Elon Musk’s Twitter: The Hilarious Downfall Unfolds Online!

Pet Yolo

We’ve all heard of Twitter most of us have probably used the social media platform. Twitter started in 2006, and since then has grown to be one of the most widely used platforms on the internet. In the early days, Twitter was nothing more than a way for people to share funny, slightly benign Tweets. But here we are. And times have changed with Elon Musk swooping in and making one of the biggest tech takeovers in history (if not THE biggest). Elon Musk bought Twitter with a $44 billion deal. This, in turn, propelled Twitter into an entirely new era, and an era that’s now imploding. Musk described himself as a “free speech absolutist,”. And has backed many controversial figures. His desire to use the platform as a place for freedom of speech is wonderful, in theory, but not to the employees and people of Twitter.

While this enthused some, it also angered many others. Musk tried to apply changes to Twitter, including new leadership positions, job cuts, and other ways to make money. It’s like trying to promote bad science. Twitter memes, tweets, and shoutouts are taking the internet by storm. People are taking advantage of the downfall of Twitter and the embarrassing outcome of Elon Musk’s Twitter purchase. We can’t ever imagine spending $44 billion on a social media platform, but if we did, we’d make sure it wasn’t going to implode. Unfortunately for Musk, it looks like all this money was put towards something that might die in a few weeks, if not sooner. Many people on the internet don’t have hopes for the future of Twitter, nor do we. Alas, at least it was fun while it lasted, and all we can do is look back on Twitter with appreciation and fondness.

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is Imploding[Image via Yahoo Finance]

Elon Musk’s Surprise

Elon Musk had high hopes for Twitter, but after buying the platform, he realized how difficult it is to own it. Only he would want control of a platform that controls everything else on this world wide web. After making false promises, as this meme portrays, the ad business tanked, the loan EMIs increased, and half the Twitter staff left. We don’t blame the staff for leaving, considering Elon Musk told the staff to sign up for “long hours at high intensity,” or leave. And so, they left. If an employer ever asked their staff to work longer hours or leave, what do you think they would say? They would leave, and rightfully so. It makes no sense that Musk believes he’s above everyone else and can implement these ridiculous rules that have no backbone. You can’t just show up to a workplace and suddenly become boss, and suddenly expect everyone to bow down to your every need and follow your rules. It’s not how it works (via Reddit).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingSearch Engine Journal

Bye Bye Twitter

It’s impossible to run Twitter without critical employees, especially the tech people who know the ins and outs of operating Twitter. According to this Tweet, critical employees at Twitter have resigned. They cannot run Twitter without these employees, so it just goes to show how much Twitter is imploding. Not only that, but Twitter shut off badge access to its offices, meaning the employees of Twitter cannot even access critical offices. This is ridiculous and just goes to show how quickly Twitter is miserably failing (via Search Engine Journal).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingNY Post

Crisis Actor

This Tweet accurately portrays how much Elon Musk’s Twitter is imploding. A major news outlet fell for a hoax. Misinformation spread on the first day of Elon Musk’s ownership of Twitter. Two guys came into the office and pretended to be laid-off Twitter employees. They tricked the outlets during interviews and began spewing misinformation out to the public. Seriously, this is hilarious and shocking that no one thought to look for their badge or inquire if they were the Twitter staff. This is just more proof that Twitter is failing, and fast. It’s fascinating that the media, and other staff members, believed such Tweets even though they claimed one of the “staff” was fired over Zoom. If they paid attention, they’d realize that none of their Twitter employees use Zoom. That’s a major red flag. It sounds like the Twitter staff were already failing before Musk came into the picture (via NY Post).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingSearch Engine Journal

Twitter Is Breaking

If you never thought a platform could break, think again. It looks like Twitter is going to break, and miserably so. With all of these layoffs and employees quitting Twitter, the platform might have to start from scratch. The employees leaving the office have mastered Twitter and know the ins and outs of the platform, and now, with no one there to work and no one to train new employees, it looks like Musk will handle Twitter all by himself. That’s what you get for going against an entire billion-dollar company. It’s like hiring a ton of employees in the company, spending years training them, having multiple employees master the art of the company, and then having no employees left. And, it’s starting from scratch. It’s entirely possible that Musk has a backup plan and has a bunch of Twitter masters hidden beneath his sleeve who he’ll hire to take over the social media platform, but you never truly know (via Search Engine Journal).

