10 Least Intelligent Dog Breeds That Aren’t Quick To Learn

Pet Yolo

Dog intelligence isn’t one-size-fits-all. While some breeds are renowned for their quick wit, others shine in different ways. This list explores 10 breeds often labeled as “less intelligent” due to their independent nature or slower pace of learning traditional commands. But don’t let that fool you! These pups possess unique strengths, and their charm lies in their endearingly stubborn personalities and unwavering loyalty. From the adorably goofy Afghan Hound to the stubbornly sweet Basset Hound, discover the breeds that prove smarts come in many forms.

Let’s dive into the world of our furry friends with a playful twist! While every dog has its unique charm, not all are quick learners when it comes to mastering new tricks or commands. But hey, that’s okay!

In the dog world, when we talk about ‘intelligence,’ we’re often referring to how well a pup can be trained – basically, how well they respond to what we ask, when we ask, and in the way we ask.

But remember, this isn’t about smarts in the human sense. It’s more about obedience. After all, defining intelligence solely based on obedience wouldn’t be fair, right? At WAF, we absolutely adore all dog breeds – they each have their own special place in our hearts. So, as you read this article, keep in mind it’s all in good fun and meant to give you a little insight into the training world of our canine pals.

We’re not here to put any dog down – every pup is a star in its own right!

Plus, we’ll answer some common questions about dog intelligence. Let’s get started – and remember, it’s all in the spirit of fun and love for our four-legged friends!

Least Intelligent Dog Breeds

Curious about which breeds might take a bit more patience to train? Stick with us as we explore some of the dog breeds that didn’t get good marks in intelligence!

1. Afghan Hound

least intelligent dog breed

Meet the Afghan Hound: a stunning dog with a silky coat and a unique tail curl, hailing from Afghanistan’s cold mountains. These dogs are the independent spirits of the canine world, dignified yet secretly affectionate and incredibly loyal once they bond with you.

Afghan Hounds are like the cool kids of the dog world – they’re independent, have a dignified air, and might come off as a bit aloof. These dogs are tough, too. Afghan Hounds have a playful side.

Training an Afghan Hound? Well, that’s an adventure. They’re not the type to follow commands blindly. They’ve got minds of their own and prefer to do things their way. They’re sensitive pups and don’t respond well to harsh training methods. Gentle guidance and a firm but kind hand work best with them.

2. Basenji

least smart dog breeds

Let’s zoom into the world of Basenjis, the independent thinkers of the dog kingdom! These pups are smart and excel in agility and obedience training, thanks to their active minds. But remember, their smarts come with a dash of independence, which sometimes means a stubborn streak. They’re ideal for experienced pet owners who can give patient and consistent training.

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Basenjis are unique – they’re almost at the bottom of the ‘dog intelligence’ list, but that’s only because they prefer to do things on their terms. They were valued for their independent decision-making, so don’t be surprised if they’re not always eager to follow commands.

Here’s something cool: Basenjis don’t bark! Their larynx is different, so instead of barking, they might yodel or growl, but they’re generally quiet dogs. Despite their love for independence, they’re super loyal with an affectionate nature, forming deep bonds and becoming devoted companions.

3. Borzoi

afghan hound intelligence

Borzois are like the hidden gems of the dog world, originally hailing from Russia. They’re big-hearted and love their owners, but they’re also known for their independent streak. Training a Borzoi? It’s all about being patient and consistent.

These dogs are super fast – one of the fastest breeds around! But despite their speed, they’re often labeled as not too bright. Despite their large size, Borzois can happily live in apartments. Just be mindful if you have little ones around, as their size might accidentally lead to a topple-over during playtime.

Borzois aren’t known for being aggressive, but they do have a natural instinct to chase. They can get along well with other dogs and even cats as long as you introduce them slowly and calmly.

4. Chow Chow

what are the least intelligent dog breeds

Chow Chows are like the free thinkers of the dog world. They’re pretty smart, but their independent and stubborn nature makes training them an interesting challenge. They’re also protective, so teaching them to manage this trait is important.

These fluffy buddies have a low-key personality. They don’t ask for much attention and can sometimes seem a bit distant. But don’t let that fool you – they’re incredibly loyal and usually form a strong bond with their family, often choosing one special person as their favorite.

Chow Chows don’t need a lot of exercise. A couple of short walks each day are enough for them. But, because they’re not super active, it’s important to watch their diet to prevent obesity, which can lead to other health issues.

5. Bulldog

dumbest dog breeds ranked

Bulldogs are the relaxed buddies of the dog world, ranking 77 out of 79 in a dog intelligence study by Dr. Stanley Coren. But don’t let that fool you – their ranking is more about their work skills, and these days, Bulldogs are mostly loved as companion pets.

They can be a bit stubborn when it comes to training, which might make some people think they’re not too bright. But really, they just march to the beat of their own drum.

Perfect for apartment living or homes without a yard, Bulldogs are well-suited for indoor life. They’re famous for their wrinkly faces and aren’t really the athletic type. If you’re in search of a very chill dog that stays mellow even when they grow up, a Bulldog could be your ideal furry friend!

