Unlocking the Mystery: Do Horoscopes Really Hold Truth?

Pet Yolo

If you are reading this article, you will have more reasons to believe that there is a science behind astrology. However, there is no constructive evidence behind what astrologers say about horoscopes and how the sun and moon signs influence the thoughts of humans. Today, astrology is one of those fields that attract people primarily because it helps in foretelling the future. It creates many expectations about future events in peoples’ lives. There is a lot you will hear about astrology and how it supports the thoughts and aspirations of individuals surrounding their future lives. Nevertheless, the most pertinent question is whether there is a science behind it. Are the perceptions about astrology based on science?

Astrology deals with the experiences of people. The original idea behind astrology is how stars and planets influence the lives of humans. Today, many people perceive astrology as nothing more than a source of recreation. Many people read their daily horoscope at the start of the day and forget it immediately.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkThere are more and more people turning to horoscopes to help them govern their lives. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Research and Decisions

Even though astrology provides ample scope for research, there is no scientific evidence to support any claims. Therefore, it should cause concern to those who base many of the significant decisions of their lives on astrology. For instance, people tend to choose their partners based on their astrological signs, and research needs to be done to examine whether there is a basis for this. Research reveals that the people who believe in astrology are still not aware of whether it is scientific or not. You will notice the disparity in opinion when interviewing people about astrology and how it affects their lives.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkHoroscopes and the zodiac have been around for a very long time, though different signs were used in different cultures. Photo Credit: Numerology Sign/Flickr

Based in Science

Astrology depends on heavenly bodies such as the planets, sun, moon, and solar system. All the planetary bodies and their functions can affect the events of the earth. Various expectations can arise through the ideas that are generated from astrology and while viewing it from a general mindset. However, there are a few people who believe in astrology not because it is scientifically tested, but because they are intrigued about the happenings of the future. A few interpretations of astrology are generic and not fitting enough to believe that there is a science behind it. On the whole, astrology is not scientific to the core. Only a few incidents that match astrological predictions are not good enough to understand whether there is any science working behind it.

Is there any scientific evidence that supports the findings of astrology? Some studies show the accuracy of birth charts, but a few similarities are not enough to show that it is, in fact, scientific. The community of people involved in astrological predictions is all about the astrologers who are present in every corner of the city and help people understand their future. However, the ideas they test may be right or wrong. Several astrologers move forward with their predictions and publish articles. However, none of their pieces is peer-reviewed, so it is hard to determine if there is a fully-supported community of astrologers on whom you can rely on knowing about the future.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkPeople have been using the stars to govern their lives for centuries, probably because they’re so fixed in the sky. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

History of Astrology

Generally, the credit for discovering astrology goes to the Babylonians as their astrological charts allowed them to find out how the rhythmic patterns of seasons and celestial occurrences affected the lives of individuals. From the earliest times when astrology was more relevant to reorganizing things amidst chaos, it went on to become prevalent in agriculture.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkMedieval stargazers. People have been fascinated by the stars and their possible influence over our lives, long before and after the time of Babylonian astrology. Photo Credit: Twitter

The generalized statements of astrologers do not impact the minds of people. Instead, they are confusing enough to misguide people and make them wonder how to go about doing things the right way. Anyone who is trying to make out what the future life holds can go to an astrologer. However, what they are going to do with the findings is a different question.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkThere are 12 main zodiac symbols, each with one of the four elements attached to them. Photo Credit: Baloncici/Shutterstock

Zodiac Signs

The zodiac signs, on the other hand, seem to have come from ancient Egypt and went to Babylon at a later point. According to the twelve constellations, the signs each acquired a different name. The following are a few names with which you may be familiar.

