Revolutionary Tech Lessons Today’s Students Are Learning in Class!

Pet Yolo

Do you remember being in school and learning about math, science, and history? Well, school back then was very different than what it’s like now. Because of the advancements in technology, today’s kids are learning mind-blowing lessons that we could have never even imagined learning about only a couple of decades ago.

One of the purposes of this advancement in technology is to provide professional learning and access to students living in rural areas who lack the proper support they need. According to Discover Magazine, “Effective professional development programs include opportunities for teachers to solve problems, analyze students’ work and observe teaching practices. Teachers also receive real-time support from the program facilitators. This is often a challenge for asynchronous online programs” with real-time feedback and guidance to help enhance teacher’s and students skills. This is the beginning of a very technological future.

As Impulse Neiry wrote on Medium, “It is essential to consider the appropriate content complexity when it comes to supporting students’ attempts to learn. The key thing here is to keep a balance between engagement and fatigue while maintaining motivation to learn. To put it more scientifically: successful learning requires keeping the learner’s cognitive load within the optimal interval for a particular student.” Teachers cannot override students with too much information so they feel overwhelmed. That’s why many teachers are trying to make learning as fun as possible, especially with more difficult topics. For example, with Quantum Computing, teachers are making easy games that tackle difficult topics but don’t make it so hard that it deters the child away from learning more.

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolMedium

AI Technology Is The New Future

Firstly, despite all of the impressive technology kids are learning nowadays, AI has to be the most impressive. And it’s the teachers who have to master it to successfully teach kids about it. Writer, instructor, and programmer Zafer Demirkol, who writes Coding for Children, said, “The sciences and technologies that create AI require advanced knowledge of mathematics and programming. However, I do not think it is a difficult subject; rather it is a subject that cannot be explained correctly. However, one can teach any subject to any age group in an appropriate way by explaining things correctly. You need to master the subject to do it. Those who master a subject can simplify and enrich this subject; and can transfer it in a way that others can understand. It is all about the proficiency of the instructor in the end.”

If AI is explained correctly, it can have a wonderful outcome for children. “What is important is that they should be able to understand the technologies behind it and to transform them into competencies that can produce something new. Otherwise, you will not provide AI education to children by making them talk to a chatbot or introducing a photo in a ready-made application. Therefore, I developed an application that links AI services to visual code blocks, taking a step. This way, children and beginners can develop applications with visual elements without difficulty.” AI could potentially shape their future for the better, in addition to a lot of the technology we’re going to take a look at on this list (Daily Sabah).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolGeek Edu

Coding and Programming

If you thought learning Tetris in school was cool, look at what some students learn nowadays. Many schools around the world introduce coding and programming at an early age. Kids learn languages like Scratch, Python, or JavaScript to create their programs and games. Many kids are learning how to make their video games and design their websites.

According to Geek Edu, “Early elementary school is the optimum time for children to begin coding. Strengthening cognitive skills through coding helps to plant seeds for eventual complex knowledge. We have confidence that the optimal age for children to begin learning to code is around the age of 6-7.” The earlier they learn to code, the better they’ll be in adulthood (Geek Edu).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolBright Champs


If you thought robot building was only for highly skilled technicians, think again. Robotics is a fascinating field where students can learn to build and program robots. It involves a combination of engineering, programming, and problem-solving skills. Just like coding, if they begin learning how to build robots from an early age, they’ll have success.

According to Play to Labs, “According to research done by academicians and Child Education experts across the world, the right age to start learning robotics for kids is 7 to 8. Researchers and governments across the world are encouraging kids to start learning robotics early and are making it a part of the curriculum at schools.” They can even participate in robotic competitions to hone their robot-building skills. Learning these skills also helps them with STEM concepts, which are science, technology, engineering, and math (Play to Labs).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolForm Labs

3D Printing

You’ve likely heard of 3D printing and the phenomenal ways it’s helped some people, for example, live with a prosthetic arm. Nowadays, some schools have embraced 3D printing technology, allowing students to design and create physical objects. It starts from an early age. This hands-on experience enhances their creativity and understanding of manufacturing processes.

