Bizarre Creatures Thriving in Harsh Underwater Realms
Although we have discovered a plethora of plant and animal life thriving in the ocean, not that much is known about what dwells beyond the surface of the water. Why? …
Although we have discovered a plethora of plant and animal life thriving in the ocean, not that much is known about what dwells beyond the surface of the water. Why? …
Have you heard of Lost City? No, it’s not a lost civilization or a ghost town out in the middle of nowhere. It’s a collection of hydrothermal vents deep in …
People rarely stop and think about how vast the globe is. Earth has a radius of nearly 4,000 miles and a circumference of close to 25,000 miles. The surface area …
Man first began to set sail on the sea a little over 10,000 years ago. When this occurred, a lot of new things came about that would become widespread eventually. …
Ocean pollution is an amalgamation of trash and chemicals, and a majority of these come from various land sources that are blown or washed into the ocean. It poses a …
It has been suggested that we know more about deep space than we know about the deep oceans. After all, we know that there is no such thing as a …
It is said that science can explain pretty much anything, but this is not always true. There are many things that science simply cannot answer faithfully. This is why most …
In simple terms, charting the ocean means looking at shallow and deep depths, marine life, and differing pressure. Before we had the technology that we do today, charting the ocean …
Humans have been fascinated by the ocean for as long as we’ve existed. Yet, even after centuries of ocean research and technological advances that allow us to explore further below …