Stunning Nature Photos That Will Take Your Breath Away!

Pet Yolo

Sometimes, this world can be really terrible. Random wildfires, pandemics, and more violence than you can possibly shake a stick at. However, other times, it is clear that we live on the greatest planet in the universe. How can this be? It is down to our mind-blowing nature! There are some amazing things out there to check out, and it seems like Reddit is trying to make that known in a major way.

A specific Reddit forum that we cannot list the name of (due to a curse word in it) has been posting cool stuff from nature for quite some time now. We decided to discuss some of the mind-blowing nature images they have been posting in the forum. That said, sit back and enjoy as we go through some of the coolest things nature on Earth has produced!

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Iam4real/Reddit]Keep WatchingDesign September sets Brussels abuzz as Belgian capital focuses on re-usable and adaptable designsKeep WatchingDesign September sets Brussels abuzz as Belgian capital focuses on re-usable and adaptable designs00:00/02:43

The Tips Of Icebergs

While the Earth is getting warmer thanks to Climate Change, icebergs are still present all over the planet in cooler waters. In fact, depending on the time of year, they could be right in the middle of an ocean. Usually, large icebergs like what you see here will last around 3,000 years! Also, you might see large icebergs here but it’s actually just the tip of them. Many are unaware that 90% of an iceberg will be located underwater, not above it.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Zezoro/Reddit]

Elephant Seal Pup Hugs Photographer

In an uncharacteristic move for an Elephant Seal, this little pup was caught hugging the photographer you see in the image above. Most elephant seal pups do not have much to fear when on land around other seals, so random photographers do not tend to scare them it seems. When this little one grows to full size, it will be around 12 feet in length and between 5,000 and 9,000lbs! Thankfully for this photographer, it was a baby that hugged her. An adult would have literally crushed her.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Holland Flower Park]

Chinese Sea Of Flowers

This image comes from the Holland Flower Park in China. As you can see, it is a sea of beautiful colored flowers that were planted specifically to draw attention. These are not painted at all, like some assume. They are also all real flowers and not fake too. The workers here spend a lot of their own time and energy to make sure it is a gorgeous place at all times of the year for people to see. That is certainly not an easy job. This surely is mind-blowing nature at its finest.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via]

The Black Serval Cat

You might have heard of Servals. They are similar in look to Cheetahs and Jaguars due to their spotted nature. However, they differ in that they can be far smaller than the rest of the predatory cats in the Panthera family. This happens to be a black Serval named Manja. It is ultra-rare to see a serval with blacked fur like this, but it can happen to them as easily as it happens to Jaguars. As you can see on the side, you can still see the spots. The black does not fully cover these up at all.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Yves Adams/Kennedy News & Media]

The Yellow Penguin

You might look at this penguin and assume some sort of oil spill happened. However, that is not the case. The look of this penguin can happen in the wild without any human interference. Although rare, sometimes animals can experience albinism just like some humans. This is when the body is unable to synthesize melanin. That results in this Penguin, for example, having an all-white appearance or yellow/white/pink in the Penguin’s case. The penguin also has pink eyes & a pink beak.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Klwbs/Reddit]

The Beauty That Is The Grand Canyon

It is not hard to feel speechless when you see the beautiful Grand Canyon. It truly is mind-blowing nature at work. The Canyon, as it is now, took billions of years to form. 1.2 billion years to be exact. The rocks here are incredibly old and have formed with the Canyon naturally. Though in an odd way at times. An example of this is the Great Unconformity, where 250 million-year-old rocks lie back-to-back with rocks that are billions of years old. No one knows how they came to be connected like this.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via MTPokitz/Reddit]

White Elk

Elk are obviously beautiful animals and quite large too. It is very rare that a human can be around them at all without spooking them or potentially being attacked by one. That is why an image like this is so hard to get. Seeing more than White Elk in person during your lifetime is incredible. Seeing two is some sort of magic. Like the penguin, they are technically albino. The biggest population of albino elk is Sweden but they can be found in several areas all over the world. Especially in cold climates.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via DCGMechanics/Reddit]