  • Water Signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer
  • Earth Signs: Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus
  • Fire Signs: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
  • Air Signs: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkRepresentable zodiac symbol with the four elements. Photo Credit: robin.ph/Shutterstock

These signs have prescribed houses that are, in turn, based on the daily rotation of the earth.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkEach zodiac is also represented by a different animal or person, referencing its constellation in the sky. Photo Credit: Pixabay


Most of us are familiar with the zodiac circle and the symbols surrounding the sun at the highest point of the circle. Your horoscope is based on the signs and their relative distance from the sun. Today, you have computer software to create your horoscope or birth chart.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkAstrology Zodiac Signs in Space. Photo Credit: Unimagic/Shutterstock

However, it is not the creation of the chart alone that facilitates your horoscope, but the interpretations you draw from it that help people know what they can expect in the future. All that the astrologers require are time and date of birth to tell you about future expectations.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkIf you know where to look, you can find your star sign in the night sky, providing you’re in the right hemisphere. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Star Signs

Everyone has a star sign. Irrespective of what you encounter in day-to-day life, you have a deep urge in your mind to know what lies in the future. It is this inherent wish to know everything that lets you decide that you need to go to an astrologer. You will come across several followers of astrology when you excavate the past. Some scientists are using cosmic rays to study its effects on the earth and the people around it. There is a varied range of perceptions about astrology, but none of them is related to the field.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkAstrological zodiac signs inside of horoscope circle. Photo Credit: Net Vector/Shutterstock

A few people dismiss astrology directly, but several others have a half-hearted opinion about it, and the rest do not know how to perceive the interpretations. With astrologers, you can expect to know the facts of life. You are what you are, and your destiny stands as it should be, but you are somehow very keen to know what happens in the future. A majority of people focus on the negative findings, but several things create an unknown fear in our minds.

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The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkMore companies are also developing horoscope apps so that people can have that comfort with them. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Modern Scenario

Astrology is one of the hottest topics today for millennials. Many people are cynical and unconvinced about the descriptions of the zodiac signs and how they impact life on the whole. You will find an amalgamation of metaphysics, astronomy, and philosophy as it guides people in their lives. The following are a few things you might not know about astrology and horoscopes.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually Work12 Signs of the Zodiac with elements of nature. Photo Credit: Stefan/Shutterstock

While astrology is not science in the real sense, there is a pragmatic approach to it since the time of the Babylonians. According to what it is today, people intend to get meaning and directions based on the findings of astrology and their horoscope. From the beginning of time, people have looked forward to stars to find guidance while traveling on ships. Apart from this, astrological charts have been used as calendars that were compiled as scientific facts long ago.

The twelve zodiac signs are associated with the elements of nature, including fire, water, earth, and air. While the water signs surround mysticism, fire signs are passionate. Similarly, the earth signs are modest, and the air signs are idealistic.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkMany people believe that our lives are governed by the positions of the planets and stars in the sky, each having their own gravitational pull on matters. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The Positions of Planets

The signs of horoscopes are also associated with the planets and their positions. According to mythology, each planet represents the Greek gods, and the sun and moon are part of the solar system. While Jupiter represents Pisces and Sagittarius, people with these zodiac signs also reveal some of the characteristics of the god Jupiter such as energy and optimism. Similarly, the planet Venus is the ruler of Libra and Taurus, and people have some of the traits of the god Venus, such as affection and romanticism. Besides this, human life also comes under the ruling of the outer and inner planets. While the outer planets include Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn, the inner planets include Venus, the moon, Mars, and Mercury.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkPositions and names of planets in the Solar System. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Astrology also relates to the birthplace of individuals and also states how the positioning of the sun, moon, and other planets can affect your life in terms of your birth. The planets may have been at a specific position at the time you were born. However, they keep on changing throughout the life of every individual and impact their future and personality. You can go through the visualized format of how the zodiac signs connect to your birth chart, along with the interpretations of experts about the position of the sun, moon, and other celestial bodies.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkIt can be challenging to prove that horoscopes are actually accurate, however, since they are usually pretty vague. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Summarizing The Findings

Astrology is considered one of the most complicated subjects for people, and astrologers are always researching when it comes to excavating the truth about horoscopes and astrology. Although people can hardly comprehend their birth chart themselves, astrologers help them in finding the relation between the elements.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkAnalyzing astrology symbols. Photo Credit: Golden Dayz/Shutterstock

These findings can be much deeper than a regular magazine horoscope that only has a sentence or two, and applies to every single person within that zodiac sign. Your horoscope is more complex than simply the month and day of your birth.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkThere is much more to horoscopes than being born during a particular month. Rising and falling planets during your birth date, many people believe, also play an influence on you as a person. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Unique Things About Horoscopes

