Dog Life Expectancy Calculator: Estimate Your Dog Lifespan

Pet Yolo

Ever wonder how long your furry friend might grace your life? Our Dog Life Expectancy Calculator offers a glimpse into your dog’s potential lifespan. While not a crystal ball, this tool uses breed, size, and current age to provide a customized estimate. Understanding your dog’s projected lifespan helps you prepare for their future needs and cherish every moment together. From playful puppyhood to golden senior years, plan ahead and maximize your time with your beloved companion. Explore the calculator and gain valuable insights into your dog’s journey.

Dogs are a man’s best friend! If you own a dog, you must be eager to have your beloved pets by your side as long as you can! Our Dog Life Expectancy Calculator is here to give you an estimate of the life expectancy of your canine companion based on their breed.

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Powered by World Animal Foundation

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SEE ALSO:  9 Most Sensitive Dog Breeds That Feel Deeply

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Dog Life Expectancy Calculator

Our dog’s life expectancy calculator evaluates your dog’s age on the basis of their breed and then gives an estimated life expectancy of your precious friend.

This is a handy tool that only needs the correct breed of your pup as input to determine the average life span of dogs. Here is what you need to do in order to get results:

  1. Select the dog breed in the given box. We have evaluations for more than 400 dog breeds in our calculator.
  2. After you’ve entered the breed, our tool will immediately inform you about your dog’s lifespan.

Remember, this calculator provides an approximate number, individual variations can still affect a dog’s aging process, so the calculated age is still an estimate rather than an exact science.

Average Lifespan of Dogs Based on Breeds

The average life expectancy of most dogs is 10-13 years, but there are variations among different breeds and sizes. Usually, smaller dogs tend to live longer as compared to larger dogs.

This difference in lifespans can be attributed to several factors, here are a couple of the reasons:

  • Larger dog breeds age at an accelerated pace, so they are prone to certain health conditions and abnormal cell growth.
  • It is believed that there are more genetic abnormalities in large breeds due to fewer breeding pairs and smaller geographic distributions.

If you observe the list given below, you’ll notice that the bigger-sized dogs, like a Great Dane, have shorter lifespans than smaller sized dogs like a Chihuahua.

The size of the dog has an inversely proportion co-relation with the dog life expectancy – the smaller the dog the bigger their average life expectancy. The following list can provide you with a quick glance at the average lifespan of some popular dog breeds:

  • Australian cattle dog: 12-16 Years
  • Yorkshire Terrier: 11-15 Years
  • Bernese Mountain dog: 7-10 Years
  • Jack Russell Terrier: 12-14 Years
  • Labrador Retriever: 11-13 Years
  • German Shepherd: 7-10 Years
  • Great Dane: 7-10 Years
  • Border Collie: 12-15 Years
  • Afghan Hound: 12-18 Years
  • Chihuahua: 14-16 Years
  • Bulldog: 8-10 Years
  • Dachshund: 12-16 Years
  • Toy Poodle: 10-18 Years

How Dog Age is Calculated

As a pet owner, we cannot dare to fathom our lives without our buddy by our side. However, it is a common knowledge that dog’s age does not directly co-relate to human years as they grow and age at different rates.

To estimate your dog’s age in human years, you need to know its breed. According to a new study, the first year of a dog’s life is equal to about 15 human years, the second year is equivalent to 9 human years, and the subsequent dog years are equal to approximately 4-5 human years.

SEE ALSO:  7 Most Tender Dog Breeds That Will Steal Your Heart

However, the actual age of a dog year in human years will vary depending on the individual dog characteristics and its breed.

Factors Determining the Average Life Expectancy of a Dog

Following are few of the several factors that can affect the dog life expectancy:


Some dog breeds are inherently predisposed to certain illnesses that can shorten their lifespans. For example, Bulldogs are prone to hip dysplasia, which can lead to arthritis and mobility problems which may have debilitating effects on their life expectancy.