A 1,400-Year-Old Ginkgo Tree

Ginkgo Trees are some of the most beautiful trees you’ll see in nature. Yet like many other trees, they can live quite a while when not affected by mankind. In spite of many still being around today, the tree has become endangered in recent years due to deforestation. This happens to be a version that has orange-yellow leaves. Others might be green. While native to China only, the Ginkgo has been planted elsewhere and lived for a while. This tree happens to be one of the oldest at 1,400 years of age. Mind-blowing nature like this makes you wonder…what has this tree seen in its life, especially in China?

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People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them

Mandarin Duck

You’ll be forgiven if you assume this bird is photoshopped or perhaps painted and not real. Yet we can confirm that this is, in fact, a very real bird that exists in nature. Called the Mandarin Duck, they are native to Russia, China, and Japan. Of course, the “mandarin” name makes many assume they are only in China. It just so happens to be that it was originally discovered in this sector. Mandarin Ducks are quite beautiful and they are just another example of mind-blowing nature in action.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Lafatlyf/Reddit]

Brown Trout Catches Dragonfly

For anyone to capture a brown trout jumping out of the water should already be commended. It’s not an easy thing to capture for sure. However, it appears the photographer caught the image at the perfect time. As you can see from the image, the trout actually caught a dragonfly that was just above the water. Many fish jump out to eat insects like this. One would assume insects would learn not to fly so closely over the water. Yet consistently, they are present only to be eaten.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Greatauror28/Reddit]

Camécuaro Lake In Mexico

One of the most mind-blowing nature experiences you can ever have will come at Camécuaro Lake in Mexico. It is absolutely beautiful and unlike most lakes that you’ve likely come across in your life. As you can see, it is filled with beautiful trees similar to what you might see in a swamp or pond. The lake is really large in length ultimately. You can relate it to something like the Amazon River, except it’s obviously a lake and does not have any major rapids or waterfalls to worry about. It can be a great place to camp out or navigate in a canoe.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Dasun0218/Reddit]

Spider Leg Close-Up

While we’re not exactly sure what type of spider this is, we can confirm it is a true spider leg. Some might even call it a “spider paw” since it is on the end. You can see how the hairs appear on the spider. These little hairs are the very thing that helps the spider stick to surfaces and climb them. It might even remind you of the look on Peter Parker’s hands in the original Spider-Man film. The premise of that is the same for spiders, the hairs are obviously very important.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Thiago T. Silva]

Frilled Coquette Hummingbird

The Frilled Coquette Hummingbird is absolutely beautiful and obviously quite colorful. It truly fits the region of the world it is native to, Brazil. You’ll often see them most in Rio de Janeiro. Unlike other bird species that travel around to different areas of South America, the Frilled Coquette refuses to do so. You can only see them in Brazil, which is really uncommon to see. Of course, it truly fits the environment there. This small bird is likely also safer in specific areas of Brazil versus other places.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via]

Karijini National Park in Western Australia

If you ever get a chance to visit Australia, you must check out the Karijini National Park. Located in the western section of Australia, you’ll be able to see some of the nation’s notable beauty. While there are some animals that frequent the area, it is usually considered safe for the whole family. If you want to see some mind-blowing nature, go further into the park and you’ll see this gorgeous waterfall. It is likely the most well-known part of Karijini, and commonly used for photographs.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Catlover906/Reddit]

Two Beautiful Black-And-White Colobus Monkeys

If you’ve never seen colobus monkeys, you can now say you have. They are actually part of the old world monkeys, which means they have been around for a VERY long time. The species is native to Africa and this specific version is black-and-white, which is also happens to be the name of the species as well. They are related to red colobus monkeys but are a little larger than them. Of course, this species is known for being in trees a lot and has a very long bushy tail it uses for hanging to catch prey or pick fruits/vegetables out of trees.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via JustSomeGuy_Idk/Reddit]

Harvest Mouse Inside Tulip

There have been stories for years stating that field mice crawl into flowers at times. However, no one really managed to capture it on film. Plus, even if you tried to do so, people will naturally scare them away Yet it appears that this photographer was able to get the image he or she wanted. Sometimes Harvest Mice will get into tulips and other flowers to eat pollen and might take a nap there. It is also likely they get inside flowers or other plants to take shelter from the rain. Talk about mind-blowing nature, right?