Several people think that they have only a one-star sign. For example, you can be a Pisces or a Sagittarius, but the truth is that no one knows precisely what your signs are. Typically, your birth date and the planetary positions are not transparent or valid and rely on a few dates. You may feel satisfied after reading the horoscopes in the newspaper, but there is much more to it than mere interpretations. Usually, there are about thirty different preferences to consider for an astrological reading. If you find these preferences, two people who are born at the same time and date will also have different influences ruling their lives. Unfortunately, magazines and newspapers hardly consider these factors while laying out the star forecast every day.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkCloseup of full moon. Photo Credit: NASA

When you hear someone telling that Gemini or Leo is their star sign, you know that they are talking about the sun sign. However, did you know that the moon is another factor to influence the life of an individual? Therefore, you have the sun sign and the moon sign together, impacting your experience on the whole instead of individual interpretations based on only the sun sign. In other words, you should not read the sun signs alone to find out what is in store for you in a day or year.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkAlthough it can be fun to read your horoscope, they are mere predictions on things that could happen. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Does Astrological Prediction Work?

The question is whether to believe astrological predictions or not, and there are fascinating theories and perceptions behind this. Do not consider people who pose as astrologers as they may not have any knowledge that can be called scientific. Not many people are aware of whether astrology works or not, but they prefer to go with the flow primarily due to their unfamiliarity with this subject.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkMoon Cycle. Photo Credit: Unsplash

Just imagine people writing so many things about the complex nature of astrology without knowing the subject deeply. Astrology has no scientific premise, and the best definition of a horoscope is that the expectations generate around the general statements.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkFate is not something that can be easily calculated or determined. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Determining Fate

Astrology does not influence your fate in the real sense, but you can undoubtedly decide your fate. Nothing mentioned in your astrological chart is responsible for any disaster happening in your life. The quickest conclusion about astrology is that it is not science. Even though it comes to varied explanations when you study the functioning of the planets, only a few people can make out how it will change your life on the whole. The only thing people know about astrology and horoscopes is their birth signs. The placement of the sun, moon and other planets can change the implications of astrology.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkSolar system planet, comet, sun and star. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

At the basic level, horoscopes can provide information about the functioning of the planets, their current positions, and how they are likely to change your future. The tenets of astrology are massive, and the only thing the astrologers do is convert them into pieces of information, some of which might influence your future positively. At the same time, the rest can throw your life out of balance.

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The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkIt’s hard to say whether horoscopes are real or not, but people still enjoy reading them. Credit: Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

Things To Understand

The scientists you ask about astrology and horoscopes will never tell you that it works, and the staunch supporters of astrology will ask you to follow it in every step of life. You might be the one to face confusion in this issue. Whether to believe the interpretations of horoscopes or not is a thing you can hardly rely on. It is similar to the differences in thoughts that you encounter when it comes to listening to your mind and heart. Now whether to listen to your mind or heart depends on what you want to think or believe. Astrology is somewhat similar. While you come to know a lot about your personality traits, love life, relationships, and compatibility with other sun signs, you will never know.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkHoroscope, Astrology and Relationship. Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

Typically, it is your way of believing that our planetary positions affect life according to the area of celestial bodies. The first question that arises in your mind is whether the changing positions of heavenly bodies impact life, and the next thing to come to your mind is the impact of horoscopes. What happens when you come to know something positive or negative?

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkStars and planets are moving all the time, so there’s no exact science as to how they would influence our well-being. Photo Credit: NASA, ESA and AURA/Caltech

Positioning Of Celestial Bodies

When you are trying to excavate the science behind horoscopes, you may need to go through the position of the sun to the earth. Unfortunately, the changing pattern of the sun’s position can only cause changes in the seasons and not in the life of an individual. If you are not familiar, solar flares can result in electromagnetic changes resulting in differences in the position of satellites and other consequences.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkX Class Solar Flare Sends ‘Shockwaves’ on The Sun. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

On the other hand, the changing position of the moon can cause tides in the ocean to appear. If you are planning to venture out into the sea as it is your profession, you are likely to feel the effects of tidal changes. The sun is the primary source of energy for the earth. When you comprehend all these functions, you will quickly conclude how the cyclical pattern of weather changes.

