Chilling Spider Encounters That Will Make You Want to Escape!

Pet Yolo

Delving into the realm of arachnophobia, we embark on a hair-raising journey through some of the scariest spider encounters that will leave you with an undeniable urge to reach for the nearest can of bug spray or perhaps even consider torching the house. From venomous predators lurking in unexpected places to spine-chilling encounters with enormous eight-legged creatures, these stories of arachnid encounters are sure to send shivers down your spine. Brace yourself for tales that will make even the bravest souls question their resolve in the face of nature’s most formidable and fear-inducing inhabitants.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Latently.

Floods Force Spiders To Gather In Nightmare Numbers

During floods in Australia, the natural world undergoes a dramatic shift as spiders and various other insects navigate the rising waters. These floods act as a catalyst for an eerie phenomenon where spiders, in particular, congregate in astonishing numbers. As the floodwaters encroach upon their habitats, the arachnids instinctively seek higher ground for survival. They embark on an extraordinary mass exodus, utilizing their unique silk-spinning abilities to create intricate webs that act as floating life rafts.

These gossamer vessels carry the spiders and their tiny co-passengers, including other insects, across the waters in a macabre yet awe-inspiring display. As the floodwaters recede, these arachnids regroup in astonishing numbers, forming webs that adorn trees, bushes, and any elevated structure they can find, creating an unsettling spectacle. The result is a haunting landscape, seemingly draped in an otherworldly shroud, as spiders band together in their collective resilience to adapt and overcome the challenges brought by the floods.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Reddit.

Huntsman Spiders Are An Apex Predator

Huntsman spiders, known for their impressive size and agility, captivate the imagination with their intriguing and somewhat intimidating presence. With their long legs splayed out like a skilled acrobat, these arachnids move with a graceful swiftness that defies their substantial frame. Their nocturnal nature adds an air of mystery, as they emerge from hidden crevices and corners to embark on their nocturnal quests for prey. Equipped with keen vision and remarkable speed, huntsman spiders are expert hunters, stalking their victims with stealth and precision.

Their ability to scale walls and even traverse ceilings with ease further enhances their reputation as skilled predators. Despite their formidable appearance, huntsman spiders generally pose little threat to humans, often preferring to coexist peacefully within our dwellings, silently maintaining an equilibrium by keeping unwanted insect populations in check. It is this delicate balance between fascination and trepidation that makes encounters with huntsman spiders both exhilarating and unforgettable, leaving a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to observe their mesmerizing presence.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Metro UK

The Name “False Widow” Gives A False Sense of Security

During a staycation in the UK, 18-year-old Abby Tannetta narrowly escaped a potentially fatal encounter with a venomous spider. While staying in her parents’ caravan at Cardigan Bay Holiday Park, Abby woke up to intense pain in her side and discovered a large spider, which she believed to be a false widow, next to her. Panicked, she ran out of the room screaming. The bite worsened over time, causing swelling, redness, and extreme discomfort. Abby experienced dizziness, weakness, and a racing heart, leading to her collapse and urgent surgery to prevent sepsis. Fortunately, the operation was successful, removing the lump caused by the spider bite.

The British Arachnological Society (BAS) has noted a significant increase in spider populations, including venomous false widows. Abby, who already had a fear of spiders, now finds herself too terrified to return to the caravan and feels sick at the sight of even tiny spiders. The bite occurred on the first night of Abby’s holiday, causing her to sleep in a different room out of fear. She eventually found and captured the spider responsible, storing it in a container and taking a photo. Abby initially self-medicated with antihistamines but sought medical attention when the lump continued to grow and started leaking pus. After a trip to the emergency room, Abby underwent surgery to prevent further complications. Thankfully, the operation was a success, providing relief from her ordeal.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Mental Floss.

It’s Raining Spiders in Brazil

As reported by The Guardian, a recent video from the Brazilian countryside showcases thousands of spiders seemingly suspended in mid-air. However, they are not falling at all. These spiders, likely belonging to the South American species Parawixia bistriata, are actually crawling on an ultra-fine and nearly invisible web that forms a canopy between two objects such as trees or bushes. The purpose behind this peculiar behavior is simple: they are creating a communal web stretching up to 13 feet wide to catch prey.