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Alessandra Parigi]

Dandelion On Fire

We’re not sure what it is about this image, but it’s oddly satisfying. We know, we know, it sounds like we’re stating that you should just burn random stuff. However, that is not the case. Rather, we just like the dandelion on fire. Interestingly, there was an online myth about dandelions and fire a while back. It was stated that if you light one on fire, the flame will be some sort of rainbow. However, that is not the case. If you burn a dandelion, the fire or flame will remain orange the entire time.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Jason Isden/Kennedy News]

Spider Web On Gemsbok Horns

Gemsboks are impressive creatures with horns that could impale pretty much anything they desire. That makes them dangerous to humans as well as potential predators. However, spiders likely did not get the message about the possible danger they could face. Of course, maybe they were allowed to stay as long as they paid rent. Either way, it was odd to see a Gemsbok with a full spider web between its horns. Keep in mind how still the Gemsbok had to be and how uninterrupted the spider was. That is mind-blowing nature in action if you ask us.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Dankwildlife/Reddit]

The Cape May Warbler

Many people have never seen a cape may warbler up-close, and there are possibly others who had no idea it even existed before reading this article too. Regardless of what side of the fence you’re on, it is clear that this bird is beautiful. Like this version, most of the species is yellow or yellow-brown/yellow-black. They are native to Canada, the United States, and several sections of Europe. At one point, this warbler was slightly endangered but it’s now making a big comeback.

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People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Toby Elliott]

Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall Volcano Eruption

Volcanoes erupt all over the world. They do not happen every single day. However, due to the large amount of them both above ground and in the sea, there are roughly 50 to 70 volcanic eruptions each year. That is around 1 to 2 eruptions per week on average. Iceland is known for its beautiful landscape as well as its volcanoes. This specific eruption took place in the city of Geldingadalur at the volcano dubbed Fagradalsfjall. It is located around 25 miles from the city of Reykjavík. The volcano erupted on March 19, 2021, and has still been emitted fresh lava as of this writing.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via NDB05_/Reddit]

Lightning In The Grand Canyon

Lightning strikes are not at all uncommon, but when you can catch an amazing strike on camera, it can be jaw-dropping. Such an image was captured a while back at the Grand Canyon when lightning struck inside. It was another example of mind-blowing nature at work. For some reason, lightning loves the Grand Canyon. Apparently, it strikes 25,000 times per year here, which is the most among America’s most-visited National Parks. It is said that lightning takes the easiest path to the ground, making large canyons like this a popular destination.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Meowroarhiss/Reddit]

Is This Fox Negotiating With His Mouse Landlord?

Sometimes, images can be captured at the perfect time. In this case, we can likely assume a fox was hunting for food and came across a little mouse that he made into his dinner. However, due to how it looks, the mouse seems to be showing no fear as he looks into the eyes of the fox. One can assume he was arguing with his mouse landlord about rent, perhaps stating that he gets paid around the first of the month and hopes that’ll be cool. Yet the mouse is not happy about the past-due rent.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via TheBoom1001/Reddit]

Cataguas Island In Brazil

If you’ve never been to Cataguas Island in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, we highly recommend it. As you can see, it is truly a small island that is known for its crystal clear waters. Trees on the island grow some of the most amazing tasting fruit that one could hope to consume too. Due to the popularity of the island, it is now often flooded by tourists to the area. Especially during warmer times of the year. In spite of this, Brazil has attempted to keep the island from being damaged by tourists thankfully.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via]

Schalow Turaco

The Schalow Turaco is a beautiful bird that is notable for its impressive appearance. It is especially beloved for its cool mohawk hairdo. This rocker bird is native to Zambia, Central Angola, Southern DRC, Southern Kenya, Western Tanzania, and Western Malawi. It is not hard to spot them when you get into these areas as they fly around the area quite frequently. However, due to their green coloring, they might be much harder to spot as you enter areas with more trees.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Liesandthetruth/Reddit]

Ever Seen A Baby Octopus?

