35 Unquestionable Truths About AI You Must Embrace!

Pet Yolo

By now, you have heard of Artificial Intelligence or AI. It is possible you’ve heard a lot about what is both possible and even impossible when it comes to it, but you may not know what to believe. Let’s be honest, facts about artificial intelligence have been thrown around for years without a lot of them coming true.

At the end of the day, however, there are certain worrisome or possibly horrible things about AI that we’re just going to have to learn to accept. Whether we like it or not, the world is moving forward and it is best to join the revolution and learn about it than to stay behind.

Interestingly, artificial intelligence has been spoken about a lot in the last decade or so. Yet the world of AI goes back decades if we’re being fair. British Mathematician Alan Turing, known today as the father of Computers and artificial Intelligence, was able to begin the talk about AI all the way back in the 1950s with his Turing Machine.

This helped to decrypt some cryptic language being sent by the Germans during World War II. His machine helped to turn the tide for the Allies and eventually, his machine would be the model we based computers on and eventually Artificial Intelligence overall.

The world has changed a lot since his time and now more than ever we are developing AI to do amazing things. The question you may want to know the answer to might very well be, what are the facts? That is what we wanted to bring you with this article, so sit back and relax as we take you on an adventure to the current world of AI as well as the future of it.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Cornell Chronicle/Cornell University

35. The AI Market Is Worth Billions Now, Perhaps Uncountable Sums In The Future

While Artificial Intelligence is currently involved in a lot, it is by no means as big now as it one day will be. The current market for AI is worth an estimated $120 Billion with some of the richest people in the world investing in it. While we will go over some of these people later in our article, we are seeing names like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Dmitry Itskov already invest a lot of money into this.

Meanwhile, we all know that companies such as Facebook, Apple, Google, IBM, and others have put a lot of money into AI. On top of this, they’re already heavily involved with it in a number of their products and software. The plan will be to continue this and only develop more devices and software to fit new AI into.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Elnur/Shutterstock

34. The Entire Idea Of AI Is To Replace Humans, But Not Exactly

While most will point to artificial intelligence as a problem that will one day replace humans in many areas, this is not exactly true overall. AI can do a lot of things better than humans can today, but machines overall are capable of this. For example, in the world of coal, machines can do the job of 10 men with merely 1 operator. Why would employers hire 10 men when they could hire just one and save as well as make more money?

It is nonsensical to expect them to do otherwise. However, the key in this is that one operator is needed to make that machine work. Therefore, human function is still present. The thought is that AI can replace the human in this case but it still has to have a human present to make other functions happen too. Whether that is to start it up, tell it what to do, fix any small issue, etc. It is still presenting a need for a human presence.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Allies Interactive/Shutterstock

33. Artificial Intelligence Can Be Fooled And Curious

One common thing people assume with AI is that it will be better than humans because it is not like us, but that is completely untrue. They are like us because man created AI, not the other way around. Due to this, AI is not perfect and therefore, it can be fooled. One of the many quirks about AI is that being fooled is common. It does not have the function of a human brain to know how we as humans interact.

AI can also be curious. Researchers at OpenAI decided to actually program their artificial intelligence to be curious. They assumed that they might see the AI try to read a book or learn about humans. Instead, it played video games the entire time period. While video games are similar to how they are, this proved it had more interest in what it knew than what it didn’t.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: elenabsl/Shutterstock

32. Humans Are Smarter Than AI, For Now

Think about it for just a minute. If a human creates an artificial intelligence then that same AI was only formed because the human being decided to go nuts and make a cool AI. How in the world could this AI then turn around and be more intelligent than the human that created it in ALL ways?

Even if it could learn, it would take decades to capture all of the human knowledge with more knowledge having to be applied by the day to keep up with new stuff. Therefore, until there is an AI that can learn everything humans know including social action and interaction, humans will have an edge. We can create AI to do particular tasks better than humans but not ALL things within one form of AI currently. It will likely happen one day but for now, that is simply not a reality.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Andrey Suslov/Shutterstock

31. AI Seems To Mostly Be Female

While man has always seemingly called any machine a “she” or “her” for some reason, when it comes to AI, it is deeper than that. Due to men seemingly feeling like they can connect more to something by giving it a female pronoun, this has translated to AI. It is also easier for them to care about it when treating it as a female, as weird as it that is.

