primates that have human-like traits. Gorillas, another kind of primate, can learn to communicate with sign language and catch human colds. Some primates have other human-like characteristics, such as how they care for their young and how they peel fruit before eating it. Furthermore, some chimpanzees even show the ability to use primitive stone tools to help improve their lives. So maybe it is true that there is a missing link between monkeys and humans, considering they have traits just like us.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowLittle bat on man’s hand. Photo Credit: Petr Smagin/Shutterstock

Bats Are The Only Mammals That Fly

Birds, or avians, are reptiles and very likely evolved from dinosaurs that did not go extinct. The only known mammals that fly are bats; in fact, only two bat species can walk. This fact is because their bones are so thin that they cannot support the creature’s body weight. Bats are notorious for carrying diseases that can be very harmful to humans, but humans rarely encounter them. They are nocturnal and are quite skittish of human contact. Humans tend to be quite nervous about bats, too, often associating them with vampires and other paranormal creatures.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowFruit bat hanging on a tree in forest. Photo Credit: jekjob/Shutterstock

Bats are capable of having a sustained flight, and they usually flock together. In a group, bats might be called a cauldron. However, if they are in a large cave, a group of bats is known as a colony. Nevertheless, if these winged creatures are in flight in a large pack, you can refer to them as a cloud. Although snakes, owls, and hawks prey on bats, they have very few natural predators. Instead, as one could imagine, the disease is one of the biggest threats to this mammal.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowTarantulas in the wild can go up to three years without eating. Photo Credit: George Chernilevsky/Shutterstock

Some Animals Can Go Long Periods Without Food

Humans have to eat several times a day, every day, to stay healthy. Sure, you might miss a meal here or there, but not eating all day long can take a toll on a person. Not consuming anything for more than a day and a human would be weak, to say the least. However, certain animals can go days or even weeks without eating. Several kinds of tortoises can survive for two to three years without food by going into a state of suspended animation, basically a reptilian form of hibernation.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowAngry Grey Wolf. Photo Credit: AB Photographie/Shutterstock

Tarantulas in the wild can go for just as long without food, though people who have these animals as pets should not attempt to starve the creatures. The conditions available in the wild are different from domestic situations, and this affects the animals’ ability to go into suspended animation. One animal that you do not want to encounter after it goes for a long time without eating is a wolf. Wolves can go for one to two weeks without eating, but they will be voracious in their quest for meat following.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowFleas are world-class jumpers. Photo Credit: Sarah2/Shutterstock

Some Insects Are Amazing Jumpers

If you have ever had to deal with a flea infestation, you may be frustrated at how quickly they can spread. Furthermore, you feel sorry for your four-legged friend who has to deal with the itching problem. Fleas travel from pets by jumping – 200 times their own body length! Imagine an average-sized human jumping the Empire State Building’s height in New York City to put into perspective how powerful a flea’s jumping ability is. Fleas are remarkably agile and flexible, and those two qualities make flea infestations particularly hard to get rid of.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowGrasshopper jump close up. Photo Credit: Dmytro Khlystun/Shutterstock

If talking about fleas makes you scratch your own skin a bit, let’s switch to another fantastic animal with a significant jump: the grasshopper. Grasshoppers are also famous for their jumping abilities, as they can jump 20 times their own body length. Did you know grasshoppers are one of the most ancient living groups of chewing herbivorous insects — maybe the oldest. In fact, these jumpers date back to the early Triassic period, which was about 250 million years ago. Furthermore, that chirping sound grasshoppers make is them rubbing their hind legs against their wings.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowPolar bears have white fur and black skin. Photo Credit: GUDKOV ANDREY/Shutterstock

