Top 7 Smartest Dog Breeds On The Planet

Pet Yolo

From solving complex puzzles to herding livestock with unmatched precision, certain dog breeds stand out for their exceptional intelligence. While every dog is special, some possess remarkable cognitive abilities, making them quick learners and adept problem-solvers. Dive into the world of canine brilliance as we explore the top 7 smartest dog breeds on the planet, revealing their unique talents and the science behind their impressive mental prowess. Prepare to be amazed by these furry geniuses!

Have you ever wondered if your dog is one of the smartest breeds? Canine intelligence is more than just following commands; it’s about understanding, learning, and adapting.

According to renowned expert Dr. Stanley Coren, dogs’ intelligence can be broken into three types: instinctive (what they’re naturally bred to do), adaptive (how they learn from their environment), and working/obedience (how well they respond to human commands).

Dr. Coren’s research, based on surveys of over 200 dog obedience judges, shows that the smartest breeds can learn new commands in just a few repetitions and follow them with near-perfect accuracy. These incredible dogs are not only quick learners but also showcase a unique blend of beauty and brains.

Dog Intelligence According to Dr. Coren

In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the 7 most intelligent dog breeds that never fail to impress with their smartness and charm!

Smartest Dog Breeds On The Planet

1. Doberman Pinscher

most intelligent dog breeds

The Doberman Pinscher is undoubtedly one of the smartest dog breeds, thanks to its rich ancestry. Bred from intelligent guarding and herding dogs, AKC notes that the Doberman has a natural ability to quickly learn and adapt to new situations. They are problem solvers who thrive in new environments, effortlessly taking in information and adjusting their behavior accordingly.

With their sharp instincts and quick reactions, Dobermans excel not only as military dogs but also as loyal and protective family guardians. They’re fast learners, capable of mastering even the most complex tasks, making them both highly effective and dependable companions.

Dobermans are natural protectors, always ready to defend their family if needed, and they can show aggression or attack when they feel threatened. However, they are also incredibly loving and gentle with their families, forming deep bonds and enjoying playtime. These dogs need plenty of space to run and thrive, making them great companions for outdoor activities like trips to the park or family vacations.

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2. Shetland Sheepdog

smartest dog breeds

Thanks to its Collie ancestry, the Shetland Sheepdog is an exceptionally smart small dog breed. Known for excelling in agility and obedience, Shelties are quick learners and respond well to proper training methods. These hardworking dogs shine in competitions, and their natural herding instincts are so strong that they’ve been known to try herding their own family members!

Both Shelties and their owners love the challenge of learning new tasks, whether it’s helping around the house or trying out fun activities like canine gymnastics. With patience and fun training, these intelligent dogs thrive and make wonderful companions.

AKC informs that they are incredibly easy to train and often rise to the top in these events. As sensitive and affectionate family dogs, Shelties are highly attuned to the emotions of their household, making them loving companions who thrive on being part of the family.

3. Border Collie

smartest dog in the world

Border Collies are the champions of obedience, agility, flyball, and sheepdog herding competitions. Their intelligence, boundless energy, and eagerness to work have earned them the top spot in canine psychologist Stanley Coren’s rankings of the smartest dog breeds.

ASPCA points out that Border Collies need proper training to prevent them from becoming unruly, but their ability to learn dozens of commands means you can teach them even the most complex tricks.

In addition to their instinctive smarts, Border Collies excel at adaptive intelligence, quickly learning from their environment. It’s no surprise they’re the go-to breed for sheep herding. Incredibly, most Border Collies can learn a new command in under five seconds and follow it with 95% accuracy. Their famous intense stare helps them control livestock, and don’t be surprised if they use it on you to snag a treat or two!

4. Labrador Retriever

what are the smartest dogs

Labrador Retrievers are not only incredibly friendly but also highly intelligent! With a long history of working alongside humans to hunt and retrieve, Labs are naturally perceptive and quick learners. They have an amazing sense of smell and often pick up new skills by watching and imitating their owners.