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As Twitter fails, Everybody is running to Pinterest

Pinterest is yet another social media platform used by millions. It works differently from Twitter, though, in that people create pins and post them on boards. These pins usually link to websites on the internet, in the hopes of promoting a blog or article. After Elon Musk purchases Twitter, it looks like Pinterest will be the new Twitter. If one social media platform isn’t working, it’s a good thing there are several others. At least there’s a backup. Based on the comments, which include “Getting everyone on insta for now, man I need to figure out what the home base is gonna be now,” and “Is that where we’re dropping?” It looks like everyone else on the internet has the same idea. Elon Musk’s Twitter is going downhill (via Twitter).

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The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingReddit

Elon’s Next Move

After Musk bought Twitter, it made us all wonder – what’s his next move? If he dared to purchase Twitter, then there’s no saying what he’ll buy next. He’s unstoppable. This hilarious meme portrays the actions of Musk and just how ridiculous all of it is. Now that Twitter is failing miserably, it’s extremely likely that any other platform on the internet is next, especially if Musk ends up buying it. It’s hilarious that he even wants to buy another social platform. When does it stop? It’s like those billionaires who can’t get enough of their money, and just want more and more. Maybe this will be enough for Musk. He learned his lesson after this experience (via Reddit).

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Goodbye Song

This is one of the most hilarious Tweets out there, from a former Twitter employee, that encapsulates people leaving Twitter. With a humorous video and a song with lyrics like “it happens way too often for me to forget, this is why I left,” the video portrays the blue Twitter bird and other employee pictures. They seem heartbroken, and it just proves that Elon Musk’s Twitter is imploding and there are no signs of stopping it. If a former employee has to post something like this, it says a lot. At least they had a sense of humor and were able to create something entertaining out of it. It’s better than most of the other employees, who just tweeted about their departure and left it at that. At least we got something out of it (via Twitter)

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingMacrumors

Strange Worship

Comments around the internet show shock and disgust with Elon Musk. Many people are in disbelief that people worship him. Seeing what’s happening to Twitter, where thousands of employees have resigned, shows you just how much of an effect Musk had on Twitter. Even though it seems like he tried to implement rules beneficial for society, it backfired. Many even say that rulers of other countries will have the ability to distribute false information, which is dangerous (via Macrumors).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Bleed Blue

These former employees are taking the biggest hit. Not only are they resigning from a workplace they know and love, but they’re almost forced to resign. We can’t even imagine what that feels like. At least this employee is departing with a lot of love in her heart, even though she sounds pretty heartbroken. Twitter is now losing tons of employees, and it’s all at the fault of Elon Musk. Remarkably, one guy could have so much of an impact on a platform that’s used by billions of people around the world (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingReddit

Elon’s Overbearing Rules

Based on this meme, sheds light on Elon Musk’s Twitter and ridiculous new rules. First, he wants the platform to have freedom of speech, so he legalizes comedy. Great! Then, he imposes a rule saying, “going forward, any Twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying “parody” will be permanently suspended.” How ridiculous is this? It’s as if he’s dangling the carrot in everyone’s faces and then running in the opposite direction with it. This infuriated many people and made them lose trust in someone they once loved (via Reddit).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingReddit

Elon Musk’s Current State

Elon Musk is widely known as one of the richest men on the planet. So it’s surprising to think his funds and savings could tank at any given moment, especially after the Twitter ordeal. This hilarious Spongebob meme accurately portrays Elon Musks”s current monetary state after Twitter imploded. He bought the platform for billions of dollars, and now all of his egotistical changes are completely tanking. We hope he learned his lesson, but he probably didn’t. We especially love the Red Bull can in the background, sitting next to the cardboard box. Squidward has a beard and is begging for money inside the box. Maybe this is foreshadowing Musk’s future. For a second, we can envision Musk sitting inside a box like this, begging for change. Is this the future of Twitter? (via Reddit)

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Dying With Regrets

No one wants to die with regrets, and that includes Elon Musk’s Twitter. Thousands of people are humorously tweeting about the death of Twitter. They predict the platform is close to dying. This one Twitter user posted their regret, that they never had Mark Hamill follow them on Twitter. Well, Hamill saw the Tweet and followed the user. What a way to die! This probably made this person’s Twitter life, and now they can leave the platform happily and fulfill. If you’ve ever had a crush or met someone you thought was the love of your life, then you might as well follow in the footsteps of these Twitter users and shout out to your love or crush and ask them why they never followed you or loved you back. You never know how much time you have left on this earth, and because Twitter is imploding, it looks like no one has much time left (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Move To Tumblr

Just as people are moving to Pinterest, many other people are moving to Tumblr. The platform posted a hilarious Tweet that people started joining their platform again. But because it tanked and never caught on in popularity like many other platforms, it more or less shut down. Now that people are joining again, Tumblr decided tow3 parody the situation and Tweet about it. It’s a platform that resembles more of a blogging website. People can share their posts on a grid-like website. It more closely resembles blogging or Pinterest. The only downside is that it doesn’t reach nearly as many people as Twitter, nor as quickly. Everyone, let’s move to Tumblr! (via Twitter).

