Star Wars Fans Spill Their Most Shocking Opinions!

Pet Yolo

If there is one franchise outside of the comic book world that has a massive yet divisive fanbase, it’s certainly Star Wars. While The Walt Disney Company managed to make the franchise worth billions, George Lucas was the inventor of the entire thing. He wrote and directed the first six movies, and played a part in the development of the games and books that followed. He’s even responsible for some of the animated projects too. Of course, not everything was perfect by any means. Yet you could say that there were and still are some very controversial opinions of Star Wars fans that seem pretty crazy. Others, meanwhile, might make a good point.

When Lucasfilm sold off to Disney, everyone knew what was coming. They were about to expand it heavily, and both new and old fans were going to share their opinions about the new stuff. However, some might go back and check out older content if they were new to the franchise. While we expect new fans to say some controversial stuff about both the new movies and older ones…long-standing fans take the cake. They’ll share some of the most insane stuff you’ve ever heard, and you’d be surprised how bad it gets. We decided to collect a lot of the most controversial opinions of Star Wars fans and display them for you.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

Han Solo Shot First

In a scene for the 1977 Star Wars film, Han Solo is confronted by the bounty hunter known as Greedo in the Mos Eisley cantina. In this original version, Han shoots Greedo first to kill him before he himself is killed. George Lucas would alter this scene in later versions, where he edits the film to show that Greedo attempts to fire at Han first. Lucas wanted to give Han a justifiable reason to shoot Greedo, as a form of self-defense. Fans have been divided on this ever since. In the edited version, Greedo shoots first but misses Han, resulting in why he shoots Greedo. This changes the entire reason for Solo’s shot decades after. Fans are divided where one camp wants to buy into the new version since it would technically be canon. The other side wants to keep to the original version, which never should have been changed.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via The Walt Disney Company]

Lasers Can Do It All

Redditor SlamVanDamn wrote: “Lasers lock doors. Lasers open doors. Lasers know what you want the door to do.” To be fair to their point, the Star Wars franchise is pretty weird when it comes to the use of lasers. They are certainly lacking in the scientific realism category, but then again most of the franchise is like that. Thus, it is tough to pick on a particular issue only. However, this laser issue is probably worth some exploration or consideration. Certainly, it is something new shows or films need to pay better attention to. It seems that they only use the lasers to fill a specific need but then the rest of the time, they practically do nothing somehow.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Sam Yeh/Getty Images]

Superfans Make Star Wars Less Fun For Everyone

Redditor Absoluteunit94 does not seem to care for the superfans of the Star Wars franchise. He once wrote: “I like Star Wars. The movies, the shows, the games. But the community ruins it. They complain and b***h about every single thing there is. It’s fantasy, not history.” While one can understand where they are coming from on this, it’s really not fair to say. They want fans to not care about anything, basically. Yet as a fan, you WILL care when something you care about goes down a bad or even good path. This is where the controversial opinions of Star Wars fans really annoy us, as it seems like this person isn’t a fan of anything, much less Star Wars.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via]

There Is Too Much Ahsoka Tano

It seems one guy is not a fan of Ahsoka Tano. MelkorTheDarkOne wrote: “Inserting Ashoka into EVERYTHING lately is annoying and sooner or later it’s going to start turning people against her. I get she’s popular and I love her as well but sometimes less is more.” We totally get where they are coming from on this, but perhaps the issue comes down to how she was in a bunch of things all at the same time that was actually ending. Tano was part of the Rebels animated show along with the final season of The Clone Wars. Around that same time, she was inserted into live-action in The Mandalorian and will have her own show soon. The animated projects are over and she will likely only play a small role in other shows besides her own. Therefore, this person is actually getting exactly what they want.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Wookieepedia – Fandom]

The “Scale” Is So Weird and Crazy

In response to another Reddit user, FrogsEverywhere claimed: “The scale is way off. Trillions of people but they need clone soldiers, definitive ground battles with less than 100,000 soldiers, and space battles with dozens of ships instead of millions. Using convoluted death orbs to destroy planets tens of thousands of years after world-ending kinetic weapons were easily plausible and exponentially easier/cheaper.” They have a good point here, and they’re not alone. This has been a huge issue, as we’re supposed to buy into the overall universe we’re given here. Know they have lightspeed, lightsabers, and force abilities. Yet somehow they need clone soldiers and don’t have millions of ships at the ready? That really is an odd one.