There is no other premise that demonstrates the impact of celestial bodies on human beings except for the effect of weather on individuals. You have several scientists disapproving of the theory that astronomical bodies affect the lives of human beings.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkIt’s believed that gravity is one of the determining factors of what happens to us on any given day. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Know the Science

Ideally, the forces of nature include strong and weak nuclear force, gravity, and electromagnetism. When any object impacts an individual, it must come into contact with these forces. For instance, you suffer an injury due to a falling rock, which in turn acts under the influence of gravitational force. The power of natural forces is very high, and quite naturally, the effect is also massive.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkGravity Field bend spacetime relativity Earth Moon Planets. Photo Credit: Mopic/Shutterstock

However, the impact of the natural forces is applicable only up to a certain distance. Therefore, you may not feel the effect of gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear power beyond a particular range. Now how can planetary bodies cast an impact on the lives of individuals? Even if you consider the gravity of the planets to have a substantial effect, there is no reason for it to affect buying a home or winning money.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkSome people do find solace in horoscopes and believe in them with all their hearts. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Can Horoscopes Enlighten Your Mind?

You may have tried to interpret your feelings immediately after reading the horoscopes every morning. While the overall impression is casual, anything in the horoscope for which you have been waiting for a long time makes you happier than ever. In other words, the predictions of the horoscope create a psychological effect in your mind or déjà vu that you may find hard to explain. For instance, if you explain a magical consequence of an item to a group of people, you will find out that they can relate to your explanation much better than their perceptions. Most people will believe the magical effect of the item.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkWoman mindfulness philosophical and psychological theme. Photo Credit: Sylverarts Vectors/Shutterstock

A similar thing is possible when you discuss astrology and horoscopes. Most people are in awe of the relations between the celestial bodies, and this is enough for them to go through the horoscope predictions every morning, much akin to watching the weather forecast and deciding what clothes to wear.

Many people feel better when they follow the advice of the astrologer, and it is purely psychological and in no way related to the positioning of the celestial bodies. If you belong to this group, you are sure to come into the grip of astrology. Scientists will ask you to visit a doctor if you are unwell and losing your cheer instead of trying to cheer up your mind through the horoscopes you read every morning. As far as the scientific base of astrology is concerned, there is hardly anything to know about it.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkAstrology does offer comfort to those during stressful times because it provides them the means of changing their circumstances. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Stress And Astrology

People face stress every single day from needing a job or longing for a change in their career to hoping for a spouse or dealing with their children’s attitudes. Whether your stress comes from work, home, money, or some other trigger, you probably look for ways to cope with stress and alleviate it.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkSad young woman with worried stressed face expression. Photo Credit: Pathdoc/Shutterstock

Most people visit an astrologer during a time of stress and also when they face challenges. For many people, astrology provides comfort during their time of crisis as they come to know a lot about their life. Every human being tends to weave a complicated relationship from the incidents that occur in the past, present, and future.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkIt’s not very hard to start learning astrology, but it does take a while to understand all of its intricacies. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Learning Astrology

Today, many people are trying to learn astrology and understand what is behind the traits of their personality that develop over some time. If you are new to it, you can also start with your efforts now. However, you may find it a bit complex initially while trying to pour over the details of why people should believe in astrology and whether it works or not. Possibly, the personality traits that you develop may be the result of the month in which you are born. During a closed study, it was discovered that groups of people born in the same year and month could have similar characteristics.

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The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkWoman holding an astrology book. Photo Credit: Thanumporn Thongkongkaew/Shutterstock

The astrology columns in the newspapers and magazines have substantial followers. According to those columns, there is a close relationship between the movements of celestial bodies and the changes that take place on the earth. Quite naturally, people tend to establish a close connection between the zodiac signs and the planets.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkAlthough there is no proof to it, people still believe in astrology to this day to help them make sense of their place in the universe. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Do People Still Believe in Astrology?

Now the question is the number of people believing in astrology even though astrology is not always how you expect things to happen according to predictions. It cannot be said that the believers of astrology go deep into the projections and follow them diligently, and disbelievers may not pay attention to it at all. Even those who believe in astrology may not understand whether they should believe it or not.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkAstrology signs. Photo Credit: Flickr

You can go through the studies conducted to derive how many people consider their character descriptions a good fit, according to astrology. If you want to know why so many people love to follow astrology, you have to ask another question. Why do so many people believe in happenings that are beyond understanding? Many people view it as a kind of assistance or assurance about the future. Some people also feel that astrology can provide the best solutions during their time of need. The connection with the celestial bodies helps people to feel relieved, particularly in times of stress.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkDepending on your purpose for reading horoscopes, they can be beneficial for some people. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Can Astrology Assist People?