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The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Twitter Tanks

Alejandra Caraballo Tweeted that they think Twitter won’t last through the weekend. She mentioned the horrendous reality of Twitter and all its employees, as we’ve seen on this list. Elon Musk’s Twitter is imploding and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it. The entire android team resigned, Twitter is restricting employees, and it looks like Twitter won’t last through the weekend. Could you imagine a workplace where thousands of employees quit at the same time? Especially at a well-established workplace? We certainly can’t, but that’s exactly what’s happening here. Maybe the employees at Twitter will all band together and create another platform, similar to Twitter, but with all their knowledge combined. Elon Musk doesn’t know what’s coming to him (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Last-Minute Love

Some people are taking advantage of Twitter and using it as a way to find the love of their life. It’s a good idea, considering Elon Musks’s Twitter seems to do the same thing. Why not admit you have a crush? Now is as good a time as any! With Twitter completely tanking, this is an opportunity to tell the love of your life that you love them. It’s as if the entire world is burning, and everyone only has hours to live. In the Twitter world, this is entirely the case. At least people can use it as a place to express themselves up until the very end. If the world was burning and crumbing, would you put your heart on the line and tell someone you loved them? It’s the only way to die without any regrets, which is what the people of Twitter are doing. It’s almost a good thing that the platform is imploding since it’s giving people an opportunity to express themselves and use the death of Twitter to their advantage (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Elon Musk’s Vengeful Tweet

Let’s take a look at Elon Musk’s Twitter for a second. Not only did he post this on Twitter, but he’s making fun of everyone else he’s up against. The previous owners of Twitter told him he couldn’t buy it, and then they wouldn’t disclose important bot information about it. Then, they wanted to force Musk to buy Twitter in court, after he tried to back out. He was bound by contract, so there was no way he could back out of the agreement without getting sued. Anyway, Musk bought Twitter for billions of dollars not knowing how many bots and fake accounts there were. It turns out that Twitter has been lying to the public all along. They told us that fake account makes up 5% of Twitter when it’s 20%. It shows that Twitter is failing miserably. The truth is coming to light (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is Imploding

One Last Song As We Go Down

This heartbreaking scene from the Titanic is burned into all of our memories. The band is about to pack up and try to save their own lives. Then the violinist says goodbye to his bandmates and begins playing “Nearer my God, to Thee”. Hearing his forlorn violin, his mates turn around and join him amidst the chaos and cacophony of a sinking ship. Well, this Twitter user decided this is the moment he’s going to have with all his fellow Tweeple. The former Twitter lovers will go down the same way they lived on Twitter: with memes that hit you right in the ‘nads. (via Twitter)

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Last Goodbyes

When a platform dies, everyone wants to say their final goodbyes. There’s no other way around it. If you can’t say goodbye, then you might leave and wish you said goodbye. According to the commentator, activity does not equal success or survivability, at least not in Elon Musk’s Twitter world. Everyone is banding together to say their last goodbyes to a platform they’ve loved for almost two decades. In a way, it’s depressing. It sounds like Elon Musk just burned $44 billion into thin air. At least this didn’t happen to us, and we get to calmly sit by the sidelines and watch the platform implode before our very eyes (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Self-Driving Mode

Because of the death of Twitter, it looks like it’ll be a self-driving platform, just as this Tweet suggests. It’s a hilarious parody of the Tesla. It’s a shame this is happening, but in all honesty, Musk did it to himself. With all his new rules and everything on Elon Musk’s Twitter and everything he’s imposing on the platform, it comes as no surprise that it’s completely failing. Elon Musk might even figure out how to run Twitter using a bunch of bots. It wouldn’t surprise us it wouldn’t be as shocking as we think it would. Maybe he knew this was going to happen all along and has something hidden beneath his sleeve (via Twitter).

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Club Penguin

Everyone remembers Club Penguin. You probably played a game or ten. One of the best parts about Club Penguin was the chance to talk to strangers from around the world. Even though that sounds weird, it was completely accepted back then. For some reason, everyone played it and some penguins even developed a strange relationship with each other. You might’ve been one of these people. Anyway, this person’s meme hilariously depicts the downfall of Twitter by relating it to Club Penguin. It says, “the connection has been lost. Thank you for playing Club Penguin. Waddle on!” Replace Club Penguin with Twitter, and you have the same situation. It’s true what they say, RIP Twitter (via Twitter).