According to Form Labs, this helps improve both participation and engagement. They partnered with Tech Boston Academy, where, they spent 13 weeks with a project-based course where students designed, modeled, and 3D printed a tool. They wrote, “The students were able to problem-solve and use CAD skills to develop a solution, then bring their ideas into reality with the Formlabs resin 3D printers. One student said that the aspect they enjoyed the most “was the ability to materialize physical objects inside my mind into a real thing that I could hold or touch.” This also made a lot of headway during the pandemic, when they couldn’t physically be together to create something. Architecture professor Michael Silver said, “We were able to continue to make physical objects during the period of quarantine. 3D printing gave us the ability to still physically implement a prototype during quarantine with everybody only meeting through Zoom and doing remote learning.” This has shaped the way kids are learning in the classroom (Form Labs).

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Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolDaily Sabah

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

If you’ve ever put on VR goggles, then you’ll know just how impressive it is to feel like you’re transported to an entirely different world. This is what kids are currently learning in school. Students may get to explore virtual worlds through VR or experience interactive lessons with AR technology. This immersive learning enhances engagement and comprehension.VR and AR are completely revolutionizing learning for kids.

Many teachers are excited about the potential for welcoming VR into their classrooms. According to eLearning Inside, “Using AR apps, such as Shapes 3D, students can build and measure 3D shapes anywhere they like including the classroom. This allows students to learn about each shape’s complex dimensions and properties through a digital device.” It can also be used for geography, as it allows you to explore any place in the world, without having to leave the classroom. For example, “VR headsets allow students to explore anywhere in the world, including the Seven Wonders, the Louvre Museum, the North Pole, Machu Picchu, the Moon and Mars.” They can even use it to further understand a story they’re reading (eLearning Inside).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolSimplilearn

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

If AI feels like a foreign concept, it’s because it probably is. But not for many students who are learning AI in school! To put it in simple terms, AI is the computer’s way of thinking. Kids are teaching computers how to think. Basic concepts of AI are introduced to students, helping them understand how machines can learn and make decisions. They may work with simple AI tools or explore AI applications in various fields like video games, cars, and robots. If you thought learning to make a simple game on the desktop was hard, try teaching kids how to use AI! According to Create and Learn, “This progressive method of learning allows students to be the architects of their worlds. Students can program games, design art, and even program robots! Examples of data science and AI are robot vacuums, Siri, and Alexa. Artificial intelligence explained simply is programming computers to learn. Fun examples of machine learning are Netflix, video games, and self-driving cars.”

This is the future, and it’s good these kids start learning from a young age so they’re skilled when they’re older. Furthermore, an experiment was conducted where teachers underwent AI-based professional development or no additional training. According to the experiment, “On average, teachers spent 11 hours to complete the program. We then gave 1,727 of their students a math test. While students of these two groups of teachers started with no difference in their math performance, the students taught by teachers who completed the program increased their mathematics performance by 0.18 of a standard deviation more on average. This is a statistically significant gain that is equal to the average math performance difference between sixth and seventh graders in the study.” (Create and Learn).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolWe Are Teachers

Digital Citizenship

It comes as no surprise to learn that technology is changing faster than we can keep up with it. With the increasing use of technology, students are taught about responsible online behavior, digital privacy, and the ethical use of technology. This is crucial for navigating the digital world safely.

Educator Heather Marrs wrote, “Digital citizenship is a key skill for living and working in a connected world. And if students don’t authentically learn this important skill set, it will be just another abstract idea that becomes real only when they run into problems down the road.” If students are learning about rapidly changing technology, then they have to learn to keep up with it. They also need to focus on risk factors and navigating the treacherous terrain of technology (ISTE).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolNAES


With all that information on the web, kids need to learn how to protect it. Hackers exist, and with the right tools, they could access important information that could be detrimental to the kids’ future. In school, understanding the importance of cybersecurity is emphasized. Students learn about online threats, the importance of strong passwords, and how to protect themselves and their digital information.