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These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

Don’t Blame The Deathstar’s Design, Blame Its Management

Perhaps the only Karen response that we can sort of get behind. Redditor Engeneus made a bold claim, saying: “The Death Stars weren’t badly designed, they were just badly managed.” While one could easily point to the flaw in the original Death Star that plagued fans for years. This particular hole in the armor was something the movie Rogue One managed to fix by referencing how the designer did this on purpose. The crazy part is that the Empire did not bother looking at the spot as it was being built, or even have someone do a second look. Management should have looked the design over properly. Right now, we have people who evaluate structures for safety on our planet. To think management would not call someone to come out to check their flying death machine is insane. We need to speak to the manager!

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

Who Has The Coolest Lightsaber?

In the original films, you pretty much only had three colors and all the sabers were the same. Blue, Green, Red… just like the main few colors we see through the color spectrum. The Prequels gave us a whole new set of lightsaber types and even some new colors. Sam Jackson demanded Lucas give him a purple lightsaber, which spawned new lore to surround the purple coloring of Mace Windu’s saber. Smaller duel-wield lightsabers showed up and some that bend almost like whips. White and Yellow were later added as colors too. Yet perhaps the best of all is Darth Maul’s double-sided/double-bladed lightsaber. As a kid, this might have been the coolest thing any of us had ever seen, and to this day it is still freakin’ awesome!

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via]

Why Does It Have To Be So Dark?

While most people have been wanting a darker version of Star Wars for years, others claim this isn’t necessary. Redditor Undrunkenmonkey88 claimed: “Star Wars does not need to be darker, more adult, or more serious. Star Wars has always been weird and silly and fun. The vast majority of Star Wars content isn’t great art or even great storytelling, but it is all good fun.” Perhaps this is where controversial opinions of Star Wars fans really get annoying. While they are right that Star Wars does not need to be darker or more adult to be good. They also make a crack that the vast majority of it is not great art or good story-telling, which is flat-out wrong.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

Star Wars Needs To Go On An Extended Break

Some felt that once Disney had control of the Stars Wars Universe, they were going to milk it for all its worth. As we’ve seen, this was not a bad prediction. As a result, some believe there is just too much. One Reddit user, ELScorcho19 feels there is too much to keep up with, saying: “It’s so hard to be a Star Wars fan. It used just to be three great movies and three controversial movies. So easy. Now it’s just impossible for me to keep up with everything.” This is understandable, as they are adding so much now that it really is tough to keep up. Some believe there has just been too much focus on the Skywalkers or original characters. Yet they seem to be moving past the use of original characters. Yet going on an extended break is probably not realistic or needed.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

Luke Skywalker Was Used Perfectly In The Last Jedi

Now we’re getting to the fighting words territory. Redditor Werothegreat seems to like the sad, grumpy Luke. While he agreed that the use of him was controversial, he liked the use nonetheless. This is where the controversial opinions of Star Wars fans get a bit difficult. We completely understand that it is only an opinion, and we believe this person has the right to have their own opinion. Yet most will say they hated the use of Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi. Why? Even Mark Hamill himself believed the way Luke was used did not make any sense. From throwing his own lightsaber away like it was nothing to the story behind how he wanted to kill his own nephew for sensing something in him…which he himself had within him. It does not make any sense.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via]

The Jedi Vs The Sith Is Boring

We’re not sure if this person is just new to the Star Wars Universe or what, but they completely lost their mind. Redditor BenThaMan wrote: “I find the conflict between the Sith and the Jedi kind of boring – I’m way more interested in the criminal underworld of the galaxy, stuff with smugglers, bounty hunters, and Hutts.” While we’re also into the criminal underworld stuff too…you have to realize that the Jedi and Sith are the main reason this territory exists. The Sith Empire employs bounty hunters and works with the Hutts. Han Solo works with the Jedi to help the galaxy as well. The Jedi vs Sith is more than just fights, it’s also political and sometimes plays on religious tropes. While the controversial opinions of Star Wars fans can be odd…this opinion is made by a person who misses the entire thing.