It might seem really weird to look at, but you truly are looking at baby octopuses, or rather, octopi. They sort of look like they are in some sort of laboratory chamber being created. Yet these are essentially eggs that a female octopus will lay. She will then spend a lot of time weaving them all together in strands. It is likely to help take them wherever she needs to go. The mother will stand guard for months to make sure no predators try to take her eggs. Yet not all eggs laid by the mother will survive, so standing guard to protect the eggs can be a difficult job but only a few need to survive to keep the species alive.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via NASA]

New Zealand From Space

New Zealand is a great country that is sort of confusing in everything you can see. You can swim in the warm waters in one area while climbing mountains in cold weather on the other. It is like an entire world in a small, confined area. This image shows New Zealand from space in a low orbit sector. The world is turning where light is slowly hitting the country. It might not seem like it from this view, but the country is not exactly small. It consists of two large islands, the North & South. In total, New Zealand covers 103,500 square miles. Keep in mind, this means the entire nation horizontally and horizontally measured.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via DeauxDeaux/Reddit]

Baby Elephants Playing Tag

While human children love to play, baby animals love to do the same thing. It is not uncommon to see this type of thing among baby elephants in particular. Elephants are smart creatures and pick up on stuff pretty quickly, even at a young age. In this case, it is stated that the elephants were playing their form of tag. Is it possible that the elephants picked this up from other elephants or maybe from humans? It’s unknown, but this mind-blowing nature spectacle is still adorable nonetheless.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Monomotive/Reddit]

Patagonian Crater Agate

While normally, agates are pretty impressive things to come across, this agate from the Patagonia Crater is pretty awesome. It looks almost like a volcano inside of a rock. There have been more discovered in the Argentinian region where the crater is located. Many have been going through the area to see if they can find something similar to this. Agates like this are rare even though we’re used to seeing agates with a variety of colors inside. Nothing exactly like this had been seen before, however. Of course, that makes it special. Yet another example of mind-blowing nature providing something incredible.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Zezoro/Reddit]

Greater Blue-Eared Starling

If you have never seen a Greater Blue-Eared Starling before, chances are you’re not alone. They are not exactly abundant in nature. The species is native to South Africa and Angola and has been on the IUCN Endangered Species list in the past. In the areas listed, they are quite frequent. However, if you do not go there, you likely will not come across them. That makes it difficult for most to see them, as the tourism to Angola and South Africa is not exactly “high.” That said, this bird is quite beautiful with its blue appearance.

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People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Auxxit/Reddit]

Moon In The Canyon

Sometimes, images can be impressive and only help to highlight an area’s beauty. That was the case here, as the photographer captured an image of the moon through canyons. This was taken in a small slot within Cathedral Gorge Canyon, which is located in Lincoln County, Nevada. People can visit this same Canyon in the Cathedral Gorge State Park pretty much any time the park is open and check everything out for yourself. It is a wonderful area, but due to how easy it is to get lost here, try only going in groups.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Garrett Photography]

Alligator Looks Into Your Soul

Alligator eyes are never something you want to be staring at, especially if you’re in the water. They are incredibly dangerous creatures who have no problem going after prey a little larger than themselves. Many people confuse Crocodiles and Alligators, but one way to know what you’re dealing with is location. Alligators tend to be native to the United States, Mexico, and China. They tend to be freshwater creatures while Crocodiles, found in Asian and Australian regions, are usually saltwater creatures. The skin of both is rough to the touch and their teeth are as sharp as any knife.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Sarah Beekmans]