One example is teaching kids about cyber safety. According to Common Sense, “Tell students that they need to be careful about what they click, since sometimes things they click on can make their devices sick with a virus. This includes links, pop-ups, and ads. As they get older, you can expand this advice to QR codes and downloadable attachments. They also need to be aware of the safety of the site itself.” Passwords and personal information also need to be protected, and the more technology they learn, the more important it is to keep this information safe (Common Sense).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolCodingal

Data Analysis

Even though it seems like a basic skill we’ve been learning in school forever, it’s important to know before learning any of the other lessons. Simply put, analyzing and interpreting data is a valuable skill. Students may learn basic data analysis using tools like spreadsheets, charts, and graphs. Data is all about seeking out patterns.

Learning data analysis doesn’t just have to apply to technology, but can also be used for eating habits and scheduling their lives. According to Almy Education, “I shared that the fastest growing occupations are those in mathematics. In particular, there is a need for data analysts. We gather trillions of small pieces of data every day. Every time you make a purchase, do a web search, or use an app on your phone, data are gathered and recorded. Gathering data is the easy part. It is what to DO with that data that we need to prepare our students for.” This is part of the reason students need this basic education before jumping into the harder classes (Almy Education).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolMasters in Data Science

Internet of Things (IoT)

Because the internet is so important for modern-day education, it’s a technology lesson that teachers must incorporate into their lessons. Schools may introduce the concept of IoT, where everyday objects are connected to the internet. Students explore how smart devices communicate and function in interconnected systems.

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According to BuiltIn, “IoT in schools means a better-connected and more collaborative future for education. IoT devices give students better access to everything from learning materials to communication channels, and they give teachers the ability to measure student learning progress in real-time.” This includes using Smart HVAC systems, smart lighting systems, and energy-efficient illumination (BuiltIn).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolICTE Solutions Australia

Digital Storytelling

Using multimedia tools, students create digital stories incorporating text, images, audio, and video. This enhances their communication skills in the digital age. It also expands their creativity in using different tools and technology.

This is mind-blowing technology in that it can also be applied to students without advanced English language skills. According to Creative Educator, “For students who aren’t yet strong readers or confident speakers, or are new to the English language, creating digital stories provides an authentic opportunity to practice fluency. Digital stories are meant to be shown and shared; if you give your young learners headset microphones, they can record, listen, and rerecord until they are comfortable with their fluency and ready to incorporate their narration into the digital story.” This also helps kids begin their craft of writing, reading, and carefully listening (Creative Educator).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolTynker

Game Design

Creating interactive games and understanding game development is an important educational lesson for kids. The users of Reddit realize their kids have some gaming potential. This one user wrote, “A few weeks ago she told me she wanted to make her own game and has been asking quite often since when she can start making her games. Initially, I thought it was just a one-off remark and she’d forget about it, but she’s been quite persistent and I want to take the opportunity to teach her a few things and try to help her make a simple game or two.”

When kids develop their games, it helps them with problem-solving, creativity, and logical thinking. The better they get, the more advanced they become when it comes to game design. It helps enhance their critical thinking skills, as well as character development (Create & Learn).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolGESS

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Considering how popular Cryptocurrency and Blockchain are nowadays, it only makes sense that kids begin learning about it in school. These kids must have a basic understanding of digital currency and blockchain technology.

According to Gess Education, “Benjamin Ahmed a 12-year-old from the UK creates digital wales as NFT and sells it in the real world. You can also teach them about bitcoins with a lesson on how money is made and then let them decide if bitcoin is the way we should be doing it. To teach children about cryptocurrency, we have to provide them with a clear understanding of what it is. Teaching them about the benefits, as well as risks involved in dealing with this type of currency can help children maintain a healthy level of scepticism and be more wary of scams.” Teachers don’t have to use crypto in class to teach them, but they can educate them during lessons. This is something we never have let alone learn about as kids in school (Gess Education).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolForbes

Drone Education

Not only are kids learning how to operate drones in school, but drones are there to help kids hone in on their math and science skills by using drones.