When creating AI that speaks, it is even more important for them to see it as a female. There is actually an understandable reason for this. People tend to actually find female voices more soothing and trustworthy, studies show. While an AI with a female voice could still lead the Robot Uprising, it is not assumed. A female voice is nurturing and typically caring, which makes people feel at ease. This is why most AI tends to be female. We simply trust it more.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: metamorworks/Shutterstock

30. AI Will Have A Literal “Gaydar”

We all have that one friend who thinks they have a great “gaydar” in that they can spot someone and know if they are gay or not. While this might be a fun party trick or thing for you to do when you’re bored, it is usually in good fun. Your friend does not have magical powers to know for real. In the end, it does not matter if someone likes the same sex or opposite sex romantically. It is their choice to make, no one else’s.

Some people may not know yet how they feel or they do not want others to know. However, AI machines are being made now that will have the ability to know if someone is homosexual or straight based on the photos of their faces. This could clearly be a problem in that, well, it could be wrong. Even if it’s right, this could be used to target people and easily be misused, resulting in harassment. Not to mention the psychological ramifications for those still “in the closet.”

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35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: JJava Designs/Shutterstock

29. Artificial Intelligence Does Not Need Real Data To Work

One of the facts about artificial intelligence floating around that is not actually factual is the concept of AI using real data to work. It is actually untrue as “real” data is simply not needed for an AI to operate overall. By data, we do not mean something like 1’s and 0’s that help to make the AI itself.

We mean data that could be based on opinions and not facts. For example, what if the data of an AI was formatted to use the facts mentioned by a politician. Many of them use facts that are not really that, in that they’re actually opinion or a complete lie. If AI was based on data presented by them, it could use this to push lies further. Synthetic data could also play a massive role in their programming and create big problems.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Nadia Snopek/Shutterstock

28. AI Pets Are Expected To Be Huge

One of the facts about artificial intelligence we know to be true is that AI pets are not as complex to make. Therefore, you do not have to do as much to make one versus a true humanoid creation. AI Pets are expected to be a huge market, which makes sense. The AI-powered pet will have much fewer downsides like not having to pick up after them or train them.

You must get the animal true to how it is in real life mostly. Yet this is all you have to do to make it work. Places are working on them right now and it is expected that we’ll see these pets begin to roll out in a big way by 2025. It is uncertain how far beyond a common dog or house cat companies might go. However, if you can get one animal down, chances are that others will be easier.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Andrey Suslov/Shutterstock

27. Future AI Will Be Able To Repair Itself

One of the most interesting facts about artificial intelligence is that unlike humans, it cannot spot problems within itself and fix them on its own. Computers, for example, tell us when there is a problem. It’s then up to the human to make sure we fix what the computer identified. Thus far, it is the same with AI.

However, some AI is already showing signs of being able to fix or “heal” itself in many ways. They are able to spot bugs or issues within and then rid themselves of it quite often. The idea is that if we can continue to progress with this type of AI, then manage to make it just as intelligent as humans are when it comes to fixing internal problems, it could be huge. This AI could then be formatted to other artificial intelligence and continue to improve.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Phonlamai Photo/Shutterstock

26. The Adaptation Capability Of Artificial Intelligence

When we talk of facts about artificial intelligence, one common thing is brought up. AI is capable of learning and adapting to things. This is somewhat true and yet somewhat false. Yes, currently there are some forms of AI that are capable of adapting to things based on new information it receives. However, therein the problem exists. The AI has to be given new information to change completely, such a software update for a computer.

Yet some are able to learn from common issues it sees and thus adapts to this. However, it is only happening in the field that an AI is formatted to be in. Such as an AI designed to spot viruses adapting to catch viruses that came through differently. This did not prepare it to adapt to things it was not designed for. In the future, this could change but it is likely most AI will remain focused on one area.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: maxuser/Shutterstock

25. AI Can Technically Write Now

Writing is an art form, which combined with acting and music, are incredibly hard for AI to do well currently. The interesting part about this is that writing was never hard for AI to do technically. It has been capable to do this for a long time, it simply went on data or code that it had been given. The AI would then use this to write something up.