Bright Blue Japanese Pond

If you want to see some mind-blowing nature in action, check out this amazing pond in Japan. It is notable for having bright blue water. However, the big thing everyone tends to love checking out is the ice. It might be hard to notice, but this bright blue you’re seeing is actually ice on the pond and not the water. Yet the unfrozen portion of the water is still so bright blue that it bleeds through to give this beautiful appearance. It is called simply the Blue Pond Hokkaido, and you might know it best for being an Apple Macbook background these days.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Science Magazine]

The Haleakala Silversword

If you’re unfamiliar with the Haleakala Silversword plant, it grows a bit awkwardly. It’ll almost look like a cactus when completely grown. It gets the name “silversword” due to what it looks like when completely grown. It has an appearance to that of a sword and obviously, it has a silver tint to it. This plant is also only native to one place and truly won’t grow anywhere else on the planet. You can find it on the Hawaiian island of Maui at the tallest summit. You will not be able to see it grow elsewhere so be sure to take lots of pictures.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Klippensteinphoto/Reddit]

Amazing Heavenly Light At Jasper National Park

Jasper National Park is located in Alberta, Canada, and stretches across 11,000 kilometers or 6,835 miles. It’s the largest National Park in the Canadian Rockies too. That said, this is a large land that is absolutely beautiful and protected well by Canada. Yet someone up above may also be looking down to keep an eye on things. This amazing light was caught in an image showing a break in the clouds where the sun forced its way through. Mind-blowing nature moments like this aren’t easy to catch on camera, so we’re happy someone managed to do so.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Ryunysus/Reddit]

Amazing Image Of Hippos From Above

The Hippopotamus is one of the largest creatures we have on the planet. In spite of their size, they can move relatively quickly and do not mind hurting anyone that comes close. You ever wondered why you don’t hear as many stories about predatory cats like Lions attacking Hippos? It is likely because they know Hippos are incredibly territorial and can destroy pretty much any predator. Especially due to being surrounded by other Hippos a lot. In this image, you can see the amazing togetherness of this Hippo Tribe. The Hippos that mud bathe together, stay together, right?

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Ben Smegelsky/NASA]


NASA uses a “vehicle assembly building,” better known as a VAB, in multiple places for testing purposes. This particular VAB belongs to the John F. Kennedy Space Center. The image caught looks almost like a creepy painting or something from the Death Stranding video game. In actual truth, the VAB was caught in some early morning fog. One could likely not ask for fog at a better time, as mind-blowing nature was at work to help create the perfect photo opportunity.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via DisheveledTamarillo/Reddit]

Colony Of Ants Create A Living Bridge

This is truly mind-blowing nature at work. What you’re seeing may come across like potentially a rope hanging from the ceiling, but it’s not. This is literally a living rope or living bridge created by an ant colony. The ants form together and hold tight as they come together for this task. It appears that they wanted to create a better system to get from point A to point B. The reason they likely did not just walk across the ceiling is due to the fact that they likely might need to carry back things too heavy for them to do so. Therefore, their living bridge is the best concept to go with. It truly is impressive to see.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via 5thCharmer/Reddit]

Lightning Strikes While Volcano Erupts

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a volcano randomly erupted and lightning managed to strike down at the very same time? This image gives you that exactly, as a volcano erupted and lightning hit in the same spot. Science geeks will tell you that this specific type of eruption actually causes lightning to strike down. Yet non-science people will tell you it was the Nature Gods getting angry with us and showing off their power to keep us in line. You decide which is true. We kind of like the Nature God concept.

People Found the Most Mind-blowing Photos of Nature and Posted Them[Image via Myotheraccountplease/Reddit]

“The Lake Above The Sea”

One of the most amazing things you’ll ever see is certainly Lake Sørvágsvatn. Referred to by many as the “Lake above the Sea,” it actually is as described or assumed. This cliffside area happens to be part of the Faroe Island chain in Scotland. This specific area is on the island of Vágar. The island obviously has its own lake area, but due to being an island, it’s also in the middle of the ocean. This quite literally separates the Atlantic Ocean and Vágar Lake by the smallest of margins.

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