7 Best Dog Breeds For Night Owls

Pet Yolo

Are you a night owl seeking a canine companion who shares your nocturnal tendencies? Forget early morning walks – some breeds are naturally more inclined to a later schedule. Whether you’re burning the midnight oil or just prefer a furry friend who won’t demand sunrise playtime, this list of the 7 best dog breeds for night owls explores calmer, lower-energy pups perfectly suited to a less conventional lifestyle. From relaxed lap dogs to quiet guardians, discover the breeds that thrive when the moon is high.

Think all dogs are strictly daytime creatures? Think again! Dogs aren’t tied to a 9-to-5 schedule—they can adapt to your own sleep patterns. If you’re a night owl, your dog can join you in your nocturnal activities.

According to the American Kennel Club, dogs sleep about half of their day, with the rest divided between lounging and active play. While older dogs and larger breeds might need more rest, some breeds are naturally inclined to stay active later into the night.

How Much Do Dogs Sleep

If you’re looking for a furry friend who’s happy to keep you company during your late-night hours, check out these seven dog breeds that are perfect for night owls.

Dog Breeds for Night Owls

1. Australian Shepherd

my dog is nocturnal

If you’re a night owl who thrives on late-night activities, an Australian Shepherd might be the ideal canine companion for you. These high-energy dogs are known for their boundless enthusiasm and need for regular, vigorous exercise, making them perfect for those who prefer to be active during the evening.

Their loyal and protective nature also ensures that you’ll have a devoted friend by your side during your nighttime adventures. Just keep in mind that they need consistent exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and avoid boredom-induced mischief.

According to Orvis, their people-oriented nature means they love to stay close to their family, often following you from room to room just to be near. However, they do need plenty of attention and can become bored and destructive if left alone for too long. Their loyalty and protective instincts also ensure a sense of security during your nighttime adventures.

2. Bloodhound

are dog nocturnal

Bloodhounds are exceptional companions for night owls, particularly suited to those who thrive in the late hours. Renowned for their incredible sense of smell and gentle, placid nature, these dogs are not just active but require extensive exercise, aligning perfectly with the lifestyle of an active, nocturnal owner. Whether it’s a late-night hike or just exploring your local area, Bloodhounds will be eager and enthusiastic partners.

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They are highly trainable and have a responsive attitude towards positive reinforcement training methods. This makes them both fun and rewarding to work with during training sessions that can be scheduled into the night when their energy levels are high.

PDSA states that Bloodhounds are also incredibly affectionate and easy-going within the home. Their friendly demeanor makes them wonderful family pets, provided they are given sufficient mental and physical stimulation.

However, their strong sense of smell and propensity to follow scents mean that Bloodhounds require a secure living environment to prevent escape during unsupervised outdoor moments. They can sometimes be wilful, especially when they pick up an interesting scent.

3. Poodle

sleepy dog breeds

Poodles are an excellent choice for those who are active late into the night, thanks to their boundless energy and sharp intelligence. Known for their distinctive, fluffy haircuts, Poodles are not only active but also highly trainable. This makes them perfect for late-nighters who can provide them with the mental and physical stimulation they need to manage their anxiety.

Whether it’s a standard, miniature, or toy variety, Poodles enjoy a variety of activities, including long walks, trips to the dog park, and swimming. Such diverse activities make them ideal for owners who prefer spending their evenings outdoors engaging in different forms of exercise.

Eager to please and responsive to obedience training, they do have a tendency to be quite vocal, which includes frequent barking, adding to their alert nature. While they are not low-maintenance, their hypoallergenic coat is a significant advantage, especially for active individuals with allergies, as it minimizes shedding.

4. Alaskan Malamute

dogs at night

Life with an Alaskan Malamute can be incredibly fulfilling, especially for those who thrive at night. These dogs are sociable and truly shine when treated as intelligent partners. Alaskan Malamutes make a deep connection with their human pack, making them perfect companions for those who are active during the later hours.

Training them with positive reinforcement is key, as it helps harness their natural dedication and makes them excellent partners for nocturnal activities. Whether it’s a late-night run or biking, Malamutes need considerable exercise to stay content, a nod to their ancestors who pulled sleds across snowy landscapes.