Polar Bears Have Black Skin

When you think of polar bears, what comes to mind? Probably a massive bear with white fur playing in the snow. (Maybe sipping some Coca-Cola, too). Polar bears are indeed native to the Arctic Circle. This region surrounds the Arctic Ocean so you can imagine the frigid temperatures. Well, what if we told you that polar bears are not white? You would probably want proof. Why? Polar bears are famous for having white fur that allows them to blend in with their snowy environment. Nevertheless, underneath the white fur is black skin, enabling them to absorb more sunlight and stay warm in their frozen habitat.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowThe polar bear fell asleep in the snow. Photo Credit: evaurban/Shutterstock

Polar bears are the largest bear species and the largest land carnivore that is still in existence. However, the population is increasing rapidly as they are marked vulnerable to conservation status. While an adult male polar bear can weigh nearly 1,000 pounds, a female is half that weight. However, a female will stand taller than a male at around six to eight feet tall compared to the shorter four-foot male. Have you ever dreamed of a polar bear? They say it serves as a reminder of spiritual strength, power, and growth of the unconscious mind. Keep reading to learn more amazing animal facts.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowSiberian tiger, also known as the Amur tiger. Photo Credit: Vladimir Wrangel/Shutterstock

Tigers Have Striped Skin

Tigers, on the other hand, have both striped fur and striped skin! Moreover, black panthers are leopards or jaguars with a black coat (sometimes black with black spots) instead of orange or yellow-spotted fur. Furthermore, though leopards are cats, they don’t meow or even roar — they bark. So polar bears have black skin whereas tigers have striped skin. A tiger is the largest cat species that is still in existence. Did you know that it is an apex predator? Tigers hung deer and wild boars mostly.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowRoyal Bengal Tiger with Cub. Photo Credit: Anuradha Marwah/Shutterstock

This carnivorous cat species is quite massive, with a male weighing anywhere from 200 to 680 pounds. In short bursts, an adult tiger can run up to 40 miles per hour. Sadly, like many animals, the tiger population is decreasing. The conservation status of tigers is endangered. India has the biggest tiger population. However, in 2015, there were between 3,000 and 4,000 tigers left in the world. We have to take better care of these majestic creatures before they are gone. Keep reading to read a mind-blowing animal fact about man’s best friend.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowDogs really are man’s best friend. Photo Credit: BIGANDT.COM/Shutterstock

There Is A Reason We Say, “Raining Cats And Dogs”

Surely you have heard the phrase “It’s raining cats and dogs!” when it is pouring outside. Have you ever thought about how this unique yet matter-of-fact statement came to be? Of course, there is a great story behind the infamous weather call. In Medieval England, stray cats and dogs frequently roamed through the city streets, foraging for food that humans threw out. Moreover, whenever heavy rains fell, the roads could quickly flood and kill many of the stray animals. Their bodies floating down the streets gave rise to the phrase “raining cats and dogs.”

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowCat and dog together lying on the floor. Photo Credit: VP Photo Studio/Shutterstock

Surprisingly, cats have only been domesticated for less than 10,000 years, while dogs have probably lived with humans for much longer. No wonder they are man’s best friend; they have developed many qualities, such as loyalty, that humans themselves value very highly. In Australia, some dogs still run wild. These are known as dingoes, which are similar to wolves and foxes in the USA. At least we don’t say it is raining dingoes and wolves because that would just be weird. (Really, it wouldn’t be if we were used to saying it, just like cats and dogs!).

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowHerd of reindeer in winter weather. Photo Credit: Evgenii Mitroshin/Shutterstock

Reindeer Eyes Can Change Color

Reindeer usually have gold eyes during the summer months, but they change to blue once colder weather hits. That is due to a part of their eyes opening and closing during weather changes. Reindeer also have something interesting happen to their hooves with changes in the weather. During the summer months, their hooves expand, then shrink when it starts to get colder. Male and female reindeer grow antlers that fall off and grow back every single year. How interesting! These enthralling creatures are a part of the deer family and are also known as caribou in the United States.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowReindeer running. Photo Credit: Alexey Seafarer/Shutterstock