Los Angeles Times even published an article written by an AI they called “Quakebot,” which was a piece of AI that happened to be closely following earthquakes in the area. An earthquake was what it was writing on and the AI was capable of putting proper grammar, punctuation, and more into the piece. The article wasn’t long, but it proved a point. No, we’re unlikely to see AI write an entire movie script with some insanely creative plot any time soon. Yet writing at all is impressive.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Phonlamai Photo/Shutterstock

24. Artificial Intelligence Doesn’t Need Breaks

Let’s be honest, we’re all human here. At least, that was what our programmer at Science Sensei claimed would make its readers feel better seeing us write. As humans, we need to take time to ourselves to rest, eat, and heal. However, this is a problem because it makes you weaker or less productive in comparison to AI.

When you consider facts about artificial intelligence that are undisputedly true, humans are going to struggle to compete with AI in the rest department. We need this but a machine does not. There are some machines that have never been turned off in more than 2 decades right now. AI is supposed to be capable of handling things without human interference too. Therefore, AI will be capable of handling more work, put more time in, and get more done. Making humanity less needed.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Twitter

23. Store Digital Assistants Will Become Much Smarter On Recognition In 2020

With 2020 less than a year away, you might be surprised to learn that we will be seeing a massive upgrade come to digital assistants all over the world. The idea is that stores across the world will be beefing up their digital assistants to not only help customers but also have more knowledge about them. Specifically when it comes to how they look and sound.

Places like Wal-Mart have already installed cameras into self-checkout machines that are learning facial patterns each time you use them. However, they’re not even close to the only ones who will be kicking it up a notch in this field by 2020. By the dawn of this year, expect to see far more stuff like this that could become invasive. Treat it like Google ads, selling you on stuff you “may have an interest in.”

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: SergeyBitos/Shutterstock

22. AI Is More Efficient Than Humans

This goes along the same lines as humans needing to rest as we mentioned earlier. Due to the fact that we cannot work all night and day without some time to eat and rest, we leave time open that could involve more work. Due to this need to rest, if we do not get it, we may not do well at our jobs.

On top of this, sicknesses can come up, the need to learn new things, having projects done at a smart pace, etc. Humans just cannot manage all of this like AI can. One of the biggest facts about artificial intelligence worth knowing is that it is more efficient than we are. They CAN get things done at the same pace for any project with the same needs. They don’t stop working, never get sick or tired. Overall efficiency will always defeat the human.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Tarikdiz/Shutterstock

21. AI Bosses Will One Day Be A Reality

Some talk of Artificial Intelligence becoming dictators over humanity one day or rulers of sorts. However, one of the biggest facts about artificial intelligence that is often ignored is that the dictator thing is not very likely, but they will be your boss most likely. Managers are often workers that have been upgraded to a bigger role. This provides employees to manage, yet they still have work to get done themselves.

However, AI will be increasing intelligence and thereby perform a lot of tasks with accuracy. Due to this, it is expected that employers will use AI to make sure grunt managerial stuff gets done. It is expected within the next 10 years, at least 3 million workers will report straight to or be supervised by “AI-Bosses.” AI does not have emotion, and employers can program it to accept certain content. Therefore, they may be the most ideal manager for employers.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock

20. Video Game Artificial Intelligence Is Going To Be Huge

Video games have employed artificial intelligence in their content for more than 2 decades. Whether it’s Microsoft and Sony doing it today with their particular game consoles or Nintendo and SEGA doing it years ago, several improved and remained impressive in this field. One of the coolest facts about artificial intelligence is that with it already being impressive, it’ll only increase in sophistication here.

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Currently, video games are already delivering top-notch AI programming. However, this is made for average gamers. The rise of E-Sports has led to a need to beef up AI capabilities. Therefore, more sophistication and strategic ability will have to come to games in order to make them competitive or worth it to many games. Virtual reality is expected to be a place where this will truly make a massive mark.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Phonlamai Photo/Shutterstock

19. AI Is Now And Will Likely Always Be Biased

One of the most important facts about artificial intelligence to remember is that it was not made by another artificial being, truthfully. AI is made by humans and no matter how much it might learn or perfect itself in various areas, it is biased. Now, this biased nature might be in the right. However, it does not matter how right or wrong the biases happen to be.