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According to PetMD, Alaskan Malamutes are also known for their spirited personality and are not shy about vocalizing their opinions with characteristic “awoos,” reminiscent of playful banter. They’re smart and sometimes mischievous, using their cleverness to achieve their desires, from sneaking a treat to exploring the neighborhood on their own.

5. Greyhound

nocturnal hound

The Greyhound is an excellent choice for night owls seeking a calm and gentle companion. Known for their quiet disposition, Greyhounds are perfect for those who are active at night. They are large, sleek, and maintain a clean appearance, making them ideal house pets for someone who enjoys the quiet hours of the evening.

Despite their strong chasing instinct, greyhounds can coexist peacefully with other pets through proper socialization and training. This breed is also known for its tolerance and non-aggressive nature, often choosing to walk away from annoyances rather than reacting aggressively.

Interestingly, Medium notes that greyhounds are sometimes referred to as the “40 mph couch potatoes” because of their ability to sprint fast and their love for lounging around. They don’t require as much exercise as one might think, which is perfect for night-time owners who prefer leisurely late-night walks or a short burst of play.

Greyhounds thrive in a pack-oriented environment and will quickly bond with a night owl owner, readily integrating into their lifestyle. A safe space to run is necessary for them, but they don’t need long periods of exercise.

6. Belgian Malinois

are dogs nocturnal

The Belgian Malinois is an excellent choice for late-nighters looking for an active and protective companion. These dogs are smart, confident, and incredibly versatile, making them suitable for a variety of night-time activities. Bred for hard work and obedience, Belgian Malinois form strong bonds with their owners and are eager to please.

Known for their agility, impressive tracking abilities, and herding skills, they also offer great protection during night-time outings, whether you’re running, hiking, or just exploring the outdoors. Their stamina is remarkable, and they thrive on physical activity, making them ideal for owners who are active during the later hours.

WebMD highlights that Belgian Malinois requires a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. They form strong bonds and will quickly grow attached to you. However, if left alone for too long, they may become destructive, tearing up furniture and chewing on things around the house they shouldn’t.

7. Siberian Husky

Dog Breeds for Night Owls

The Siberian Husky is an ideal companion for those who are active late into the night. This breed is exuberant and adventurous, making it a lively addition to any family.

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Siberian Huskies have a deep love for running and can cover miles if given the chance, which aligns well with the lifestyle of night owls who enjoy late-night jogs or walks. However, their strong desire for exploration means they may not always come when called, so a well-fenced yard is crucial to keep them safe.

While Huskies are generally outgoing and friendly towards strangers, they can show aggression towards unfamiliar dogs, though they are typically good with other family dogs. They are usually fine with household pets but might chase strange animals due to their prey drive. This breed can be independent and stubborn, requiring a firm owner who can provide both reward-based training and strong leadership.

VCA suggests that Siberian Huskies get plenty of exercise to prevent overactivity and destructive behavior. Daily long walks or jogs are necessary to keep them calm and content.

Do Dogs Dream


For night owls, finding a dog breed that matches your late-night lifestyle can make all the difference. While many dogs have their own unique sleep patterns, some breeds are particularly well-suited for staying active during the hours you’re most awake. Whether you’re taking a late-night walk or simply enjoying some quiet time, a breed like the Bernese Mountain Dog or other nocturnal-friendly canines can be your ideal canine friend.

Dogs sleep about half the day, and their sleep patterns can vary widely. For those who tend to fall asleep later, choosing a breed that can adjust to your schedule is crucial. These breeds can seamlessly fit into your routine, whether it involves a late-night potty break or just staying awake with you during your evening activities. By selecting the right dog breed, you’ll ensure that both you and your furry friend can enjoy your shared nighttime hours together.

Ultimately, the “best” dog breed for a night owl depends on individual lifestyles and preferences. While breeds like French Bulldogs and Greyhounds might appreciate a slower morning, energetic breeds like Poodles and Shiba Inus could adapt with proper exercise and mental stimulation. Consider your living situation, activity level, and desired level of dog interaction when selecting a breed. Research and responsible ownership are key to ensuring a harmonious partnership, regardless of your sleep schedule. A good match will lead to a fulfilling relationship for both you and your canine companion, day or night.

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