Reindeer are found in Greenland, Alaska, Scandinavia, Russia, and Canada, where colder arctic weather occurs. A Reindeer’s diet consists of moss, mushrooms, herbs, leaves, and trees. They tend to stay away from humans and can only be dangerous during the rutting season when females are in heat. Male reindeer can weigh up to 400 pounds and reach a height of almost seven feet. That’s tall for a type of deer! Let’s talk about one more interesting fact! Did you know reindeer have specialized noses that warm the arctic air before it gets into their lungs? That’s fascinating! Keep reading for more animal facts you never knew about!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowOctopus. Photo Credit: ennar0/Shutterstock

Octopuses Have A Unique Ability

Did you know octopuses can taste with their tentacles? We didn’t either! These fascinating aquatic animals have eight tentacles, and researchers believe there are well over 300 species globally. Each tentacle has suckers that react to different tastes – much like our own taste buds. Scientists once discovered an octopus fossil that dated back 296 million years ago when carbon-dated. They have been around for a long time! Octopus Wolfi. The smallest octopus in the world weighs in at under a gram. That’s a stark contrast to the Giant Pacific Octopus, which weighs 600 pounds and measures 30 feet across.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowScuba divers playing with octopus vulgaris. Photo Credit: JGA/Shutterstock

These territorial creatures live in every ocean in the world, near the coast. They enjoy hiding within holes or coral reefs on the ocean floor. Octopuses are venomous and use their beaks to kill prey. They enjoy feasting on a combination of crabs, fish, snails, and even clams. As a nocturnal hunter, most octopuses only come out at night and spend their days hiding in crevices. If you see an octopus, be careful, as their bites do hurt. Moreover, the suckers on their tentacles are powerful and challenging to pull off the skin! Keep reading to learn more about facts you never knew about animals!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowLaughing horse in a field. Photo Credit: JoffreyM/Shutterstock

Horses Have More Teeth Than Humans

An adult male horse has 40 permanent teeth while females have between 36 and 40! Just to put it into perspective, adults have a total of 32 teeth. A horse’s teeth are four inches long and have some similarities to human teeth. They are also similar to humans in that they grow two sets of teeth! How interesting! Did you know horses have the most enormous eyes of any mammal too? They are fun and fascinating creatures! Horses have a maximum life expectancy of 30 years but can live longer without any diseases or injuries. Keep reading for more horse facts!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowOwner checking horse teeth. Photo Credit: Anna Elizabeth/Shutterstock

Horses have been around for 4000 – 2000 B.C., helping humans with chores, wars, and roaming freely in the wild. Have you ever looked at a horse, and it seems like they are laughing at you? They are using a sense to tell if something smells good. Back to their teeth, did you know their teeth are so long that they take up more space in their heads than what you see? The next animal on our list has a unique ability that you might have seen before in a pond. Keep reading to learn how frogs survive in freezing temperatures!

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowTiny gray tree frog. Photo Credit: Karel Bock/Shutterstock

Frogs Can Survive Freezing Temperatures

That’s right! Frogs have a unique ability that allows them to survive even in the harshest winters. They allow themselves to freeze, and their internal organs take care of the rest to ensure they don’t die. Their liver converts glycerol to glucose, circulated through the body to ensure ice doesn’t form around vital organs. A frog’s heart rate will slow down and stop after each organ is protected, then start back up once temperatures begin to rise. Frogs will remain in their typical habitat throughout the winter, burrowing into the mud at the bottom of ponds or holes in the ground.

Animal Facts Many People Don’t KnowRed Strawberry poison dart frog. Photo Credit: Ondrej Prosicky/Shutterstock

There are over 6,000 species of frogs in the world. The rarest frog in the world is a tree frog by the name of Isthmohyla Rivularis, which is located in Costa Rica. These frogs are critically endangered and have only been seen once in the last 25 years. Lifespans of frogs vary by type, but a toad, for example, can live for 10-12 years. Frogs are carnivorous in nature and enjoy a diet of insects such as flies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, small mice, snakes, and even turtles. The Goliath Frog, the largest frog in the world, weighs in at over seven pounds and grows to the size of a domestic cat!

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