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These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Screen Rant]

Someone Is Really Tired Of Seeing Darth Vader

While controversial opinions of Star Wars fans that mention hating Darth Vader seem crazy, we can understand the issue people have. He is often overused, but let’s be honest…he’s one of the greatest villains in cinema. Yet we feel one person went a bit too far. Javelinnl wrote: “I’m getting kind of tired of Vader because of the way he eclipses the rest of the characters. I also liked it better when he was a henchman.” First off, Vader was never really a “henchman.” He was, however, the apprentice to Darth Sidious at one point. Vader probably eclipses other characters simply because it’s Vader. People know the breathing and the outfit, so when he shows up, things pick up. Yet we get the issue some have, believing he might be a bit overexposed.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

We Should Remake Episodes 4, 5, & 6

Perhaps one of the most controversial opinions of Star Wars fans we’ve come across, this person feels it’s time for a remake. Redditor Super_Army_9853 wrote: “I know you’re not going to like it, but it’s been over 30 years, and the best we get for expansion is the cartoon. I think that they should remake the original Star Wars into a series or new movies.” Hollywood does seem to be obsessed with remakes, and at one point they were doing them quite often. Some remakes would take another direction into an “all-female” cast too. That said, we should never remake the original series. Especially when we could always make a new series, avoiding the problem of remaking something. All while adding our own spin to things in a “new” universe.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

Qui-Gon Jinn Is On The Darkside

While Qui-Gon Jinn was only in one movie for the Star Wars Universe, Liam Neeson played him so well that the character is now iconic. He was known for being a great teacher and heavily believed in the Jedi Order and its rules. However, Redditor Skallah feels Jinn was on the Darkside the whole time. He claimed: “Qui-Gon Jinn was from the dark side. He was tasked to have Anakin join and bring down the Jedi order. [Jinn] did this, while dying, by using Force persuasion to convince Obi-Wan that he was the chosen one.” Sure, this is one of the most controversial opinions of Star Wars fans we’ve seen in a while. However, we can see where this person could see such a situation. Anakin was going to bring balance, and that would mean the potential of Darkside interference. Yet that does not mean Jinn was a Sith or something.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via LucasArts]

The Knights Of The Old Republic Series Wasn’t Good

The controversial opinions of Star Wars fans never get easier to read. Sometimes they go in crazy directions. The Knights of the Old Republic series was a video-game-centric series of books. It also included some games with the same title from LucasArts. These publications and video game use added a lot to the Star Wars franchise. It has been hailed as a huge asset to the universe for years. Yey Redditor The5Virtues claims the entire series is “rubbish.” They know people may not like reading that, but they are set in their belief about the KOTOR series. We’re not going to say it was perfect either, but come on, rubbish?!?

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

Jar Jar Binks Was A Star And Not A Bad Character

There are very few characters in Star Wars more divisive than Jar Jar Binks. Some like to assume he was really an evil Sith Lord in disguise, but that has never been the case. The clumsy Gungan was part of The Phantom Menace and was known for being annoying. He was so hated by fans that the actor who played him, Ahmed Best, was getting death threats. That alone should be part of this controversial opinions of Star Wars fans list. We can see the hatred of Jar Jar though. However, Redditor TheChubbyKoala is a big fan. They claim they do not “just tolerate him… [they’re] actually amused by a lot of his scenes.” At least George Lucas made one fan happy with his use of Jar Jar.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via The Walt Disney Company]

The Clone Wars Series Is Overrated

Now we’re getting angry just delivering this stuff for you all. The Clone Wars series comes after an animated movie of the same name. It was a project that worked out so well that a series was started. It aired for 6 seasons and suddenly went on hiatus. Finally, Disney+ allowed the creators to have a 7th and final season. It was beloved due to its use of old and brand-new characters alike. Yet one person was not a fan. Redditor Backwater_Buccaneer believes it was a “childish thematic approach” as the prequels themselves felt like “12 films worth of screen time just to add a little extra context.”

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

Attack Of The Clones Is Better Than The Empire Strikes Back

Really tough call on this one, as it is really just an opinion. However, The Empire Strikes Back is historically known by many as the absolute best of the Star Wars series overall. Meanwhile, many rate Attack of the Clones as one of…if not the worst movie in the Star Wars canon. Yet Redditor SithLord13 disagrees with this, saying: “I prefer AotC over ESB. My favorite parts of Star Wars have always been the space battles, and I much prefer the dogfight over the Falcon chase. The Yoda v Dooku match was also more fun than Luke v Vader, even if it wasn’t as earth-shattering. Last but not least, I prefer the color pallet of AotC over ESB, being brighter and easier to see.” While this person can have their opinion based on taste, the rest of us will stick to reality.

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These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

Hiding Luke In Plain Sight Seems Odd, Right?