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The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Elon Thinks He’s Funny

That’s what’s funny, according to this Twitter user. Elon is one of the richest people in the world, but we already knew that. All he wants is for people to think he’s funny and know him for being funny, in addition to being rich. Do those two things go hand in hand? What’s funny is that he tries to convince people he’s funny by spending money. But it has the complete opposite effect since you can’t trick people into thinking you’re funny when you’re just not. He’s one of the worst people ever, and we can see it from this list (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Roasted Soyjak Memes

Elon Musk is trying to implement a rule where people have to pay for Twitter. He tried to be funny and create a meme about it, but in all honesty, it backfired. The meme isn’t funny at all, especially because of how many people are angered that Musk is making them pay for Twitter. Twitter is a free platform and a place for people to express themselves, connect, network, and hear about what’s going on in the world. He tried to make fun of the angry people by showing how ridiculous it people spend $8 on a drink from Starbucks that’s gone in 30 minutes, and complain about spending $8 on Twitter, something that’ll last 30 days. It’s not funny at all. Twitter is supposed to be free and it should stay that way. No one wants Musk to go in and start changing everything around. Look what happened when he started doing that. Elon Musk’s Twitter sounds like a scam (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Brain Surge

It’s true what they say, when someone dies, their brain activity surges. This person called out Elon Musk’s brain surge with the death of Twitter. He Tweeted that “we just hit another all-time high with Twitter usage.” Even though that might be true, it’s probably the surge before death, just as human brains do. It’s a hilarious, accurate Tweet that probably hit a little too close to home. At least Musk is living his life up until the very end of the platform and enjoying his last days on a high (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Comedic War On Twitter

After Musk claimed that comedy is legal on his Twitter, he implemented all these ridiculous rules that everyone has to follow. It sounds more like no humor is allowed. These hilarious Tweets, which incorporate the famous Spongebob shot “two hours later” shows the downfall of Elon Musk’s Twitter. They created a scenario where someone Tweeted, “my wife left me,” but because they didn’t claim it was a joke, Musk suspended their account. This just goes to show you how angry people are at Musk’s sudden rules and how unnecessary they are (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

World’s Strangest Social Calendar

Elon Musk sounds like someone who doesn’t fit in with the crowd, and who keeps trying to impress everyone around him by doing things that don’t fit his character. In a way, we feel bad for him. But we feel worse for Twitter. The platform is imploding, all because its owner is a social wannabe. Based on this short Tweet, his social calendar sounds all over the place and not like someone we’d want to spend time with. That’s why it’s better to watch his actions from afar, even if the entire world is slowly burning around him (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingTwitter

Burn It Down

This hilarious meme depicts it all. Not only is the house cocooned in flames, but it depicts a hilarious internet character making a face we’ve all seen before. The bluebird from Twitter hovers above the fire, symbolically showing us that Twitter is burning to the ground. This Tweet is certainly accurate, it has been a good run with Twitter, even if it completely failed and crumbled before our eyes, in a mere matter of weeks. Poor Twitter. It never even got a chance (via Twitter).

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingLets Eat Cake

Dads Everywhere

This one is eerily relatable to every parent and every student in debt around the world. Everyone knows about payment plans, whether that’s for school or a house. The hilarious part about this Tweet is that it’s poking fun at real-life scenarios that aren’t funny at all. He asks if Elon Musk pays the $44 billion upfront, or if he plans to pay in installment plans. We wonder that, too. Imagine being able to pay $44 billion for a social media platform upfront. That’s the goal, except if it ends up miserably failing as it did for Elon Musk (via Let’s Eat Cake)

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is ImplodingLets Eat Cake

Elon Got Scammed

The best part about this meme is the kid’s face. Many of us have been that nerdy kid sitting behind a computer for hours on end, playing video games, and avoiding social interactions. The way this meme is phrased makes Musk sound like a fool. Musk paid $44 billion for the platform when this kid got it for free. This kid is a scammer with skills that’ll give him access to encrypted sites around the world of the internet, people’s personal information, and apparently, platforms that cost billions of dollars (via Let’s Eat Cake)

The Internet is Making Fun of How Quickly Elon Musk’s Twitter is Imploding

KFC Gets Involved

We love the comparison. Elon Musk gets thrown under the bus, again. Not only that, but they’re spelling out the horrible ending of Twitter in front of our eyes. The future for Twitter seems bleak, and there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s like watching a bridge burn but having no way of stopping the fire or putting it out. We quickly learn that Musk could’ve bought trillions of Twister Wraps instead of buying Twitter. Honestly, that sounds like a better deal. Imagine swimming in trillions of Twister Wraps. That sounds like a dream that most of us will never achieve, and it sounds a lot easier to handle than owning Twitter. At least we get to see this hilarious, different perspective from KFC and appreciate their math efforts (via Let’s Eat Cake).

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