According to Drone Legends, this looks a few different ways, like coding, math, and aerodynamics, They write, “From early elementary school to high school material, drones can be used as the object of study and the demonstration of math principles. Yep, kids can learn to code through drone technology. Many drones allow introductory-level programming missions, where students learn the foundations of programming by arranging blocks of code. Drone piloting lets students physically learn how aerodynamic objects look, feel, react, and sometimes fail. It’s the perfect learning tool.” They’re even using drones for robotics and critical thinking (Drone Legends).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolGetting Smart

Space Exploration Technology

They might have landed a man on the moon while you were a kid in school. But did you know kids are currently learning about space technology and exploration every single day? It’s not something that’s a mystery any longer. Some courses focus on planetary astronomy, stellar astronomy, and the universe as a whole. Students are encouraged to think outside of the box regarding their presentations and discussions in class.

Dr. Katie Mercadante said, “What has blown me away is the level of detail the students put into their presentations, and also the topics they chose. As a teacher, finding ways to engage students in labs focused on these challenging topics has required some thinking outside the box too. It isn’t uncommon to find jars of beans, beach balls, or balloons in my classroom on lab days. We’re rounding out the year with a study of the life and work of Stephen Hawking and developing our planetarium shows, with a little help from the Buhl Planetarium team at the Carnegie Science Center.” As scientists discover more about outer space, students can learn more in school (Getting Smart).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolNext City

Smart Cities Concept

Kids are learning how technology plays a role in building and connecting cities, and smart cities in particular. While it’s a relatively new concept, classrooms around the world are implementing this into their learning for kids.

In one experiment, “educators proposed a novel hands-on workshop where children learn about the smart city concept, are challenged with a collective urban planning exercise and develop a digital citizen participation method. This paper describes the workshop conducted and reports on lessons learned from its evaluation; the workshop involved 299 children from the ages of 12 to 14. It showed success in improving the children’s understanding of the smart city concept.” Though this concept may seem outlandish right now, children are preparing to learn this as they progress in their education. They are the future, after all! (MDPI).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolAnalytics India Magazine

Quantum Computing

Kids can learn the basics of quantum mechanics and computing concepts in school. The more interesting teachers can make this information, the more kids will understand its difficult concepts. A new game was recently launched, called Quantum Navigator, which offers “an introduction to key terms and concepts, such as superposition, so that kids can develop a basic understanding of the guiding principles of this emerging technology.”

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Kids will learn quantum science and progress as they move up the levels to solve problems. Ella Meyer, who helped design this program, said “Think of it a bit like making a smoothie for kids. You want it to include vegetables but don’t want it to taste like vegetables. It’s the same with making an educational videogame: we’re masking the challenging parts, and packaging an idea that can seem a bit cold or inaccessible to the average person in something fun. Engaging with tough concepts in a game makes the lessons more palatable; we must make learning about quantum computing fun.” Because it’s for kids, it’s important to make it as fun and easy as possible (QMI).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolAmerican Recycling

E-waste Management

Even though students learn science, math, and history at school, there’s another topic that’s quickly approaching, and that’s computer science, e-waste management specifically. To put it simply, this is recognizing the impact of electronic waste and responsible disposal.

One school in North Carolina said they are “Providing technology tools and training to bridge the digital divide.” The organization collects, refurbishes, and awards computers to students, and Kramden also works to inspire students to succeed by teaching them critical computer, software, and internet skills.” With this comes the necessity to recycle computers and reuse their parts, as so lessen e-waste. While students are learning on the computers, they can also learn about recycling these parts to help have a positive impact on the environment (EWaste).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolNano


To put this in simple terms, nanotechnology entails learning how to manipulate atoms and molecules at the nanoscale. Students spend time exploring the world at the nanoscale and its applications. And in education, this looks quite fascinating. Some teachers believe learning about this will have a similar impact to what the steam engine did.