Eating a high-quality diet is essential for a long and healthy life for dogs. Dogs that eat a diet that is high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates tend to have shorter lifespans than dogs that eat a healthy diet that is high in protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients. Check our Dog Food Calculator to find the correct quantity of food your dog needs.

Dog size 

As discussed earlier, smaller dog breeds tend to live longer as they age more slowly than larger dog breeds. This is because their bodies are not under as much pressure as the bodies of larger dogs.


If dogs live in a stressful environment, they are more likely to develop health problems and have a shorter life expectancy. Fortunately, dog breeds living in a loving and supportive environment are more likely to live a long and healthy life.

Physical activity

Exercise is important for both physical and mental health of dogs. Dogs that get regular exercise tend to have stronger immune systems and are better able to fight off disease. They are also less likely to become overweight or obese, which can lead to health issues.

If you’re wondering whether your pup falls within the recommended weight range or not, you can conveniently check that with our Dog BMI Calculator now.

Regular vet visits and checkups

Regular veterinary checkups and vaccinations can help to prevent health problems and extend the life expectancy of a dog.

A dog’s life expectancy is directly related to the care provided by their owners. If you want your pal to reach and enjoy the golden years of their life, then utmost care and unconditional love is a must.

However, just like humans, canines face plenty of senior dog health issues.

Lifespan of dog after heartworm treatment

The lifespan of a dog after heartworm treatment depends on a number of factors, including the severity of the infection, the dog’s age and health, and the success of the treatment.

In general, dogs that are treated for heartworm disease at an early stage and have a good response to treatment have a good chance of living a normal lifespan. However, dogs with more advanced heartworm disease or other health problems may have a shorter lifespan.

SEE ALSO:  7 Dog Breeds With The Best Sense Of Smell

Lifespan of dog suffering from mouth cancer

The lifespan of a dog suffering from mouth cancer varies depending on the type of cancer, the severity of the cancer, and the dog’s age and health.

In general, dogs with mouth cancer with early diagnosis and aggressive treatment have a better chance of living a longer lifespan. The expected life expectancy for dogs with oral cancer is about 5-17 years. However, some dogs may live for longer or shorter periods of time.

Chocolate toxicity

Our all-time favorite snack chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, which is perfectly safe for humans, but toxic for dogs. Never feed chocolate to your dog, but unfortunately, by chance if they ingest chocolate, use our Chocolate Toxocity Calculator to discern whether the consumed amount comes within safe consumption range or not.

Medications and supplements

There are certain medicines and supplements that can fulfil the essential requirement of your pets. Since dogs differ, it is advised to consult your veterinarian before giving any medicine to your pets.


What is the average life expectancy of a dog?

As discussed earlier, the average dog’s lifespan is between 10-13 years.

Which is the longest-living dog breed?

The oldest dog ever is Bobi who is 30 years and 266 days old, as of 1 February 2023. Other than that, Yorkshire Terrier, Poodle, Maltese, Miniature Shnauzer, Boston Terrier and Shih Tzu are some of the breeds that boast the longest life expectancy.

What is the average lifespan of a small, medium, large, and giant dog?

According to AKC, the average dog’s life expectancy for smaller dogs ranges from 10 to 15 years, for medium-sized dog breeds it is 10 to 13 years and large dog breeds can live about 8-10 years.


After using our dog life expectancy calculator, now you have an idea how long can your dog live. You can strive to extend the life expectancy of a dog by catering to their unique needs and requirements.

A dog lifespan calculator provides a helpful, albeit generalized, estimate of a dog’s potential lifespan based on breed, size, and sometimes lifestyle factors. While not a perfect predictor, it offers valuable insights for prospective owners, allowing them to prepare for the long-term commitment of dog ownership. Understanding breed-specific health predispositions highlighted by these calculators encourages proactive veterinary care, potentially improving a dog’s quality of life and extending its lifespan beyond initial estimates. Ultimately, every dog is unique, and these calculators serve as a starting point for understanding and cherishing the time we have with our canine companions.

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