This ingenious strategy allows them to ensnare various insects and even small birds, providing them with a substantial feast. Brazilian biology professor Adalberto dos Santos explains that P. bistriata is one of the few “social” spider species that engage in this behavior. They construct their webs during the night, take shelter in nearby vegetation, and return at dawn to indulge in their well-deserved meal. While witnessing a “spider rain” like this might be unsettling, it is not entirely uncommon in regions such as Espírito Santo do Dourado, where the video was captured. Residents have attested to these occurrences being relatively frequent when the weather is hot and humid, adding an extra layer of intrigue to this captivating natural phenomenon.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Daily Mail Online.

Spider Nightmare In Florida

“When I was in the third grade, my family moved to a small town called Palatka, Florida. It’s near Jacksonville. We briefly rented a house while my parents found a more permanent residence. Upon moving out of the rental house, my dad was going to move a tarp that our boat had been under, but hadn’t been used since moving into our new home and being there for a few months. He yanked the tarp, and just kind of laid it down on the ground. Everything seemed normal until I saw a rather big spider crawling around on the edge of the boat, and I kind of said, ‘Dad, look out, it’s a big spider!’

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Dad swats the spider, which was about the size of his very large hands. Spider goes splat. Gross, but all seemed well. Then I looked down at the tarp. The tarp was moving. It was pulsating. I pointed it out to dad, who walked over and flipped to the other side. Upon doing so, I nearly died from sheer horror. There were hundreds, maybe even thousands of spiders under the tarp that my dad had been handling with general ease and disregard.

At least half of them were as big as the one he had just killed. They began to spread across the ground, like a scene out of Arachnophobia. My entire family was now darting across the yard, except for my dad, who was now laughing at us and stomping on spiders. From there everything kind of fades out, but I distinctly remember having to flee from large spiders throughout the house for the next several days as we were moving furniture out.”

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”UNILAD.

Man Nearly Blinded After Black Widow Bite

There is a reason Black Widow spiders are notorious. One man in Colorado had a scary encounter: “I awoke to a searing burning sensation that was comparable to a hornet sting, but did not subside, and felt like it was slowly expanding, coupled with swelling with it. The one on my stomach happened two days after, and it started as just a small bump but turned into that within 48 hours. I took Benadryl and put an icepack on it, having an extreme dislike for hospitals and medical bills from almost a decade ago still haunting me, I decided to wait and research what exactly had happened.

“It didn’t take long to deduce that I had been bitten by a poisonous spider, if you looked close you could see two small dots in the centre of the swelling. The pain had not subsided nor was the swelling slowing down so I went to the closest Emergency Room… I wanted nothing more than to have it relieved. The doctor comes in and informs me that they have no specific medicines or antivenom available for a Black Widow bite specifically… The recovery was an eye-opening experience. It took a week of constant attention and care to make sure it was healing. I have developed a phobia to spiders, spider eggs, and other creepy insects like centipedes, along with a need to make sure there isn’t any way for them to crawl into my bedroom.”

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”YouTube.

This Unsuspecting Arachnaphobe Got The Shock Of A Lifetime

One reddit user reminds us why we’re staying away from Australia… “Another time, I got home after school and my mum was hanging up laundry on the washing line outside. She’d left the sliding door open and I saw a big, fat Funnel Web spider chilling out right on the track of the door. Now, Funnel Webs are incredibly poisonous and territorial. You don’t f*** around with those and try to shoo them outside. They are godless killing machines intent on eradicating humans. So I walked up and grabbed the handle of the sliding door. She saw me and instantly raised up her front legs and pointed her glistening fangs at me.

“They are so big, you can clearly see the fangs without getting close up. I slammed that sliding door right over her hellish body, and instantly knew I had made a terrible mistake. Instantly, what seemed like thousands of tiny black baby Funnel Webs exploded from their mothers back, half of them inside the house!!! It took about 45 minutes with a can of RAID before I was confident I had gassed those fuckers to death.” Luckily for this user, we researched and found that funnel web mothers keep their young in their burrows. So more than likely this was a case of a terrifying wolf spider carrying its young. Terrifying, but not as deadly.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Reddit.