One issue that the franchise has always faced is the problem of how Luke Skywalker was hidden in plain sight. It always made sense that The Empire would find him, so to assume otherwise is foolish. While this list is all about the controversial opinions of Star Wars fans, this guy has a point. Tommyk1210 wrote: “Let’s hide Vader’s child… on Vader’s home planet… with his family. Nobody will EVER find the child.” Let’s be honest, this is pretty much facts. Yes, it is slightly controversial because it destroys the original movie’s concept. It calls out the idiocy of Luke’s family as well as the Jedi Order, which is quite problematic.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via The Walt Disney Company]

The Jedi Got What They Deserved Through Order 66

For those unaware, the original stormtroopers for The Empire were actually clone soldiers that used to be on the side of the Jedi Order. In nearly every clone, a chip was added that allowed them to essentially be controlled. “Order 66” was a prompt that had the clone soldiers kill all Jedi they come across, regardless of age or rank in the order. There are some who believe the Jedi got what they deserved. To be fair, the main point made here is that the Order had far too much power. While some loved the Jedi, we forget that this was a religious cult at one point. Some still buy into that, and they are the ones that controlled everything. That affected many negatively, so one could conclude that the Jedi being taken out was useful. The Empire just took over due to the political vacuum that was created.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via TrendInTech]

We Just Want War

There is a concept that plagued Star Wars from the start. They created these massive weapons and have essentially superpowered beings, yet there are only solo battles or those with a bunch of stormtroopers. You might even have a few in space that wasn’t that big. Redditor BlueBerryMassacre calls out a problem some had with the franchise, saying: “Not enough planet wars, black hole wars, or moon wars.” It is likely that they never could have planets fight each other but they did have people from various planets fight each other. The issue with Moon and Black Hole battles is gravity. Since “the force” is pretty much gravitational manipulation, they would be focused too much on keeping themselves alive. Battles here would be nearly impossible, especially without any protective gear.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

Only The Original Trilogy Is Worth Your Time

Saying “only the original trilogy is worth your time” is perhaps the most common toxic line given by Star Wars fans. While the original trilogy of movies was fantastic, the other shows and movies that followed have been pretty good. While the prequels and newer films do have their problems for sure, it would be wrong to say that you should avoid anything other than the original three films. Simply put, the originals might be great but we also have to move on and add to the universe. By stopping at the originals and never diving into anything else, we do a disservice to the Star Wars creation.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Billion Photos/]

There Is Nothing Wrong With The Midi-Chlorians

Perhaps the weirdest addition to Star Wars was the reference to Midi-Chlorians, introduced in The Phantom Menace. The Midi-Chlorians were said to be sort of like a DNA test to see how force-sensitive a person was. If they meet the requirements, both the Jedi Order and perhaps the Sith might seek out or recruit them. Many think it is an odd plot device and could perhaps only cause problems. Some Redditors disagree, such as Tomjoad2020ad, who wrote: “I am one of the people who have absolutely no problem with the concept of Midi-Chlorians.” MetalGearSlayer claims they are “a good addition to the canon.” However, we have to disagree with the latter as they were never needed. You could easily test force sensitivity and doing tests on kids might only lead to their abduction.

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

The Jedi Are Actually Evil

To be honest, some might feel this isn’t that crazy. Several YouTube videos and articles across various websites reference this, and for good reason. Therefore, when Redditor MartinSimms brought up the possibility of the Jedi being evil, it wasn’t too crazy. Martin references the Jedi Order’s cult-like practices as the main issue with the group. In all honesty, imagine if some wild cult of powerful beings suddenly were thrust into power. Oh wait, that is what The Empire did. However, the Jedi technically did it first! Are they all evil? Clearly, that’s a big fat no. However, look at all the Jedi that switched to the Darkside. Do you find that crazy or convenient?

These Fans Share their Most Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Opinions[Image via Lucasfilm]

The Empire Was A More Effective Government Than The Republic

Hot take on this one. When it comes to controversial opinions of Star Wars fans, this likely has a shining role. Several people believe that The Empire was a better and more effective government than The Republic. Redditor FriendsNeeded laid into The Republic, writing: “The Republic was corrupt, with greedy politicians and government factions. It allowed places like Tatooine and Jaku to be controlled by gangs and thugs. They also weren’t respected in their authority and only cared for a few planets. The Empire was respected for its authority. As long as your planet was not a threat and you weren’t either, then you are fine. They sent stormtroopers to most planets they controlled. The Casino scene in The Last Jedi also proved the First Oder believed in free-market ideas.” It’s hard to disagree here honestly.


Where Do We Find this Stuff? Here Are Our Sources:

The Walt Disney Company




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