One article wrote, “To reap these benefits, we must train our Nation’s students for these high-tech jobs of the future. Fortunately, the multidisciplinary nature of nanotechnology and the unique and fascinating phenomena that occur at the nanoscale mean that nanotechnology is a perfect topic to inspire students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).” Eventually, this will create new industries and jobs, things we can’t even fathom at this time (Obama White House).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolMedium

Mind-Computer Interface

Some educational schools are figuring out watts to explore technology that connects the brain with computers, thus enhancing learning. They want to use this as a way to keep track of student’s progress and monitor their learning.

According to an article on Medium, “Thus, using a BCI and a computer, it becomes possible to monitor and to ensure feedback on brain functioning that is relevant to the user. Apart from that, since the neural interfaces allow evaluating cognitive processes, including in real-time, the BCIs can implement more tricky, accurate (compared to indirect methods applied in traditional systems of adaptive learning) and implicit tracking of student’s state and thereby contribute to better adaptation of educational content to enhance student success.” Using a computer to link up the brain and enhance learning seems so far-fetched, but it’s our future (Medium).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolMedium

Genetic Engineering

Even though this is something we come across every single day in our food, it’s something that kids are being taught in school in their technology lessons. Teachers are exploring genetic modification and bioengineering. Students learn how to manipulate certain genes in DNA to produce desired traits.

Much of our food is genetically modified, so it’s yet another reason why it’s so important kids learn about it in their science classes. Scientists mainly use this for engineering connection, and “Once each gene is classified, engineers develop ways to alter them to create organisms that provide benefits such as cows that produce larger volumes of meat, fuel- and plastics-generating bacteria, and pest-resistant crops.” Kids come across it every day, and teachers are making it a fun lesson in their curriculum (Teach Engineering).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolKido Code

Digital Marketing Skills

Because the world lives online nowadays, kids need to learn the basics of online marketing and promotion in school. This is a different type of technological skill that students can apply to numerous areas of their lives, especially after school.

Some marketing skills that kids need to learn include social media and marketing. According to the Digital Marketing Institute, “The ability to understand and use social media effectively is a core and valued skill that every professional should have. Social media marketing goes beyond posting a tweet or Facebook update; it is about understanding the dynamic relationship between brands, influencers, and consumers. To put it simply, businesses need to reach out to customers in ways that will drive traffic to their website—or product—for potential conversion.” This conversion can be used in kid’s futures, so it’s good they’re honing in on those skills now (Digital Marketing Institute).

Jaw Dropping Technology Lessons That Today’s Kids Are Being Taught In SchoolRobot LAB

AI Digital Literacy

A recent report looked at the importance of AI Digital Literacy for young children, and why it’s necessary to develop a curriculum for young children early on in their learning. One model suggests that “AI literacy is an organic part of digital literacy for all citizens in an increasingly intelligent society. The core AI knowledge that can be explored with young children is: Using large amounts of data input, AI algorithms can be continuously trained to identify patterns, make predictions, and recommend actions, even though with limitations. Based on the theoretical notions of learning-by-making and pedagogy-as-relational, an embodied, culturally responsive approach should be used to enable young children’s exploration of AI technologies.”

Because kids rapidly learn at a young age, teachers are introducing AI digital literacy into their lives. One is called “AI For Kids,” and is “introduced to demonstrate this pedagogical model and explain how educators can provide children culturally responsive inquiry opportunities to interact with and understand AI technologies. The synthesis of knowledge regarding “Why”, “What”, and “How” to do with AI education for young children informs a new way to engage children in STEM and understanding the digital world.” To sum it all up, the kids are our future, and instilling this mind-blowing technology into their lives is going to shape the future of our world (Science Direct).

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