10 Dog Breeds That Don’t Bark Much For A Peaceful Home

Creating a serene and tranquil home environment often begins with selecting the right canine companion. For those who treasure peace and quiet, the incessant barking of a dog might be a concern. Fortunately, not all breeds are naturally vocal. This guide explores ten dog breeds known for their quieter demeanor, offering the joy of canine companionship without the noise. Whether you’re in an apartment or simply seeking a quieter household, these breeds provide the perfect balance of affection and calm. Discover the ideal low-barking dog that harmonizes with your lifestyle, bringing joy and serenity under one roof.

Want a dog that won’t keep you up with constant barking? You’re in the right place! Many dogs are known for their chatty tendencies, but if you value peace, plenty of breeds keep their vocal cords in check. Whether you’re living in an apartment, want a calm companion, or prefer a more serene home environment, these dogs offer the perfect balance of personality without the noise.

From the stealthy Shiba Inu to the zen-like Borzoi, there’s a breed to suit every type of quiet home. These pups don’t need to bark every minute to get your attention—they’re the kind of companions that speak only when necessary, keeping your space peaceful while offering plenty of love and loyalty. Let’s dive into the top 10 quiet dog breeds that don’t bark much!

Top 10 Dog Breeds That Don’t Bark Much

1. Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inus are quiet, composed, and rarely one to make a fuss. These pups won’t fill your home with constant barking; instead, they save their vocal cords for when it really matters. You might hear a sharp, crystal-clear bark if they’re protecting their space, sending a warning, or—on rare occasions—bursting with excitement or annoyance.

But otherwise? Silence is their default setting.

Their calm and collected nature make them the perfect apartment dwellers. They’re not the type to bark at every squirrel or passing car. Think of these hunting dogs as the strong, silent type of the dog world, with a voice so distinctive and purposeful that you’ll know when they really mean business.

Living with a Shiba means enjoying the peace and quiet while still feeling secure. Perfect for anyone who values a serene home life!

2. Borzoi


If you’re dreaming of a dog that keeps the noise level low, the Borzoi might just be your ideal match. These elegant, affectionate pups are masters of calm and serenity—they won’t fill your days with endless barking or howling.

Instead, they save their voice for moments that truly matter, like sounding the alarm, expressing fear, or maybe giving you a polite “hello.” But for the most part, they’re the quiet companions you didn’t know you needed.

These barkless dogs are like the zen masters of the canine world—peaceful, composed, and refreshingly silent. They’re not the type to bark at the wind or howl at every passing squirrel. In fact, their low-key vibe makes them perfect for anyone who loves a dog with a dignified demeanor. PDSA says they prefer calmer households!

The Joy of Unique and Funniest Dog Barks-01

If you want a companion who stays cool, calm, and collected while still being loving and loyal, the Borzoi’s your dog. Your ears will thank you!

3. French Bulldog

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are the strong, silent types of the dog world—well, mostly silent. They’re not big on barking, which makes them absolute champs for apartment or condo living (and your neighbors will thank you for it). Sure, they’ll pipe up when they really need to, but for the most part, they prefer to communicate in their own unique, hilarious way.

Think snuffles, playful grunts, growly “talking,” and the occasional joyful yelp—it’s like they’ve invented their own language of cuteness.

Despite their perpetually serious expressions, these little charmers know how to show their happiness. When a Frenchie’s in a good mood, you’ll see it in their wiggly bottoms, those soulful puppy-dog eyes, and their relaxed, playful vibe. Sometimes, you might even catch them flashing their signature smile—yes, French Bulldogs can smile, and it’s absolutely heart-melting.

Want a pup who keeps the barking to a minimum but brings maximum personality, a Frenchie is your perfect match. Quiet, quirky, and endlessly lovable—these dogs bark only when absolutely necessary!

4. Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dogs are like the gentle giants of the canine world—calm, steady, and not ones to make a big fuss. Their barking is more of a “selective soundtrack” than a constant noise, so you won’t catch them barking their heads off without good reason. When they speak up, it’s usually to say a friendly hello, warn you of something unusual, or let their protective instincts shine. Occasionally, they might let out a happy bark just to show they’re having a good time.

These big, fluffy companions, as mentioned by VCA Animal Hospitals, prefer to keep things chill and save their vocal cords for meaningful moments. And while they’re not the type to bark their way through the day, they’ll always have your back if they sense something’s not quite right.

These quiet dogs are also great at picking up on vibes—if you’re relaxed, they’ll match your mood perfectly.

So, if you’re into dogs who’d rather snuggle than sound the alarm every five minutes, the Bernese Mountain Dog is your perfect low-barking, high-love buddy.

5. Saluki


Salukis are the picture of elegance and calm, and their quiet nature only adds to their charm. These dogs aren’t the type to start barking up a storm—they’re far too polite for that! You’ll rarely hear a peep out of a Saluki, whether it’s meeting strangers or hanging out at home. They’re chill to the core, not the bark-and-bounce type, and they’ll always keep the vibe relaxed.

Salukis aren’t guard dogs or watchdogs—they’re more of the “silent observer” type. If they do decide to use their voice, it’s probably because they’re bored, feeling spooked, or just trying to grab your attention in their own dignified way. Even then, it’s rare!