When viewed from an individual perspective, astrology works appropriately. Most of the people lining up to visit an astrologer feel happy and satisfied after a meeting. Even if they do not benefit from it directly, it is a pleasure to ponder over feelings of satisfaction. If you have a horoscope chart, you will enjoy a sense of personal satisfaction. Envision your encounter with an astrologer, and you will quickly realize how ardent you are to go for a repeat visit.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkAstrology Horoscope Stars Zodiac Signs. Photo Credit: Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock

Most people connect with the words of an astrologer and follow their advice to shape the future. In most cases, the astrologer explains the reasons for the mysticism surrounding the fate of people and its relation to the celestial bodies. Honestly speaking, the advice of the astrologer is similar to what no one can experience.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkLooking to the stars to help us out provides the feeling of being connected to the bigger things in the universe. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Connection With The Universe

Astrology and horoscopes allow people to establish a relationship with the future and the universe and trust the astrologer who may or may not know anything at all. Astrologers engage in nothing more than an analysis of human characteristics. What you can get from the astrologer is expertise in various aspects of the universe.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkCoffee cup with horoscope signs. Photo Credit: Alena A/Shutterstock

In reality, the birth chart and horoscope are nothing more than ways to deviate your attention from the realistic aspects of life. The psychic or the astrologer who talks to you about the uncertainty of the future knows nothing more than the zodiac signs.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkThere has been some debate on whether astrology is founded in science or not. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Science Or Not

Despite all the questions you are facing every day and the to and fro movement of your fate in every situation, you have to think correctly before believing the words of an astrologer. There is no scientific premise based on which you can find out the facts about astrology. There are no peer-review journals you can study if you want to know more about the cosmos and the study of planets.

You can come to know a lot about planets and the position of celestial bodies in scientific journals. Still, none of them will speak about their relationship to the occurrences on the earth, particularly those that affect the lives of human beings. The best thing is to think logically about the things that happen in the surroundings. Being a part of the entire universe, you are only likely to feel the impact of any occurrence, such as excessive snow and rain. Similarly, accidents taking place can happen at any moment. If you try to relate these incidents to the planetary positions, you will experience confusion.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkIt may be more satisfying for some people not to rely on horoscopes and just to keep a positive mindset. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Make Your Way and Harbor the Right Thoughts

Nothing on this earth will stay longer than usual, and you will get no more than you should. If you are trying to extract information from an astrologer based on your horoscope, you will come across some general findings, with the rest being purely inconclusive. Instead of believing a set of notions without any backup, you should try to think logically and follow realistic assumptions based on what you should and should not do.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkAstrology Horoscope signs. Photo Credit: Pixabay

According to ideas rooted in psychology, it is necessary to understand that a majority of astrological findings denote that people tend to believe in things they desire instead of what is real. Therefore, astrology is one way of deflecting you from realistic aspects. In other words, you have to follow the trail of logical thoughts so that no one can deter you from the truth, not even those charts that show nothing more than the typical findings.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkIn one respect, horoscopes keep your mind open to the possibilities of anything happening in your future so that you can be prepared. Photo Credit: Yassine Ennajmi/Shutterstock

Solid Proof

None of the astrological predictions is based on solid grounds, so you do not know whether to move ahead according to the advice you get from an astrologer. You are more likely to have ambiguous thoughts in your mind and face more failures than usual. Do not allow your confidence to go down unnecessarily just because an astrologer is making you think about topics with which you are not familiar. With billions of stars in the galaxy and the solar system, you have a lot to research and study rather than spend time on those aspects that facilitate foretelling in the future. Life will always present challenges and impediments.

The Idea Behind Horoscopes and If They Actually WorkCommon planets around the stars in the Milky Way. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

You have to walk past them or face them with courage and brevity instead of seeking help from those that can provide you no more than incredulous and doubtful advice. You can experience personal satisfaction initially if you are into horoscopes and astrology. Still, the feeling will hardly last longer and convince you about the things that are without scientific evidence. So, move ahead in life with occasional hindrances and feel the satisfaction within your heart.

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