What matters is that a bias can be presented in AI at all. Humans are flawed, therefore AI will be flawed when it comes to biases. If that can happen at all, it means that a bias can be present even in points where something is actually incorrect factually. Regardless of being given the correct stance, this bias may make AI ignore or look over correct information too.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Fractal Pictures/Shutterstock

18. AI May Make Moving On Harder For Humans

One of the biggest facts about artificial intelligence that needs to be looked to is one of its biggest negatives. We all know that there are some who believe AI will give people the ability to live forever, but this is not as easy as it sounds. To live means to be able to be conscious in one’s own being. Google actually made a bot that was even asked what the purpose of living was and it merely replied: “to live forever.”

That should be looked at as a problem. A bigger one? A young software developer lost a friend and then gathered about 8,000 lines of text that she managed to get from friends and family. She then added it to an AI system to create an artificially intelligent simulation of him. This has to be a terrible way to move past losing a person.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: NicoElNino/Shutterstock

17. Knowlege-Based AI Is Going To Freak You Out

A lot is made about AI and what will happen in the future with it. However, one of the most important facts about Artificial Intelligence you need to know is that not all AI is the same. There are a ton of different types of AI that do different things for AI overall. One of them is called “Expert System.”

This type of AI is knowledge-based, designed to display and mimic aspects of intelligent behavior. The goal with this is to have the AI imitate human capabilities of sensing and cognition. This, in theory, will give us as close to human behavior and reaction as possible. Video Games, for example, employ the use of this type of AI all the time with it only getting more sophisticated as time goes on.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: metamorworks/Shutterstock

16. Driverless Cars Are Going To Be Massive

The entire concept behind driverless cars makes a lot of sense and it is one of the many forms of AI that futurists expected to be here by this point. The reason we aren’t seeing them has nothing to do with the technology not being there. Google has already made a car that can drive on its own, using Google’s Map software to guide it. The reason is that in order for them to work, you need specialized computer chips to be placed on roads.

These small chips cost about a penny to make, therefore making it cheap to make a bunch and put them all over a city. This is not exactly easy to pass through city and state officials, however. This makes it a political, red-tap issue. We also do not know how well driverless cars will interact with human-driven vehicles. Despite this, we’re expected to see driverless cars all over the place by 2050.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Sergey Nivens/Shutterstock

15. Artificial Intelligence Plants Are Possible

Right now, we’re already capable of bringing back certain species from extinction by using their closest living relative to possibly begin the process. This is being discussed with the Passenger Pigeon and Woolie Mammoth right now. This means that making life in a lab and eventually in nature is already present. While most people know of artificial plants already, artificial intelligence plants are slightly different.

The concept behind them is that they can be specifically designed to operate exactly how a plant does for the environment it is in. Except unlike the plant it mimics, it does not run the risk of death and could likely add more to an environment. For example, more pollen is needed for a particular area. AI plants can produce this single-handedly and bring more pollen out to help fix a problem. This will be made to help various struggling environments, using “small-step” theory to bring places back.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: metamorworks/Shutterstock

14. Artificial Intelligence Will One Day Be Smarter Than Humans

One of the most common facts about artificial intelligence going around is that AI is smarter than humans. Currently, that is not the case. However, this will clearly change as time goes on. The reason AI is not ahead of us now has a lot to do with the fact that most AI is made for specific needs. Sure, AI might be smarter than a human in its designed category but not overall.

Eventually, robotic figures similar to that seen in the video game Detroit: Become Human will be present. These AI-powered robots are capable of coming off just like humans. The difference between human and bot in this game world is almost nonexistent. The intelligence of these figures is lightyears ahead of humans. We’re a long way from robots like this but they will be here at the pace we’re moving. When present, they will be smarter than us and learn at a greater capacity.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Inked Pixels/Shutterstock

13. Smartphone Digital Assistants Are Going To Beef Up AI Massively

Personalized artificial intelligence like that of Apple’s Siri and the Android Google Assistant will both be improving heavily on their AI. While Apple has been using Siri for a long time now as their personalized assistant software, she has improved with every new phone and upgrade. Meanwhile, not to be outdone, Android has done similar. These assistants have been capable of upgrades over the years, with many taking on a yearly upgrade at least.

Yet each update is limited with the most important new tech being added to new phones. In fact, the Apple iPhone added a feature that allows it to see your face, recognize it, and unlock your phone. Yet this tech alone is going to be more sophisticated to know the differences between a picture of your face, forced opens, and much more. You could see some big changes coming by as soon as 2020!