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For all their sleek, athletic looks, Salukis aren’t hyper maniacs; they’re all about conserving their energy for that one epic sprint. If you’re after a dog that’s quiet, composed, and easygoing, a Saluki is like the ultimate zen companion in canine form.

6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are the sweet, quiet souls of the dog world. These small dogs are not the type to bark just for the heck of it—these little charmers prefer to keep things calm and cozy. Sure, they’ll let you know if something’s up and there is a potential threat, but for the most part, they’re content to enjoy life without a lot of noise.

Unlike some of the more “chatty” toy breeds, like Chihuahuas, Shih Tzu, or Yorkies, Cavaliers tend to take the laid-back route. They’ll happily snuggle on the couch, keeping you company without turning your living room into a barking symphony. Of course, like any dog, they might speak up if they’re feeling bored, anxious, or unwell, but even then, they’re far from over-the-top.

If you’re looking for a pup that’s more about cuddles than chaos, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel might just be your perfect match. They’ll keep your home filled with love—not barking fits—and their mellow vibe makes them a joy to have around!

7. Akita


Akitas are the strong, silent type of the dog world—the kind of pup that saves their voice for when it truly matters. These majestic dogs aren’t into the whole barking-for-no-reason thing. Instead, they prefer to keep things calm and quiet unless there’s a real need to speak up. Got a stranger on your property? You’ll hear about it. But don’t expect any unnecessary yapping if it’s just the wind blowing or a squirrel minding its own business.

Nicknamed “The Silent Hunter,” Akitas have a fascinating history that backs up their quiet nature. Initially bred in Japan to hunt bears (yes, bears), these dogs learned to approach their prey stealthily, relying on their brains and bravery, not their bark. After all, good hunters don’t announce their arrival! That same cool-headed, low-noise approach has still stuck with the breed.

So, if you’re into a dog that exudes calm confidence and doesn’t feel the need to narrate every little thing, the Akita is your perfect match. They’re the ultimate guardians—always aware, always loyal, and always keeping the peace (literally and figuratively) in your home!

8. Scottish Deerhound

Scottish Deerhound

The Scottish Deerhound is the dog equivalent of the firm, silent type—quiet, polite, and incredibly chill. This breed isn’t known for barking at every passing leaf or random noise. Barking is so rare with these dogs that you might wonder if they even know how to do it! Their calm, easy-going nature makes them perfect for apartment living or anywhere that values a peaceful atmosphere. Dog Breeds says they come with a gentle spirit.

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This dog isn’t the type to raise a ruckus, even when they’re excited. Whether out for a run or snoozing on the couch, they’re more likely to give you a soft look than a loud bark. This breed is often reserved around strangers, preferring to observe rather than make a scene.

If you’re looking for a dog with a big bark to match their protective instincts, the Scottish Deerhound isn’t your go-to. But if you want a loyal, sweet companion with a calm demeanor and a love for good exercise (and long naps), they’re the perfect fit for your home!

9. Newfoundland


The Scottish Deerhound is the ultimate quiet giant—gentle, polite, and remarkably reserved. This laid-back pup doesn’t bark much, which is fantastic for anyone who enjoys a peaceful home. While his imposing size might make him look intimidating, don’t expect any noisy behavior or barking at strangers. He’s not a guard dog—more like a friendly giant who’d rather observe the world in silence than alert you to it.

In contrast, some Newfoundlands can be more vocal, especially when they want attention or feel their personal space is being encroached upon. These fluffy giants might bark when they’re after something—like a tasty treat or to claim that cozy spot on the couch! But as for the Deerhound? He’s much more likely to give you a gentle nudge than to bark for anything.

10. Basenji


Basenjis are the ultimate non-barkers! These quirky pups don’t bark like other dogs—no incessant yapping here. Instead, they’ve got a whole repertoire of unique sounds, from yodels to whines to growls, all thanks to their unique larynx built differently than most other breeds. Britannica says this dog has impressive poise!

When they get super excited, you might hear a bit of a “bark,” but it’s more of a soft, oddly charming sound that’s far from the usual loud boom you’d expect. So, if you’re after a dog who’s practically mute but still manages to express themselves in fun, vocal ways, the Basenji is your go-to!


If you’re after a peaceful, quiet companion, these low-barking dogs are perfect. Whether it’s their reserved nature, calm demeanor, or simply the fact that they don’t need to bark at every passing squirrel, these breeds will fill your life with love without the noise.

So, if you want a pup that’s more about cuddles than chaos, any of these breeds will bring you joy without the constant sound of barking in the background!

In conclusion, choosing a dog breed that naturally barks less can significantly contribute to maintaining a tranquil home environment. Breeds like the Basenji, French Bulldog, and Whippet are known for their quiet demeanor, making them ideal companions for those living in apartments or seeking a peaceful household. While all dogs have individual personalities and may bark from time to time, selecting from these quieter breeds can help ensure a harmonious coexistence with neighbors and family members, without compromising on companionship and affection. Prioritizing a breed’s natural behavior alongside your lifestyle needs can lead to a rewarding pet ownership experience.

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