This Guy Couldn’t Stop Getting Bitten By A Venomous Spider

“There are a lot of red backs around my house. They’re a ‘motherfucker’ level arachnid (common everywhere, hair-trigger bite response, and generally bad news). There was a day where I was bitten by two redbacks in a 12 hour period. First time, I freaked out and went to the hospital where they gave me the anti-venom. The Doctor dismissed me and told me to buy it myself next time at the pharmacy. A few hours later I decide to brush my teeth. As I reach over to grab my tooth brush from the plastic cup I keep it in, a redback (who had a web attached to my toothbrush) is dragged along with it and lands on my arm.

The little f***er just immediately bites, without even a courtesy period allowing me to digest the fact that I have another spider on me. This one must’ve been a Queen Boss, because her bite was a lot more painful. It was like a double shot: I was still in pain from my previous bite and the new one just amplified it all the way up to eleven. Anyway, I survived and went on a bug spray genocidal rampage the likes of which have never been seen before. I had all the gaps in my house sealed, and all entry points booby-trapped. I drew up plans for a laser guided flamethrower but lacked the necessary funds and expertise to build one.”

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Pics By David Higgins/ CATERS NEWS

Wolf Spiders Emerged From The Depths Of Hell

Wolf spiders, with their swift movements and striking appearance, are intriguing creatures that stand out among their arachnid counterparts. One notable behavior that sets them apart is their remarkable practice of carrying their young on their backs. This unique maternal instinct serves as a protective measure for their offspring. After laying their eggs in a silken sac, female wolf spiders attach it to their abdomen and diligently carry it around, providing constant care and safeguarding for their developing spiderlings.

This behavior ensures the young spiders have the best chance of survival, as they are shielded from predators and harsh environmental conditions. The mother wolf spider’s back becomes a safe haven and mobile nursery, as she continues her daily activities while simultaneously tending to her brood. This display of maternal devotion in wolf spiders showcases the intricate complexities of nature and serves as a testament to the extraordinary lengths these arachnids go to ensure the well-being and survival of their offspring.

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Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”YouTube.

This Huntsman Spider Eating an Entire Lizard

As mentioned earlier in this article, Huntsman spiders are known for their size and their predatory skills. And while you won’t find larger prey on their menu frequently… this lizard wasn’t so lucky. While Huntsman spiders are not exactly known for chowing down on mice and relatively large lizards, they’re opportunistic predators, so they’ll certainly give it a go if the opportunity presents itself. These spiders have developed an impressive array of strategies to secure their food. They typically seek out insects, small arthropods, and sometimes even small vertebrates as their primary sources of nutrition. Using their keen eyesight, they stalk and pounce on unsuspecting prey with lightning-fast speed. Their long legs, specialized for quick movements and climbing, enable them to navigate various terrains and pursue prey both on the ground and on vertical surfaces.

Huntsman spiders feed on a variety of insects, such as caterpillars, moths, cockroaches and other spiders. Once a huntsman spider captures its prey, it uses its powerful chelicerae (jaws) to deliver a venomous bite. The venom aids in subduing the prey and initiating the digestion process. Unlike some other venomous spiders, the venom of huntsman spiders is generally not harmful to humans, causing only minor effects such as localized pain and swelling. After subduing its prey, the huntsman spider uses its chelicerae to inject digestive enzymes into the captured prey, effectively turning it into a liquid form. The spider then feeds on the liquefied nutrients by sucking them up through its mouthparts. This method of external digestion allows huntsman spiders to consume prey items that are larger than their own size, facilitating efficient nutrient intake.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Reddit.

A Funnel Web Spider Fresh Out Of Her Exoskeleton

Funnel web spiders, notorious for their venomous bite and menacing appearance, exhibit a fascinating behavior when it comes to shedding their exoskeleton. Like all arachnids, funnel web spiders have a rigid external skeleton that restricts their growth. To accommodate their increasing size, these spiders undergo a process called molting. However, what sets funnel web spiders apart is their unique method of molting, known as ecdysis. Unlike many other spiders that molt in hidden locations, funnel web spiders construct a specially designed burrow, known as a “moult mat.”

This mat is made from silk and serves as a safe platform for the spider to shed its old exoskeleton. The spider then waits for its new exoskeleton to harden and gain strength before emerging from the burrow. This behavior allows funnel web spiders to shed their exoskeleton without being exposed and vulnerable to predators. The intricacy and purposefulness of their molting process highlight the adaptive nature of these spiders, enabling them to grow and thrive while minimizing the risks associated with their vulnerable molting phase.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Reddit.