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6. Basset Hound

what is the iq of a shih tzu

Basset Hounds are like laid-back characters in the dog world. They’re actually quite smart, but they like to do things in their own way and aren’t always eager to please. However, bring out some treats for training, and you’ll see just how bright they can be!

Known for their chill attitude, Basset Hounds are often seen as lazy. They save their energy for important things like hunting or getting to their food bowl. This relaxed nature can make training a bit of a slow process – they’re not fans of rushing around.

Training a Basset Hound requires patience, firmness, and a bit of creativity. As for their personality, Basset Hounds are friendly, outgoing, and great with kids and other pets. They’re patient, lowkey companions who are deeply devoted to their families.

7. Bloodhound

borzoi intelligence

Bloodhounds march to their own beat in the dog world. Training them can be a bit of a fun puzzle because they’re known for their stubborn streak. But don’t worry; they’re super sweet and loving at home. These dogs are really in tune with your feelings and love hanging out with their families.

Now, when they’re on a scent trail, it’s a whole different story. Bloodhounds become focused and determined, and it’s tough to pull them away. Their incredible sense of smell means they’re often off chasing a new scent, so it’s best to keep them on a leash or in a secure area.

When it comes to training, patience and consistency are your best friends. Using positive methods like treats, praise, and rewards works wonders with Bloodhounds. Being confident and engaging is key to keeping their attention and making training fun for both of you.

8. Beagle

what is the lowest iq

Beagles are the friendly middle-of-the-road students in the dog’s intelligence class. They’re famous for their amazing sense of smell, perfect for tracking and hunting. But when it comes to problem-solving and obedience, they’re not top of the class.

Beagles march to their own beat, not always eager to please like some other dog breeds. This can make training a bit more challenging, especially for first-time dog owners. They’re not the type to follow commands at the snap of a finger.

Size-wise, Beagles are pretty handy – not too big, not too small. They have a chill personality and can easily adapt to different living situations. But remember, they’re curious and full of energy, which can add a twist to their training.

9. Lhasa Apso

least trainable dog breeds

Lhasa Apsos are the clever, whimsical toddlers of the dog world. They’re super smart but will only show off their skills if they’re in the mood. Think of them as little geniuses who do things on their own terms. Training them? It’s all about making it fun and interesting for them.

These pups have strong guarding instincts. They’re fearless when it comes to protecting their home and can be quite vocal about it. It’s important to train and socialize them properly to manage these instincts, as they might get a bit too protective.

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Training sessions with a Lhasa Apso can turn into playtime because they’re naturally playful. Consistency and patience are key to getting them to focus and learn. They might bark a bit too much, especially at strangers or other dogs. It’s something to watch out for, as too much barking can be stressful for both you and your furry friend.

10. French Bulldog

dog iq rank

Are French Bulldogs smart? Well, they’re like the artists of the dog world – emotionally intelligent but a bit slow in learning new tricks. They love their treats, which can be a great motivator, but their stubborn streak might make you wonder just how smart they are.

French Bulldogs are often seen snoozing away, leading some to label them as lazy. But ask any Frenchie owner, and they’ll tell you about the bursts of energy these dogs have when they’re awake. Sometimes, they’re so energetic that they don’t know when to stop!

These dogs are true entertainers at heart. Playful and funny, they’re often called “clown dogs,” especially with their unique bat-like ears adding to their charm. And yes, Frenchies have a bit of an upscale reputation too.

What are Different Types of Dog Intelligence?

Different dogs are smart in different ways, and a lot of it depends on their breed. According to Coren, there are three kinds of dog smarts:

  • Instinctive (the skills they’re born to do)
  • Adaptive (how well they learn from what’s around them)
  • Working and obedience (like learning commands and tricks)


While the term “dumbest dog breeds” might come up in discussions about canine intelligence, it’s important to remember that intelligence in dogs can be multifaceted. Dog breed intelligence isn’t just about obedience intelligence or the ability to follow commands like a Border Collie. Border Collies are known for their high obedience intelligence.

Each breed, whether considered among the less intelligent breeds or not, has unique qualities. Some dogs might not excel in traditional obedience but could be very chill dogs, offering companionship and love.

So, when we talk about the intelligence of our canine friends, it’s essential to appreciate the diverse ways in which different breeds express their smarts and charm.

While the concept of “least intelligent” dog breeds is subjective and based on specific training aptitude tests, breeds like the Afghan Hound, Basset Hound, and Bulldog often appear on such lists. This doesn’t mean they’re incapable of learning, but rather they might be more independent, stubborn, or easily distracted, requiring patient and positive training methods. Ultimately, “intelligence” in dogs manifests in various ways, and these breeds possess other wonderful qualities like loyalty, affection, and unique personalities that make them cherished companions. Choosing a dog should focus on finding a good fit for your lifestyle and commitment to training, regardless of perceived intelligence.

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