Labs are one of the easiest dogs to train, thanks to their genetics and eagerness to please. Starting training early with positive reinforcement, like treats or clickers, can help them thrive.

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According to PetPlan, Labradors can be a bit excitable during playtime and sometimes forget their size, so they may be a better fit for families with older children. As with any dog, it’s important to supervise them around kids to ensure everyone stays safe and happy.

5. Poodle

most intelligent dogs

Poodles are some of the smartest and most eager-to-learn dogs out there. With their natural instinct for obedience and a desire to please their owners, they are incredibly easy to train. Poodles pick up new commands quickly, making them perfect for service dog roles. However, their high intelligence means they need plenty of mental stimulation to stay happy and avoid boredom.

Active and athletic, Poodles love regular exercise and excel in canine sports, especially those that involve agility and obedience. They’re also natural show-offs who enjoy being the center of attention!

Originally bred to hunt waterfowl, Poodles are loyal, friendly, and versatile dogs that come in three sizes—standard, miniature, and toy. To keep a Poodle content, make sure to provide both physical exercise and mental challenges to match their sharp minds!

6. Golden Retriever

smart dogs

Golden Retrievers are among the smartest dog breeds, and it’s easy to see why. Their brains make up a higher percentage of their body mass than many other dogs, giving them a body-to-brain ratio closer to humans.

Bred to retrieve game during hunts, they have a natural talent for fetching and a sharp ability to learn and adapt. Golden Retrievers can pick up new commands in fewer than five repetitions and follow them with 95% accuracy.

Eager to please and quick to learn from their environment, Goldens are intuitive and interact well with other pets and children. Their gentle and patient nature makes them an excellent choice for families, especially those with young kids. Golden Retrievers need plenty of mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy, and their loving, loyal, and affectionate personality also makes them ideal therapy and service dogs.

7. German Shepherd

German Shepherd 3

The German Shepherd is one of the most intelligent and versatile working dog breeds, known for its incredible problem-solving skills and loyalty. They have long been trusted companions to the military, police, and security services due to their adaptability and ease of training. With their powerful sense of smell, German Shepherds excel at detecting bombs, and drugs, and even finding missing people, making them ideal search and rescue dogs.

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How Smart Is Your Dog

In addition to their work in these fields, German Shepherds were also the first-ever guide dogs, showcasing their ability to learn and perform complex tasks. However, owning a German Shepherd requires commitment, as they need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to keep their sharp minds busy. If you don’t have much time for daily engagement, this energetic breed might not be the best fit.

It’s also important to note that German Shepherds can be prone to certain health issues, so doing a thorough research and finding a responsible, health-conscious breeder is crucial before bringing one into your home.


The smartest dogs are not only highly intelligent but also incredibly versatile, excelling in various roles such as therapy dogs, service dogs, and even competitive dog sports. From German Shepherd dogs, known for their work in security and search-and-rescue, to Border Collies and Poodles who dominate obedience competitions and agility trials, these smart dogs consistently impress with their quick learning and adaptability.

Whether you’re looking for a smart dog to be a loyal family companion or a partner in obedience training and dog sports, the smartest dog breeds bring unmatched enthusiasm and energy. With the right guidance from a certified dog behavior consultant, these intelligent and energetic dogs can thrive, showcasing their potential in everything from advanced training to therapy work.

If you’re thinking about bringing a smart dog breed into your home, remember that their high intelligence often requires regular mental stimulation and physical exercise to keep them engaged and happy. Investing time in their obedience training not only strengthens your bond but also ensures they can put their remarkable abilities to good use.

While breed can offer a glimpse into a dog’s potential, intelligence manifests in various ways beyond obedience. A “smart” dog might excel at problem-solving, herding, or even emotional intelligence. This list of the top 7 smartest breeds highlights those known for quick learning and complex task comprehension, but every dog possesses unique strengths. Nurturing a dog’s mental and physical abilities through training and enrichment, regardless of breed, is key to fostering a strong, happy, and well-adjusted canine companion.

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