Giant House Spiders In Northern Europe

Giant house spiders, as their name suggests, are impressive arachnids that can evoke a mix of fascination and apprehension. These formidable creatures, scientifically known as Eratigena atrica, possess long, spindly legs and a sizable body, making them a sight to behold. Despite their intimidating appearance, giant house spiders are more of a gentle giant than a cause for alarm. Often found indoors, these spiders play a beneficial role by preying on unwanted house pests like flies and mosquitoes, helping to maintain a natural balance.

What sets them apart is their remarkable speed and agility. When disturbed, giant house spiders can scuttle across floors, walls, and even ceilings with astonishing swiftness, leaving onlookers both astounded and slightly wary. However, it’s important to remember that these spiders are not venomous and pose no significant threat to humans. So, next time you come across a giant house spider in your home, take a moment to appreciate its remarkable abilities and consider it a helpful ally in keeping your living space free from pesky insects.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Independent UK.

Terrifying Footage Captures Spider Trying To Eat Mouse

Australia’s reputation for deadly creatures like snakes, jellyfish, and crocodiles – we can’t forget the terrifying spiders. A video posted on Facebook captured a huntsman spider, measuring around six inches, dragging a full-sized mouse vertically across a fridge door. The footage, shared by tradesman Jason Womal from Coppabella, Queensland, quickly gained attention, accumulating 7.3 million views and 128,000 shares. Despite the spider’s impressive feat, huntsman spiders are generally harmless to humans, relying on venom to incapacitate their prey, which typically consists of insects and occasionally lizards. The incident of a huntsman spider devouring a mouse is an unusual sighting that has sparked intrigue and fascination among viewers.

Huntsman spiders do not regularly eat mice. While huntsman spiders are capable of capturing and consuming small vertebrates, such as lizards and occasionally small mammals, these instances are relatively rare. Huntsman spiders typically feed on insects, including cockroaches, crickets, and other arthropods. The viral video depicting a huntsman spider dragging a mouse is an unusual and uncommon occurrence. It is important to note that the feeding habits of spiders can vary depending on their species and environmental conditions.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Reddit.

A Redback Spider Can Take On A Snake

In the mysterious realm where predators and prey collide, an unlikely battle unfolds between the redback spider and its formidable foe—the snake. Redback spiders, with their venomous bite and enigmatic aura, possess a chilling secret: they have the audacity to take on snakes. With a calculated ambush, these arachnids lie in wait, spinning intricate webs laced with invisible death traps.

When a slithering serpent inadvertently stumbles upon this intricate snare, the redback strikes without hesitation. Its venom, a potent elixir of paralysis and control, courses through the snake’s veins, immobilizing the once-powerful predator. As silk threads entangle the serpent, it becomes a helpless captive, ensnared by a predator a fraction of its size. This captivating display of power and cunning leaves us in awe of the redback spider’s tenacity and reminds us that in the natural world, the line between predator and prey can blur in the most intriguing and unexpected ways.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Manchester Evening News.

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Brazilian Wandering Spiders Found In Bananas

Brazilian wandering spiders, scientifically known as Phoneutria, are a highly venomous species of spiders native to Central and South America, with the Brazilian Amazon being their primary habitat. These spiders are notorious for their aggressive nature and potent neurotoxic venom, making them one of the most dangerous spider species in the world. Interestingly, Brazilian wandering spiders have gained attention for their ability to be inadvertently transported with bananas, which has earned them the nickname “banana spiders.”

The association between Brazilian wandering spiders and bananas arises from the fact that these arachnids are known to hide in banana bunches. As bananas are harvested in tropical regions, including areas where these spiders reside, it is possible for the spiders to hitch a ride with the fruit during the packing and transportation process. This poses a potential risk, as individuals who unsuspectingly encounter a hidden spider upon opening a banana may be at risk of a venomous bite. Consequently, import regulations and quality control measures have been implemented in the banana industry to minimize the chances of transporting Brazilian wandering spiders, ensuring consumer safety.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Common Rain Spider Found in Africa. Pinterest.

A Tourist’s Terrifying Canoe Trip in Africa

“I was on a holiday in Africa when we decided to have some locals give us a ride on there canoe (which was just a hollowed out log with some straw in it) so were in the canoe trying best not to rock it when out of the straw a spider emerges and slowly starts climbing on my trousers and up to my chest, I was halfway ready to jump out of the canoe to get rid of it when it decided to go back down. And by down i mean walked down to my trousers and started walking directly on my leg.