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Andriy Blokhin/Shutterstock

12. The 2020’s Most Common Artificial Intelligence Seems Odd

Many feel that with 2020 coming up and a lot of new things already predicted to happen before the end of this year, a lot of compelling AI-powered tech will be present. The question is, what will the biggest stuff actually be? Will it be something like flying cars? Robot butlers? Perhaps, our car’s gas tanks magically filling up with gas?

Oh no, the most common AI you will be seeing in 2020 will almost completely be in monitoring and guiding. Monitoring is more under the security tag than anything else. This is the type of stuff that will be remembering faces and voices. Guiding falls under stuff like Google Maps on your phone. As well as other navigation systems, this may also become better in other machines that require guides into places. Such as bomb squad robots as well as those used by the Armed Forces.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Danomyte/Shutterstock

11. They Are Going To Take Current Jobs

One of the most discussed “facts about artificial intelligence” that the world has known for years is that, well, our jobs will be taken by them. While humans have been doing hard work for years that has been highly paid, employers simply won’t employ a human when it can buy an AI system and never have to pay it. The AI system will also likely be better at the job than the human.

Machines have taken jobs away from people in the world of automation, construction, coal, and other places for decades now. It is nothing new to see a machine take a job from a human. However, most of these jobs tend to be in fields where physical labor is one of the main parts of the job. Other jobs will likely remain in need of humans far more than an AI system.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Hodoimg/Shutterstock

10. Facebook Bots Already Created Their Own Language

You’ve heard the term that certain products “talk” to each other. This typically describes a period in which two products made by the same company can work together well. Since the same place makes them, most things will connect between the two products in this concept. However, the “talking” done here is just from the makeup of the products overall. It is mostly a similar structure of how the 1’s and 0’s move essentially.

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Facebook, on the other hand, invented a super-intelligent artificial intelligence. They basically invented some chatbots that were designed to simply negotiate with each other about a variety of things. Eventually, the bots made up their own form of communication. Apparently, this AI type can somewhat or completely rewrite its software to become more intelligent and keep repeating the process. Nothing suspicious to think about here!

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Phonlamai Photo/Shutterstock

9. Careers In Law, Medicine, And Finance Will Be Mostly AI

It is well-known today that careers in the world of law, medicine, and/or finance are impressive fields. They pay very well and it seems we cannot ever get enough of them. Yet this won’t be the case for long. In fact, one of the biggest facts about artificial intelligence that will need to be remembered is that the jobs in these fields are not safe at all.

The reason has to do with two of them being about mostly numbers and data. In the world of finance, AI should be able to do this job very well. While lawyers and judges may have a job in the world of law, robotic policeman, as well as AI-powered paralegals among others, will happen. Meanwhile, medicine is also about testing and evaluating it. We already use machines to do the core of these things now. AI might be in medicine faster than the other fields.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptDoctor and patient talking in the office. Photo Credit: Rocketclips, Inc./Shutterstock

8. Speaking Of Medicine

While we just mentioned that careers in medicine will likely go to artificial intelligence, at least a good portion of it, things are much bigger. While it clear that machines can test and evaluate things now, humans are the ones who look over the information a machine finds. Doctors will then use this information given to then begin treatment to fix a certain issue. Yet humans are, well, human. We’re going to make mistakes but usually, human doctors can do much better than machines.

In one case, however, that is not true. The now infamous IBM Watson was able to average a 90% success rate in identifying cancer. This included both benign and harmful types, labeled out perfectly. This compared to the success rate in human doctors, which was 50%. Watson did not know the depth of treatment human doctors knew but finding cancer at this high a success rate is shocking.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: 360b/Shutterstock

7. Artificial Intelligence To Give Immortality?

A billionaire by the name of Dmitry Itskov has been putting money into technology for years now. In fact, he made a lot of money in this field already. Obsessed with artificial intelligence, he wanted to find a way to use it in a major way. The biggest thing he wants to do? Allow people to live forever. Thus, he made the non-profit organization called the 2045 Initiative.