I have never been more relieved then when a couple of minutes later it finally emerged from my trousers again and started walking on the canoe, i was lucky we were near shore again before it decided to crawl up my neck or other places.” We’re not entirely sure what spider this could be considering we were not given a region in Africa, a description, or any other identifying factor. But if you’d like to do a little digging yourself, here is a list of common spiders found in Africa.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Pinterest.

Tales May Be Exaggerated, But Camel Spiders Are Still Terrifying

Camel spiders, also known as wind scorpions or solifuges, are fascinating arachnids that often find themselves at the center of fears and urban legends. These creatures, with their large size and formidable appearance, evoke a sense of unease and trepidation among people. While they are not technically spiders or scorpions, camel spiders possess a unique set of features that contribute to their fearsome reputation. With their long, hairy legs and powerful jaws, they can move swiftly across the desert sands, creating a disconcerting spectacle.

However, it is the myths surrounding camel spiders that intensify the fear. Tales of their venomous bites, exaggerated speed, and insatiable appetite for human flesh have fueled a perception of them as nightmarish predators. While camel spiders are indeed capable of inflicting painful bites, they are not venomous to humans, nor do they typically target people as prey. Nonetheless, the deep-rooted fear associated with their appearance and the exaggerated tales perpetuated over time continue to evoke a primal response, making people understandably wary and apprehensive in their presence.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”BBC

Giant Spiders Catching Fish

A surprising discovery by scientists reveals that certain spider species have a penchant for catching and devouring fish. While spiders are commonly associated with being insect predators, a recent study suggests that fish consumption is more widespread among spider species inhabiting aquatic environments. The research, conducted by a Swiss-Australian team and published in the academic journal Plos One, highlights the remarkable phenomenon.

Led by Martin Nyffeler from the University of Basel in Switzerland and Bradley Pusey from the University of Western Australia, the study gathered extensive evidence of spiders capturing fish. The findings demonstrate that spiders from at least five different families have been observed preying on small fish in their natural habitats, while an additional three families have species that display fish-catching behavior under controlled laboratory conditions. These semi-aquatic spiders primarily reside at the edges of shallow freshwater streams, ponds, or swamps. Some are even capable of swimming, diving, and walking on the water’s surface. Equipped with potent neurotoxins and enzymes, these remarkable arachnids can overcome fish that exceed them in size and weight, swiftly dispatching and digesting their aquatic prey.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Reddit.

“Massive Spider!! Massive And Almost Walked Right Into It”

One Redditor almost ran straight into this behemoth. Even though they weren’t able to identify the species, another commenter may have been onto something: “Wow! She’s absolutely beautiful! Looks like she’s in the subfamily Nephilinae, but I’m not of her species. They’re a type of golden orb weaver, usually quite harmless.” Nephilinae spiders, also known as golden orb-weavers or giant wood spiders, captivate and unsettle us with their imposing size and meticulously woven webs that shimmer like spun gold. Their formidable appearance, showcased by the robust bodies and striking patterns of the females, can stir primal fears rooted in our collective psyche.

Additionally, misconceptions about spider threats, such as the common phobia of spiders (arachnophobia), contribute to the fear some people experience. Cultural influences and media portrayals further amplify these fears, depicting spiders as creatures of danger and entrapment. However, it’s crucial to recognize that the majority of Nephilinae spiders are harmless to humans and actually play a vital role as nature’s pest controllers, maintaining the delicate balance of their habitats. By embracing knowledge and dispelling misconceptions, we can foster respect and understanding, coexisting with these remarkable spiders and appreciating their beauty and ecological significance.

Scariest Spider Encounters That Will Make You Say “Burn It Down”Bored Panda

A Positive Perspective

This Redditor that read a post about the scariest spider stories had a very optimistic perspective after the fact. One I believe we can all agree with after this article:

“Dear Wimpy Little House Spiders That I Get In The Summer,

I’m now extremely thankful for you. After reading this thread, I have learned that in the scheme of things, you’re not that bad. You stay in the corners of my room, and mind your own business. Thank you for not being poisonous, or 12 feet wide.

Best regards, NerdyGlitter”

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