The plan here is to make people immortal by adding human intelligence into artificial bodies by the year 2045. Essentially, this concept will map the brain of a person and thereby develop a working consciousness. This could then just be turned on after a human dies and it would almost be like waking up from surgery. Except you’re now in an artificial body, allowing you to live as long as you can keep going in an artificial form.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: enchanted_fairy/Shutterstock

6. Real-Life Avatar Coming Soon?

The James Cameron movie, Avatar, was a surprise hit years ago when it managed to give us some of the most beautiful visuals far ahead of its time. The director and writer of the film, Cameron, did not give us a massively compelling story. However, he brought in a factor of artificial intelligence that few considered. Today, Elon Musk wants to make the Avatar concept a reality for the world. His corporation is currently working on creating devices that can link human brains to robotic bodies.

Unlike what Dmitry Itskov wants to do, Musk’s plan is not to take your consciousness away and have you permanently move to a new artificial body. Rather, have you wear a removable headset that gives your brain full control of a robotic body. This is the exact concept of Avatar without the race of weird blue beings. This means you’ll be able to go in and out of your artificial and human forms.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

5. AI May Actually Create Jobs Too

It is clear that one of the most mentioned facts about artificial intelligence is that they will be taking jobs from humans. This is true but you should not see this as a negative. Why? Because machines have taken jobs from humans a lot over the years yet people are still employed. They are able to do this due, in part, to what these machines offered.

Sure, you might not be able to mine coal any longer. Yet you can help to write code for the machines that are doing so. You can also work in many areas operating machines and making programs. Jobs like Data Detective work, Ethical Sourcing, Cyber City Analysis, Highway Control, and Personal Memory Coordinating will all be created or enhanced by the rise of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace alone.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: paparazzza/Shutterstock

4. AI Citizenship

One of the biggest facts about artificial intelligence that will likely become reality is that AI will possibly be considered equal to man. It is unlikely to happen within our lifetime. However, in the future robotic AI will be so intelligent and well-made, we will likely not know the difference between an AI person and human being. As a result, a push will likely be made to make them equal to us.

We’re already seeing this happen somewhat. The AI Robot known as Sophia was granted citizenship to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Do you know what the worst part about this was? This female robot has more rights than the human women of this nation have right now. Sofia is not going to be the last AI to see this happen either.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: BY MOVIE/Shutterstock

3. Artificial Intelligence May Truly Be Like The Minority Report

The movie known as The Minority Report is quite compelling but it teaches us a very big lesson. Sometimes, we can go too far with preventative material. In the film, artificial intelligence is so advanced that it can predict a crime possibly happening before it actually does. The real issue is that it does not tend to know the reasoning for it. However, this type of AI is already in development. Predictive artificial intelligence has been in the works and even applied to various stuff for years.

To get to the level of what we see in the movie may take a long time though. The SGI Altix supercomputer known as Nautilus is already doing something like this. It was able to predict the hiding place of Osama bin Laden within 125 miles and it predicted the Arab Spring that began in December of 2010. This is quite massive and if it expands its future-casting, a Minority Report world could be possible.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: Lidiia/Shutterstock

2. Most Of The Major AI Will Go Into The World Of Sex First

People do not want to talk about it but it’s simply one of the most well-known facts about artificial intelligence that is going to happen, whether we like or not. AI robotic figures will be made for the world of sexual satisfaction, similar to that of an advanced sex doll. Let’s face it, some men and women are not going to get the love they want from a real human being.

It’s sad but simply a fact we cannot ignore. Due to this, they will find what they need in AI Robotics. This could result in human beings choosing to be with AI robots as partners over real human beings, which could even bring the human population down as a result. While we are many decades from something like that happening, we are less than 20 years away from sophisticated and lifelike sex robots.

35 Undisputed Facts About Artificial Intelligence That You’ll Have To AcceptPhoto Credit: X-Poser/Shutterstock

1. The AI Apocolypse

We cannot have a list like this and miss out on the biggest theory of all, Artificial intelligence will one day take over the world, right? Well, not exactly. An Apocalypse the likes of science fiction movies is highly unlikely, especially with advanced weaponry like EMPs capable of stopping any robot or machine for bursts of time. On top of this, humans are the ones who make AI.

If anything, AI will always be a victim of what made want it to be. Even if it develops intelligence beyond what it is equipped with, this does not mean it will decide to kill all humans. Unless someone makes an Ultron-like being, it simply will be impossible to see. We will not likely see a being the likes of Ultron because making something like that would effectively be committing suicide.

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